Personal Narrative/ Descriptive Writing Rubric

Personal Narrative/ Descriptive Writing Rubric

Name: ________________________________

|CONTENT |Mastery /Extending |Proficient |Developing |Acquiring |

|Lead |Strong lead makes the reader want to find |Good lead but could be altered though the |Lead is unremarkable and needs some work |Lead is unimaginative or too obvious and needs|

| |out more |reader still wants to continue | |to be rewritten |

|Idea Development |Ideas flow smoothly from one idea to the |A few instances of clutter and/or not enough |Good ideas but at times overshadowed by too much |Is far too long/short and loses focus or is |

| |next |elaboration, but for the most part flows |and/or too simplistic writing making paper seem |boring because of overwriting and or no |

| | |evenly |choppy |elaboration |

|Organization |Has excellent structure and is well |Has structure and organization though lacks |Has some structure evident but at times is hard |Structure is greatly lacking, interfering with|

| |organized. Details have an ordering. |unity because of occasional confusing details|to follow or is not well organized |reader’s ability to understand piece |

|Word Choice |Author uses rich and sophisticated word |Author uses good word choice and some varied |Author has simplistic word choice and some words |Paper has too simplistic word choice and is |

| |choice and varied language throughout |wording |are at times repetitive |far too repetitive |

|Sensory Details |It is rich in sensory details and shows |Has some strong sensory details making it |Has too few sensory details or far too many so |Is lacking in sensory details and tells rather|

| |rather than tells creating a vivid picture |enjoyable to read but there may be too few or|the piece mainly tells rather than shows or use |than shows using empty words and too many |

| |without overloading the reader |not enough details, at times telling rather |clichés causing reader to lose interest |clichés |

| | |than showing | | |

|Closing |The final sentences clinch the piece well |The ending is good but does not fully clinch |The ending is too simple—it doesn’t fit the flow |There is no real ending leaving the reader |

| |leaving the reader completely satisfied |the paper, leaving the reader wanting more |of the story or contains weak language leaving |unsatisfied |

| | | |the reader confused | |

|Sentence Structure |Is well written using a variety of simple | Has a few sentence errors and/or is lacking |Is beginning to be difficult to understand as |It is difficult to read because of too |

| |and complex sentence structures and |in variety or complexity |there are many poorly constructed sentences or |simplistic sentence structure and/or many |

| |openers, creating a smooth rhythm to the | |fragments |fragments |

| |piece | | | |

|Paragraph Placement |Strong paragraph placement throughout |Paragraphs are generally appropriate |Paragraphs are only somewhat evident throughout |Paragraph placement is almost entirely or |

| |paper. |throughout but may be misplaced occasionally |paper, may not be accurate or meaningful. |lacking all together |

|Conventions— End Punctuation, |Paper is proofread well with only 1 or 2 |Paper has between 3 to 5 errors |Paper has between 6 to 8 errors as proofreading |Paper has more than 9 errors and shows little |

|Capitalization, commas |errors | |was not done well |to no evidence of proofreading |



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