Fictional Narrative or Personal Narrative Writing Rubric Name:

Fictional Story Rubric Name:

Writing Piece: Fictional Story

|Skill |Standard |4Exceeding (Above) Requirements |3 At Grade Level Expectations |2 Getting Close |1 Needs a lot of work |

| |I can organize my writing in a |*Lead catches the reader’s attention. The |*Makes reader want to read more. |*Is mildly interesting, but may need|*Doesn’t GRAB the reader’s attention.|

|Introduction/Lead |way that makes sense! |writer utilizes action, dialogue, and/or |Interesting starter. |a little more to attract reader’s |* Setting is unclear |

| | |setting to create the mood of the story in a |*Used one of the example ways to |attention. | |

| | |sophisticated way. |lead into a story. |* Setting is stated. | |

| | |* Setting is artfully woven and reinforced in|* Setting is established. | | |

| | |the story. | | | |

|Characters |I use words and descriptions |Characters are developed by weaving into the |Characters are developed by: |Characters are given: |Characters are given some personality|

| |that help my reader understand |story line: |* believable personality traits |* some personality traits through |traits. |

| |what I am writing about. |* believable personality traits through their|through their actions and words |their actions and words | |

| | |actions and words |* some of their hopes, motivation, |* limited hopes, motivation, |There is no evidence of hopes, |

| | |* their hopes, motivation, struggles and |struggles and desires |struggles and desires |motivation, struggles and desires. |

| | |desires |* having the characters show |Characters go through an unclear |Characters do not go through any |

| | |* their evolution throughout the story |significant change in the story |change in the story. |changes in the story. |

| |I use words and descriptions |* All important scenes show (not tell) the |*All important scenes include clear |*Some important scenes include clear|*Most important scenes do not have a |

|Scenes |that help my reader understand |setting and action in an interesting way |setting and action. |setting and action. |clear setting and action. |

| |what I am writing about. |using sensory details. |*Dialogue is used appropriately. |*Dialogue is sometimes used |*Limited or no dialogue. |

| | |*Dialogue is used skillfully. |* Scenes unfold the moment |appropriately. |* No transitions between scenes. |

| | |* Scenes naturally unfold the moment |step-by-step |* Scenes unfold step-by-step but | |

| | |step-by-step |* Scenes follow logical sequence. |there are gaps. | |

| | |* Scenes build to create the plot (beginning,|* Transitions between scenes are |* Transitions between scenes are | |

| | |middle, end w/ problem & solution) |smooth. |choppy. | |

| | |* Transitions between scenes are seamless. | | | |

|Ending |I can end my writing in a way |*Ending shows strong evidence of character’s |*Ending shows evidence of |*Ending shows some evidence of |*Ending does not show evidence of |

| |that wraps up the plot |evolution and answers all of the reader’s key|character’s evolution and answers |character’s evolution and answers a |characters evolution or answer the |

| |effectively! |questions. |the reader’s key questions. |few of the reader’s key questions. |reader’s key questions. |

| | |*Ending makes complete sense. |*Ending makes sense. |*Ending makes some sense. |*Ending comes out of nowhere. |

| | |*Ending is crafted in a way that ties | | |* Ending is very abrupt. |

| | |together the pieces in your plot line. | | | |

|Sentence Fluency |I can write sentences in many |*Sentences are creatively introduced and |*Sentences start in a variety of |*Sentences start in a few different |*Sentence beginnings and lengths are |

| |different styles. |constructed to flow smoothly with a wide |ways. |ways, but some words may be repeated|similar throughout piece. |

| | |variety of word choice and sentence length. |*Sentences vary in length throughout|several times. | |

| | | |pieces |*Sentence lengths are similar | |

| | | | |throughout piece. | |

|Word Choice |I use words and descriptions | | | | |

| |that help my reader understand | | | | |

| |what I am writing about. | | | | |

|Conventions: |Grammar and Mechanics. |* All sentences contain correct use of ALL |*All sentences use correct basic |*Most sentences use correct basic |*Basic punctuation and capitalization|

|Punctuation, |I use correct punctuation & |capitalization and punctuation. |capitalization and punctuation. |capitalization and punctuation. |is not used correctly. |

|capitalization, |capitalization |* Punctuation and line breaks for dialogue |*Punctuation and line breaks for |* Punctuation and line breaks for |*Punctuation and line breaks for |

| | |are used appropriately throughout the story. |dialogue are used appropriately most|dialogue are used appropriately some|dialogue are not used appropriately. |

| | | |of the time. |of the time. | |


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