Complete the months of the year word search and word …

|Classroom | |Create Flashcards for the new vocabulary and study|Play Allez à la Pêche (Go fish) with 1-2 other people |

|Vocabulary | |with them for at least 10 min: Get it signed by a | |

| |Complete the Classroom vocabulary Crossword &|teacher, parent, or guardian when completed: |Directions: All will start with 5 cards & the rest |

| |Wordsearch | |should be face down in the center of table. |

| | |__________________________ |Ask: Est-ce que tu as ____. |

| |OR |OR |Answer: Oui & give card and ask a 2nd question OR Non,|

| | | |allez à la Pêche! And pick up a card from the center. |

| |Draw a scene that includes at least 15 of the|Create memory clues for 10 of the new vocabulary |Winner: Person who makes the most matches at the end) |

| |vocabulary items. Label each vocabulary item.|words. You can use mnemonic devices, word | |

| | |associations, similar words in English and French,| |

| | |word families, etc… | |

|Adjective | | | |

|Placement | | | |

| | | | |

| |Add Adjectives to the scene you drew of |Draw a mind map of adjectives in particular |Play: Je vois quelque chose... for about 7-10 min(I |

| |classroom vocabulary for each of the |showing how words relate to each other the more |Spy Something) With a partner or a small group… You |

| |different items: IE… draw a small red clock |graphic you make your mind map the easier it will |may not use an adjective more than one time!! |

| |and label it- Une petite horloge rouge |be for you to remember the words | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Formal VS | | |Write a series of 2-3 letters/postcards/emails/ to a |

|Informal | | |pen pal in a different country that you have never |

|Greetings &| | |met. Pay close attention to formal/Informal language |

|Commands |Write at least 10 sentences using 12 of the |Create your own dialogue/ skit/comic strip using |use |

| |new vocabulary words/ expressions from the |at least 12 of the new words/ expressions |OR |

| |list |(You may work with a partner) |Write a series of IM or text conversations using at |

| | | |least 12 of the new words or expressions… You could do|

| | | |this back and forth with a partner OR with an |

| | | |imaginary person |

Classroom Objects:

un ordinateur- a computer

Une chemise- a folder

Un cahier- notebook

Un stylo- a pen

Un crayon- a pencil

Un classeur- a binder

une calculatrice- a calculator

des ciseaux- scissors

un livre- a book

une règle- a ruler

une porte- a door

un bureau- a desk

un tableau blanc- a white board

une fenêtre- a window

une carte de France- a map of France

un mur- a wall

un plafond- a ceiling

un plancher- a floor

un pupitre- a student desk

une plante- a plant

une horloge- a clock

Adjectives (Some Examples)

Beauty :

Beau/Belle- Handsome /Beautiful

Joli(e)- Pretty

Laid(e)- Ugly

Age :

Nouveau/Nouvelle- New

Vieux/Vieille- Old


Bon(ne)- good

Mauvaise- bad

Size :

Petit(e)- Little/short


Grand(e)- Large/tall

Colors :

Bleu, Vert, Rouge, Jaune, Orange, Noir, Gris, Brun, Rose

Personality :

Amusant- fun

Horrible- horrible

Difficile- difficult, Facile- easy

Sérieux (Sérieuse)- serious

Intelligent(e)- intelligent

Pessimiste- pessimistic, Optimiste- optimistic

Sympathique- Nice

Français, Américain

Travailleur (Travailleuse)- Hardworking

Musclé- Muscular

Paresseux (Paresseuse)- Lazy

Formal & Informal Greetings:

Bonjour- Hello/Good morning

Salut- Hello/Goodbye (Informal)

Au revoir- Goodbye

À bientôt, À tout à l'heure (See you soon)

À plus, À plus tard (See you later)

À demain (See you tomorrow)

À la prochaine (Until next time)

Je vous présente- let me introduce you to (Formal)

Je te présente- let me introduce you to (informal)

Comment vous appelez-vous? What is your name? (formal)

Je m'appelle... My name is

Enchanté(e)- Nice to meet you

C'est un plaisir- It's a pleasure

Comment allez-vous? How are you (formal)

Ça va ? How are you?

Tout va bien(?) All is going well(?)

Je vais bien- I am doing (going) well

Et vous? and you (formal)

Et Toi ? and you ? (informal)

(Très) Bien ; Comme ci, comme ça, pas mal, (Très) Mal

Quoi de neuf ? What’s up ? (Informal)

Rien- Nothing

Rien de nouveau- Nothing new

Pas grand-chose- not much

Formal (vous) Informal (tu) Commands

Fermez…! Ferme… ! Close

Ouvrez …! Ouvre… ! Open

Touchez… ! Touche… ! Touch

Indiquez… ! Indique…! Point to

Écrivez …! Écris …! Write

Écoutez…! Écoute … ! Listen

Levez-vous! Lève-toi! Get up

Asseyez-vous! Assieds-toi ! Sit down

Lisez… ! Lis …! Read…

Devinez… ! Devine… ! Guess

Parlez… ! Parle… ! Speak

Allumez… ! Allume… ! Turn on

Éteignez… ! Éteins… ! Turn Off

Regardez… ! Regarde… ! Watch/look


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