World History Test and Assignment Due Dates

LA Unit 2 Development of Language Test and Assignment Due Dates Week 5 15- 19 September 2014

|Name of the Assignment |Date Assigned |Date Due |Maximum Points |

| | | |Possible |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Vocabulary Sentences |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 | 15 points |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Worksheets Nouns |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 | 50 points (1/2 per|

|(Plural and Singular) | | |response) |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Vocabulary Word Find |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 |10 points |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Vocabulary Word |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 |15 points |

|Scramble | | | |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Week 4 Daily Bell |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 |40 points |

|Ringers | | | |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Week 4 Electronic |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 |10 points |

|Journal | | | |

|Unit 2 LA Language Development Week 5 Brainpop "Types |15 Sep 2014 |19 Sep 2014 |10 points |

|of Sentences" Homework | | | |

Students are expected each day to answer a bell ringer assignment while I take attendance and set up for the day’s lesson. These assignments are worth 2 points for each day for a total of 10 points each week.

Students are expected to submit a weekly electronic journal (one document most recent weekly journal entry on top) discussing what they learned that week and what and why they enjoyed it. This is not a list but a narrative in which the student expresses what they are interested in. Any assignment that is not written in paragraph format will have to redo the assignment.

Possible points to be earned this week is 150 points.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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