Cereal Box Book Report

Cereal Box Book Report

Marking Period (1) Book Report Assignment Details

Due Date__Friday, November_18th__

The following information must include in your report:

FRONT OF THE BOX: Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the front of your cereal box. (You will probably want to create the cover before gluing it on your box.) Include the name of the cereal and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sound s like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book. You may want to look at some real cereal boxes to get some ideas. Choose a shape for the cereal as well as colors and ingredients that all relate to the book. For example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of miniature lightning bolts.

RIGHT SIDE OF BOX: Make a list of ingredients that includes the story elements Characters and Setting. Under the heading “Ingredients,” list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Then describe the setting. You can use the template on the attached sheet or cover the side with white or light colored paper and do it in your own way. Just make sure you include the main character and the setting.

LEFT SIDE OF BOX: Write a summary that describes the main problem and the solution of the book.

BACK OF BOX: Design a game that is based on the story. It can be a puzzle, a word search, a word scramble, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a hidden picture illustration, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book.

TOP OF BOX: Include the title, author, number of pages, and number of stars you would give this book if you were a book critic 1-5 stars.

PRIZE: Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your prize must be something the main character could have used in the book or something that reminds you of the main character



Marking Period (3) Book Report Assignment Details

Due Date_Friday, _March 3rd _______________________________

The following information must include in your report:

Directions: Write a Song for your Book. Creating a song is a fun way for you to exhibit that you have read and understood the book. Your job is to finish your book, and write lyrics to the melody of a popular song. The lyrics should reference specific names and events from the book, or it can even be centered around a theme. Here are some steps:

1. Finish your book

2. Create a summary of it( 5-7 sentences)

3. Pick a song you currently enjoy

4. Copy/paste the original lyrics on the poster.

5. Then, change the lyrics to fit your novel and paste them on your poster

6. Make sure you type your the lyrics out

7. Put both lyrics on construction paper and be ready to present. The construction paper must be creative in the shape of a music note, I-POD, Radio, Microphone or anything else indicating it is a song.

Sample: Novel (Homecoming). Song Used: “California Gurls “

I know a place, 

where my Momma may be hiding! 

Far, really far

There must be a way can get there ! Sippin' McDonalds cokes

Laying underneath the park trees! 

The children hurt their feet, 

try’na keep up with me

You could travel the world, 

But nothin' comes close, 

To finding your Momma! 

Once you travel with u-us, 

you'll be fallin' in love! 

Oh oh oh ohhhhhhh! 

Tillerman children this trip is unforgettable, 

Maybeth silent, James shut up!

Stubborn Sammy, 

So annoying he’ll pop your head off,

Oh oh oh ohhhhhhh!


Marking Period (2 ) Book Report Assignment Details

Due Date_Friday, January 20th _______________________________

The following information must include in your report:

Directions: For each of the following you must make an appropriate shape that represents that element of your novel.  All writing must be in blue or black ink or typewritten.  You may use a larger font than 12.

Shape One:  Describe the main character. Include a descriptive and insightful explanation that is backed by an example in the book.

Shape Two:  Write a detailed paragraph summary of the book that highlights the beginning, middle and end of the novel.  Make sure to include the who, what, where, when, and  why of the story. (each paragraph will go on a separate shape hanging from shape 2).

Shape Three:  Describe the setting(s) on the front side of the shape.  On the back side of the shape, draw a picture that represents the main setting.

Shape Four:  Write your evaluation of the book and write whether you would you recommend it to a friend.  Give specific reasons for your opinion.

Constructing Your Mobile

1. Cut a piece of cardboard into a 12 X 18 rectangle.  This will be the top of the mobile so it must be sturdier than regular weight paper.  Holding the board horizontally, colorfully decorate both sides of the board with a border, the title , author, and your name.

2. Using heavy string or yarn, not thread, attach the four shapes to the bottom of the board through the four holes, allowing the shapes to hang about four inches below the board.  Thread another piece of string or yarn through the two holes at the top for a hanger.

3. Attach the three additional shapes that go with shape 2 to the bottom of that shape. 


Marking Period (4) Book Report Assignment Details

Due Date_Friday, June 8th______________________________

The following information must include in your report:

Each student is to select a book from one of the three genres: mystery, sci-fi or horror. You will choose a book you have not read in the past. The student will read the book and prepare a board game that relates to the book or your can create a power-point game (such as Jeopardy). Based on what you have read, you will identify the goals for their board game, select questions, create rules, and write directions on how to play the game. To make this really interesting, share your game boards/.power-points to have the opportunity to play the games that others have created. Be creative with the game and the game boards.

The game board must include the following:

Using a supplies around the house create a game board. Make sure you include your name, the book title, and the games title some where on the game board.

Create at least 25 questions and answers for your game that relate to the book that you read. The questions must be somehow incorporated into playing the game.

The format and purpose of your game must in some way relate to the book. Example: Game board is in the shape of a castle or the purpose is to escape the evil grandmother. Directions are created to explain how to play the game.

Design and create a container that will be used to store your game. Make sure you include your name, the book title, and the game title some where on the game container.



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