March,1985 the Fence VOL. 7 NO. 3

March, 1985


the Fen ce

VOL. 7 NO. 3


BULLErIN: KIRK BECKER, Member of the Green Bay Philatelic

Society has volunteered to take over as Editor of "Across the

Fence" starting with the May issue .

Mr . Becker wrote to me on February 13th to inquire about the

responsibil ities, number of hours spent in putting an issue together, getting it to the members, and any information I could

give him.

I answered his letter as best I could and didn't pull any

punches. I thought it best to divulge all now rather than leave

any surprises for later. I'm happy to announce that even after

receiving all the gruesome details, he still had the intestinal

fortitude to step forward into the fire.

On February 27th Mr. Becker replied to my letter and volunteered to be considered for Editor. He states that he has had some

experience producing school papers and yearbooks." " I think I'd

be able to meet the needs of the Federation as Editor of it ' s

newsletter." He goes on to say, "I'd appreciate it if you'd list

my name with the appropriate people as someone interested in applying

for your job as Editor." "I'm not sure I believe I just wrote that,

but there it is ." I liked Kirk's last statement I

Kirk ' s name will now be submitted to the Executive Board

for appointment to Editor of the Federation newsletter during the

Federation meeting at wausau. Barring any unforseen opposition,

Kirk Becker will then become the new Editor.

I am glad that someone finally came forward to keep bringing

a newsletter to all Wisconsin Federation members . It ' s always great

to get new blood and new ideas into any organization . Just as an

old year must make way for a new year, "old" editors must make way

for new ones. Change is a constant in all our lives and I look

forward to the changes that Mr . Becker will bring to the newsletter

and the Federation .


Badger Stamp Club is working with officials at Madison ' s Main

Post Office for a combined "Grand Opening Celebration New Philatelic Center and Junior Stamp Fair ." Publicity will be directed

toward all children in the Madison area and beginning adult

collectors ;

The program will include an abundance of philatelic games

and activities for children between the ages of 8 -14. rhe club

will also sponsor a Philatelic School and exhibits. Other plans

feature a postal station, tours of the Post Office facility and

a cake-cutting ceremony with the Mayor and Postmaster. Guidelines

for the fair follow those as outlined by Maryann Bowman (Naukesha

Philatelic Society) Ruth Bock (wauwatosa Philatelic Society) and APS .

rhe event will be held between l:00-4 : 00 p . m. on Saturday

afternoon May 4th at the Main Post Office, 3902 Milwaukee St .

Madison, wr.


Tile Editorship is nut the only area looking for "New Blood."

I received a letter from Chuck Rebek, Chairman of the Judging

Committee, with a request for more judges .

The WFSC needs some new blood in the area of judges since

our present core of judges numbers only 8 approved judges and

4 present apprentices .

fhe other area of concern is that all the judges are living

in the lower part of the state, and have .to travel long distances

to judge shows in the Northern coummunities.

We would like to start training some good people as

apprentices in the middle, northern, and northwestern part

of the state so that judges will be readily availabel and

at lower expense.

All that is needed is an individual who wants to learn

and who has won an award in WFSC state competition or higher .

I'd be happy to send out an application to any person who wants

to get their feet wet in an exciting offshoot of our hobby.

To receive an application write to: Charles J . Rebek,

C.L.U . , 6440 W. North Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI . 53212 or phone

(414) 771-9100 and ask him to send one to you.

Below is a list of present judges available .




Carl R. Skupski, ?JOO W. Dean Road, Milwaukee, WI . (414) 355-14JO

Wm. "Jim" Maher, 150 Terrace Lane, Hartland, WI. (414) 367- 2965

Daniel Rhoades, 1719 Manitowoc Ave . Milwaukee, WI. (414) 764- 3548

Ned Lawrence

Madison, WI.

Jack Green

Madison, WI. (608) 238-6268

Frank Jennick, P.O. Box 1197

Waukesha, WI. (414) 968-4523

Chuck Rebek, 6440 W. North Ave.

Wauwatosa, WI. (414) 771-9100

Erik Martini, P.O . Box 1266

Milwaukee, WI.

(608) 23J-4688



Frank Moertl, N95WJ2259 County Line Road, Hartland, WI. 53029

Ken Schmidt, 9224 W. Burleigh, Milwaukee, WI.

W.E. Claflin, 4275 N. 85th St., Milwaukee, WI .

(414) 447-6600

(414) 447-6600

Christopher W. Northwood, 2600 Church St., Stevens Point, WI. 54481

(715) 341-7131 (Res.)

(715) 344 - 8807 (office)


MADPEX 3 has had to reschedule their show due to a show being scheduled

in the Milwaukee area on the same date as the Madison show. It was

originally scheduled for October 26 & 27 and has been listed as such

for many months in the Stamp Show Calendar . The new dates are Nov.

2 & J . Many of the same dealers attend both shows. Because most would

rather go to the larger Milwaukee area show, Madison would be short

on dealers and the show would suffer.

As the newsletter goes to press, I have still not been informed by

any Milwaukee area club that they intend to hold a show on Oct. 26

& 27. Apparently the Stamp Show Calender means little!





You don't have

to get stuck on

23 .,_ 24



l o:oo- s:oo

Downtowner MoteL

321 South. Washw&ton


I found an euy way to remove stamps from


Cut or tear around the stamp lea vine a litUe


Green l3ay

extra paper. Fold a wet dish cloth several

limes, insert the stamp in the middle fold and

put ii into tbe microwave on high for a few



Phtlateltc Soctety

Remove it from the microwave and let it

stand a few more seconds. The stamp will

peel off aod even leavt: most of the &lue intacL

-A Fan

I lrlt ................

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