“YO” Project for Spanish Class

¿Cómo soy yo? Project for Spanish Class

(Due Date: TBD )

Objective: To create a written and visual description of myself and family members

• You may only use the vocabulary we have learned in class. You will be deducted points from your project if you are not present for all classmate presentations.

• It will be due on by the time class begins. No exceptions. Late presentations will be deducted by 20 points. There may be no English on this project (except brand names, towns, states). This is meant to be simplistic; this is what we have done so far. Use of an online translator is forbidden and against code of conduct/ethics.

• Complete this project on your one drive account and share me on the PowerPoint

o Put the title on first slide ¿Cómo soy yo? Put your name at the bottom. Ej: Por Señorita Middleton

Following items to include in your presentation.

o Your name. Your age using “tengo” in a sentence with the number written in Spanish. Tell when your birthday is in Spanish, writing the date in the proper way (look at how we say the date every day!!).

o Where you are from using “Soy de” in a sentence.

o A description of what you are like using “soy” and 3 adjectives in the correct form (masculine/feminine) to describe you. Physical and Personality characteristics Suggested images (3) for this are emoticons, clip art of funny or serious, etc.

o A description of what you are not like using “soy” and 3 adjectives in the correct form (masculine/feminine) to describe you. Suggested images (3) for this are emoticons, clip art of funny or serious, etc.

o Three slides of sentences describing what you like with pictures. Three slides of sentences you do not like with pictures.

o Three slides of 3 things that you like to do/ and do not like to do in a certain season using…..

En (el/la) (season),(no) me gusta + infinitive (activity) and accompanying visual images (3) that show or represent these likes

o Three slides describing different family members. Say their name, their relationship to you, three things they like to do/do not like to do/ three characteristics describing their physical appearance or personality trait

o Be creative and make it look nice. You may do more, do not do less!!

o Turn in a rubric with your name on it with your final project. (5 points)

Nombre: _______________________________________ Fecha: ___________________

Final Score: _________________________________

| |Excelente |Bien |Así-Así |¡Ay Caramba! |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Title |You have a title slide with the |You have a title slide |You have your name and |No title slide |

| |title and your name. The reader |with the title and your |title on the slide. The |You have written the title in |

| |may be interested because it looks|name. The reader may be|reader doesn’t really |English, in pencil and have made |

| |nice. Lots of color. Easy to read|interested because it |get interested. NO |little attempt to make it |

| |and see. |looks nice. Some color.|COLOR. |appealing to the reader. Your |

| | | | |name is not on it. |

|Spanish sentences |You have written all of your |You have written all the|You have words, not |You have written in Spanglish |

| |sentences in proper Spanish. You |sentences in Spanish, |sentences in Spanish. |(the dreaded combo of the 2 |

| |have used complete sentences. |but they are not correct|The words may not be |languages). |

| | |(misspellings, wrong |correct. You have used | |

| | |verbs, etc). |some English words. | |

|Verbs |You used the correct forms of your|You used the correct |You used the correct |You didn’t use verbs correctly at|

| |verbs 100% of the time |forms of the verbs most |forms of the verbs some |all. |

| | |of the time |of the time | |

|Vocabulary |You have the correct adjectives to|You have the correct |You have most of the |You have not looked up the proper|

| |describe you (masculine/feminine).|words, but they are not |right words. You may |words for your pictures. You |

| |You have looked up the correct |the correct form (m/f). |have the gender |have the wrong gender (masc/fem).|

| |words for your pictures. |You may have mislabeled |(masc/fem). | |

| | |some pictures. | | |

|Include all |You have all pieces of information|You have most of the |You have some pieces of |You have less than 4 pieces of |

|information | |pieces of information |information |required information |

|Images |You have all images for all of |You have most images |You have some images of |You have less than 4 images for |

| |your information |for your sentences |your sentences |your sentences. |

|Neatness & Creativity |You have made this nice to look at|You made it fairly nice |You have spent little |It is not neat. You did not make|

| |and easy to read. You used color.|to view. You spent some|time on this pr. & maybe|it unique to you and it looks |

| |You took your time. This really |time working on this |used some color. |slapped together. |

| |represents you. |presentation. Some |Neatness is | |

| | |color. A fair |questionable. Not a | |

| | |representation of you. |great statement of who | |

| | | |you are. | |

|On Time |Turned in on time |Turned in after class |Turned in w/o rubric |Turned in after class with or w/o|

| | | | |rubric |

|Speaking |Speaks clearly and distinctly all |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or can not be |

| |(100-95%)the time, and |distinctly all (100-95%)|distinctly most ( |understood OR mispronounces most |

| |mispronounces no words. |the time, but |94-85%) of the time. |words. |

| | |mispronounces a few |Mispronounces most | |

| | |words. |words. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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