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Arizona Amateur Hockey Association

Monthly Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 6:15 PM

Dial in: 800-820-4690

Code: 9999344 #

• Call to order

• Dial in to Conference call if needed

• On the phone, Rick Van Fleet, Dennis LeClair, Jim Davis, Camie McCracken, Linda Cummings.

• Establish a quorum (13)

• Jon Brooks, Mary Stewart, Mark DeRosa (with Rob Powell’s proxy), Jim Beyer (with Chuck Allen’s proxy), Geoff Pashkowski (with Randy Vance proxy), Janet Moodie, Gary Swanson, Geoff Lieberg, Scott Storkan, Donnalee Jerome, Robert Albury, Chris Kenney, Josh Brooks.

• Approval of the agenda

Motion made by Mary, seconded by Mark, Passed.

• Approval of the previous meeting minutes

Motion made by Mark, seconded by Janet, Passed.

• Need contact information for all new board members

Please send new or changes to Mshockeymail@

• Need contact information for all member associations

We need contact information to publish for all associations with the President information if different. Please check the web site and send updates and changes to MShockeymail@

• Treasurers Report - see new budget proposal

Motion made by Linda, seconded by Mark, Passed.

• Approve Budget for new year

Add $3,500.00 to My Team Cares and $4,000.00 to Growth & Development.

Motion made by Janet, seconded by Jim, Passed.

• Still need a secretary – any volunteers ???

• Old Business

➢ Review policy and bylaw changes which will be voted on at a future board meeting

➢ Review playdown schedule and final team list – set date for coaches meeting

Coaches & Managers meeting Jan. 31 @ 6:30 PM @ Ice Den. Posted schedule, fees, and rules to State web site.

➢ Review player development schedule and letter going out to all eligible players

Geoff and Jon are working on the letter for this year. We will send out by USA email data base and also by US mail. The Camp will be at the Ice Den this year and the cost will be $150.00. They will sign up on the new web site from Rockey Mtn. We are still looking for Coach’s to help with the camp. Dates and times are posted on the State web site.

• New business

➢ Update on any issues from the Rocky Mountain and USA Hockey Mid Winter Meetings

➢ Review plans for hockey weekend across America – February 15-17, 2008

• Friday - Wear Your Jersey to School Day

▪ Wear your favorite hockey jersey from any level (youth, high school, junior, college, pro).

• Conduct hockey programming in schools (floor hockey tournaments in gym, guest speaker at school assembly or in classroom, local hockey celebrity reading in schools, etc.).


Arizona Amateur Hockey Association

Monthly Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 6:15 PM

Dial in: 800-820-4690

Code: 9999344 #

Page 2

• Saturday Bring A Friend To The Rink Day

▪ Host open house to expose hockey to those who haven’t played (learn to skate program or similar).

▪ Bring a friend(s) to your game.

• Bring a friend(s) to a high school, junior, college or professional game who hasn’t ever had a chance to attend.

• Sunday Celebrate Local Hockey Heroes Day

• Honor your favorite coach, timekeeper, official, player, etc., through a special recognition event, by way of a media story or through a feature on your website (or all of the above!).

▪ Conduct a fund-raising event in which your local hockey heroes are honored.

▪ Host an open house at which some of your local hockey heroes address attendees and talk of the benefits of participating in hockey

Each association needs to submit their favorite coach, timekeeper, official, player, etc by Feb. 6 to post to our web site with a story and picture. Please send to MShockeymail@ and to Scott.Storkan@

➢ Review plans for our 30 minute participation in the USA Hockey Nationwide 24 hour game – March 1, 2008 at 6:30 AM

We will have two teams – Team Stars and Team Stripes which will be made up of lines from each age group.

➢ My Team Cares – Parent Educational Program

Both the Dallas Stars and the Colorado Avalanche are working with MY Team Cares. The Coyotes are putting up $3,500.00 and would like the State to match that for the cost of the program. They send out a parent education news letter twice a month, parents can sign up or we can also send out using the registrar’s data base. Would like to set something up so we can see if the parents watch the videos. The normal cost is $10,000.00 a year.

➢ Everyone needs to come back with one or two suggestions of what we would like from the Coyotes’.

• Reports

➢ Coaching Report

Level Four Sept. 19-21 in Arizona.

➢ Officiating Report

Two more Match Penalties came in, working with that association. Working on scheduling Officials for State Play downs. Working with Bob McMann on scheduling Officials for Girls and Women’s. Need to send to Rick and Mary a complete list of all Officials who are current for this year to match against who have been Background screened.

➢ Registrars Report

The unclaimed player list is down from last year. Will send the list out to the associations to see if we can’t get them claimed. Have meet with all Tier Teams and just need a few game count.

➢ State Player Development Committee

➢ State Play down Committee


Arizona Amateur Hockey Association

Monthly Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 6:15 PM

Dial in: 800-820-4690

Code: 9999344 #

Page 3

➢ ACE Program

➢ Background Check Process

We need to add some wording to our By Laws

➢ Recognition Committee

Rick needs to resend proposal and we can vote at next month’s meeting.

➢ By-law and Policy Review Committee

➢ Vice President’s Report

➢ President’s Report

➢ Chris Kenny USA Hockey Rocky Mtn District

This is a legislative year, not a rule change year. The Girls /Women’s want their own council. USA Winter Meeting Sunday Jan. 13,2008.

• Future State AAHA Board Meetings

➢ Monday, February 11, 2008 @ 6:30 PM @ Ice Den

➢ Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 6:30 PM @ Ice Den

➢ Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 6:30 PM

• Future State AAHA Events

➢ Arizona State Championship Play Downs on February 5-10, 2008

❖ DSCC Chandler – Tier 2 Bantam

❖ Arcadia – Tier 2 Pewee

❖ Ice Den – Tier 2 Midget U 16

❖ Oceanside – Tier 2 Midget U 18

❖ DSCC Peoria - Tier 1 – All divisions (no games needed)

➢ Hockey Weekend Across America – February 15-17, 2008 Events TBD

➢ 24 Hour Hockey Game – March 1, 2008 at 6:30 AM – 7:00 AM - Location TBD

➢ Arizona Player Development Camp at the Alltel Ice Den on April 8-13, 2008

• Future USA Hockey Events

➢ Rocky Mountain Mid Winter Meeting in Orlando on January 11, 2008

➢ USA Hockey Mid Winter Meeting in Orlando on January 12 – 13, 2008

➢ Mountain District Championships for Girls & Women’s on March 6-9, 2008 in Arizona

➢ Rocky Mountain District Championships for Tier 1 on March 13-16, 2008 in Colorado

➢ Rocky Mountain District Championships for Tier 2 Bantam & Midget U18 on March 13-16, 2008 in Oklahoma

➢ Rocky Mountain District Championships for Tier 2 Peewee & Midget U16 on March 13-16, 2008 in Utah

➢ Rocky Mountain District Championships for High School on March 28-30, 2008 in Texas

➢ USA Hockey National Championships on April 3-6, 2008

➢ Rocky Mountain Player Development Camp in Utah – Tentative April 30 to May 4, 2008

➢ Rocky Mountain Girls Recreational Tournament on March 28-30 in Idaho

• Adjourn

Motion made by Mary, seconded by Mark, Passed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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