


1220 S. Greensview Dr, Chula Vista, CA 91915

(619) 656-2030

Regular Meeting of the Olympic View School Site Council

Classroom 302

February 20, 2018

4:00 PM


Staff Voting Members: Noemi Hanono, Victoria Wiseman, Liz Gil, Pam Ambroseok,, Lisa Lines

Parent Voting Members: Maria Ortiz, Veronica Garcia, Mark Sheffield, Cristina Marquez, Angel Belmes,

LeKeisha Lopez-Lary

Alternates: Stephanie Dahlstrom (staff alternate), Rosanna Di Tucci (parent alternate)


1. Call to Order: We have quorum.

2. Roll Call for Membership (P-present or A-absent)

Lisa Lines-P, Noemi Hanono-A ,Victoria Wiseman-A , Angel Belmes-P , LeKeisha Lopez-Lary-P, Liz Gil-P ,

Pam Ambrose-P, Maria Ortiz-P, Veronica Garcia-P, Mark Sheffield-P, Cristina Marquez-P,

Stephanie Dahlstrom (staff alternate)-A, Rosanna Di Tucci-A (parent alternate)-A

3. Approval of Agenda Ambrose1st and Gil 2nd Vote: unanimous (Action Item)

4. Approval of Minutes of the January 23, 2018 Regular Meeting Ambrose1st and Lopez-Lary 2nd Vote: unanimous (Action Item)

5. Budget Update/LCAP- LCAP is how you choose to spend the money

29,600 Students (one of the largest districts)

District wide focus: to ensure that all students, including English Learners, Students with Disabilities, and designated target groups, show measurable growth, which will lead to reducing the achievement gap in literacy and mathematics. This will occur through the implementation of high impact lang. development strategist

LCAP is a 3year process

What is LCAP: local control funding formula (LCFF) money spent for each student

State Priorities: conditions of learning, pupil outcomes, and engagement

Look to Executive Summary 2018-19 (attached to the blog)

5 Goals and how the money is spent

School Board will vote in June collect input from teachers and parents

We are year 2of LCAP: RT program needs to change

Stakeholder Engagement: 3749 participants (need more participants)

Thought exchange: March 4th link will be live ends March 15th

Question asked: (Considering our current LCAP Goals, what are some things you think our schools are doing well and some things we can focus on in order to improve?)

Timeline for the LCAP questioner: Plan now until March 1, Live March 4-15, Discover March 18 onward

May LCAP public hearing and June CVESD board approval of LCAP

Main person to contact: Matthew R. Tessier, ED. D. assistant superintendent innovation and instruction Matthew.tessier@

619-425-9600 x1462 (Information Item)

6. Data Review (information item)

The guided visit Feb. 5th look for trends: Demographics and Cycle of Prof.

7. Leader In Me: (Look to packet) Ways to get the program: need some support from stake holders, OPTC is interested but can’t fund the whole thing, look for grants

Will have more info on LIM (Information Item)

YMCA fundraising $800 each school will have a movie night March 8th and Bookfair. Funds go to scholarships

8. Committee Reports OPTC bookfair Feb. 25th- March 1st Read Across OV

5th grade fundraiser at McDonalds Feb 27th from 5-8pm funds go to Riley’s farm buses(Information Item)

9. Items for Next Agenda 1-5 always stays the same, more info Leader in Me and Donation quarterly info (Information Item)

10. Oral Communications: (Information Item)

11. Adjournment: 5:25

The next regular meeting of the Olympic View School Site Council will be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2019

at 4 PM in Classroom 302.


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