Class C Drinking Water Practice Test, Categorized – Each ...

Class C Drinking Water Practice Test, Categorized – Each worth 1.333 ptsCorrosion Control_________ of 11 questions1. Aluminum, zinc and magnesium are often used as anodes to prevent corrosion to other metals. Where does aluminum, zinc and magnesium place in the galvanic series? A. As the least active metals B. As the noble metalsC. As the most active metals D. In the middle of the galvanic series2.In the corrosion cell, the anode is the A. negative poleB. positive pole C. medium pole D. north pole3.Metallic corrosion in potable water is always the result of A. a biochemical reaction B. a biological reaction C. a photosynthetic reactionD. an electrochemical reaction4.If the result of the Langelier Index test on water in a distribution system is positive, then which of the following statements is correct? A. The water in the distribution system is corrosive B. The water in the distribution system is scale formingC. The source water entering the conventional filter plant is aggressiveD. The well water will need ion exchange softening5.Special steel specimens called coupons are inserted into a water main. After several months, the specimens are removed from the main. All coupons have lost weight over the period of time. What does this indicate? A. The water is scale forming B. The water is stableC. The water is corrosive D. The water is supersaturated6.The location where metal is lost in a corrosion cell is called theA. anode B. cathode C. electrolyte D. dielectric7.The operator of the water system is experiencing an increased amount of water leaks in the system, and lab results for lead and copper show an increase in both over time. The operator suspects corrosion is taking place in the system. Which lab tests listed will help confirm that corrosion is taking place? A. Dissolved oxygen, TDS, temperature B. Temperature, pH, ammonia C. Dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, temperatureD. Dissolved oxygen, pH, coupon analysis8.The reaction of dissolved oxygen with ferrous ions is reduced during which condition? A. High pH valuesB. Low pH values C. Low flow velocity D. Low water temperatures9.What is the term for an insulator used to prevent corrosion by separating two dissimilar metals?A. dielectric B. sacrificial cathode C. sacrificial anode D. inhibitor10.Which chemical can be used to mask red water problems by bonding with iron, but could increase corrosion by reducing calcium carbonate scale forming ability? A. Sodium hypochlorite B. Hydrofluosalicic acidC. Sodium hexametaphosphate D. Zinc orthophosphate11.Which of the elements or compounds listed below is considered to be the most corrosive component of water chemistry? A. Lead B. Copper C. Carbon MonoxideD. Dissolved OxygenDisinfection and DBPs____________of 10 questions12. A dosage of three parts of chlorine to one part ammonia will form what compound?A. monochloramine B. dichloramine C. trichloramine D. nitrogen trichloride13.According to FAC Chapter 62-550, Table 3, Maximum Contaminant Levels for disinfection byproducts, what is the MCL for total trihalomethane (TTHM)? A. 0.006 mg/LB. 0.080 mg/L C. 0.1 mg/L D. 10 mg/L14.CT Values are calculated using what two pieces of data? A. Chlorine demand and contact timeB. Chlorine concentration after contact time and the total detention time C. Concentration of chlorine and temperature D. Chlorine demand and temperature15. If a victim of chlorine exposure has slight throat irritation, relief can be accomplished by drinking what? A. Orange juice B. Coffee C. WaterD. Milk16.The addition of sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite will have what effect on pH?A. Increase pH B. Reduce pH C. Will raise alkalinity, but not pH D. These chemicals have no effect on pH17.The chlorine residual is dropping in the system. The chlorine feed is NOT the problem, the one-ton chlorine container is full and the ejector is working properly. What is causing the low residual? A. Chlorine icing causing low feed rate B. Low vacuum in the feed water to the ejectorC. Hydrogen sulfide entering the system from the well D. The pH of the source water is too low18.To reach breakpoint, enough chlorine must be fed to overcome what? A. Chlorine dosageB. Chlorine demand and chloramines C. Chlorine dosage and chlorine residual D. Free chlorine and chlorine demand19.What is the normal pressure of chlorine gas in a 150 lb cylinder or one-ton container? 5-10 psi20-30 psi40-60 psiGreater than 150 psi20.Which condition causes increased formation of TTHMs? A. Low pHB. High pH C. Low Temperature D. High hardness21.Which of the following processes is effective in removing TTHMs after they have formed? A. Reverse osmosis B. Forward osmosisC. Aeration D. Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentationLime Soda Softening and Ion Exchange Softening__________ of 10 questions22.If there are more hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution than hydrogen ions (H+), the solution is: A. AcidicB. Basic C. Neutral D. Stable23.In the ion exchange process for hardness removal, which ions are being exchanged during the service phase? A. ammonia and ammonium are exchanged with chlorineB. calcium and magnesium are exchanged with sodium C. calcium and hydrogen are exchanged with chloride D. sodium and chloride are exchanged with calcium and nitrogen24.The addition of lime during the softening process will cause which reaction? A. Non-carbonate hardness will convert to non-carbonate alkalinity B. Magnesium carbonate will convert to magnesium bicarbonateC. Bicarbonate alkalinity will convert to carbonate alkalinity D. CO2 will form25.The finished water leaving the ion exchange unit is considered: A. StableB. Corrosive C. Supersaturated D. Scale forming26.The main reason for using soda ash in the softening process is to: A. Absorb CO2B. Remove non-carbonate hardness C. Adjust corrosion index to the scale-forming side D. Maintain proper sulfate to carbonate ratio27.The operator of the ion exchange water treatment plant notices that one of the ion exchange units has a finished water hardness of one grain. What should be done? A. Immediately begin brine, rinse and backwash procedures B. Immediately take the unit out of service and regenerate the activated carbon mediaC. Nothing. Monitor finished water and begin backwash when finished water grains increase over one GPG. D. Nothing. Monitor finished water and begin backwash when finished water grains increase over 20 GPG.28.Which of the following is present when the pH is over 8.3?A. Bicarbonate B. Carbon Dioxide C. Sulfur Dioxide D. Carbon Monoxide29.The operator finds that the hardness of the finished water of his lime softening treatment process is near the hardness of the raw water, and the process appears to have failed. What could be the problem with the lime softening process? A. Ca and Mg have gone back into solution due to an excessive dose of potassium permanganate in the source water B. Too high of a lime dose has caused the hardness leaving the process to be near zero, thereby consuming all the alkalinity needed for softeningC. Too high of a carbon dioxide dose reduced the pH too rapidly causing the Ca and Mg to dissolve back into solution D. Too low of a carbon dioxide dose increased the pH to the point where Ca and Mg cannot re-dissolve and precipitate out30.When there is no phenolphthalein (P) alkalinity present in the sample (P=0), then it is assumed A. there is carbonate and hydroxide alkalinity present B. there could be some carbon dioxide and hydroxide alkalinity present C. all the alkalinity is in the hydroxide formD. all the alkalinity is in the bicarbonate form31.The correct order of operation sequence of an ion exchange softener is: Service, brine, rinse, backwash Brine, backwash, rinse, service Service, brine, backwash, rinse Service, backwash, brine, rinseCoagulation / Flocculation_______ of 6 questions32.A cationic coagulant is A. Neutrally chargedB. Positively charged C. Negatively charged D. Not charged33.During walk through rounds of the treatment plant the operator notices very tiny alum flocs forming in the flocculation basins. This condition indicates:A. The chemical dosage is too low B. The chemical dosage is too high C. The chemical dose is just right D. The speed of the mixer is too low34.Jar test results indicate that about 80% of the floc has settled within one or two minutes after the mixing is stopped. What does this indicate? A. The coagulant dose is too low and should be increased B. The coagulant dose is at the optimum setting C. The coagulant dose is too high, and should be increasedD. The coagulant dose is too high and should be decreased35.The appearance of fine alum floc particles washing over the effluent weirs of the sedimentation basin could be an indication of what?A. The alum dosage is too high B. The alum dosage is too low C. The coagulant aid is being over-dosed D. The detention time is too long36.Turbulence in flocculation basins can be reduced by gradually reducing the speed of mixers in each succeeding basin. This is called: A. Short circuiting B. Flash mixingC. Tapered energy mixing D. Vertical mixing37.Which condition would require the mixing speed to be increased? A. Warm water temperaturesB. Low water temperatures C. High source water pH D. When floc breakup is observedFiltration________ of 8 questions38.As filtration rates increase to over 5 GPM/sq ft, the operator of the dual media filter notices increasing finished water turbidity and shortened filter runs due to shearing of the iron floc. What can be done to improve the poor filter performance? A. Reduce the iron salt dose B. Immediately increase the iron salt dose C. Increase the flocculator speedD. Add a polymer coagulant aid39.Lower uniformity coefficient values have what effect on filter media size?A. Media particle size becomes more uniform (closer to the same size) B. Media particle size becomes less uniform (greater variation in size) C. Effective size and specific gravity increases D. Effective size and specific gravity decreases40.Direct filtration can be used where the A. Finished water is low in turbidity, color, algae and coliforms B. Source water is low in mercury, color, hardness and Zika virusC. Source water is low in turbidity, color, algae and coliforms D. Source water is low in pH, alkalinity and hardness41.Mudball formation, filter media cracks or shrinkage are generally due to what condition? A. Poor media selection and specific gravityB. Poor media backwashing practices C. Long filter run times D. Underdosing coagulant chemicals42.What is an advantage of a dual media filter?A. Longer filter run times between backwashes B. Longer backwash cycles to properly clean media C. Less chance of mudballs in media D. Reduced time to reach maximum headloss43.What problem occurs when backwashing an air-bound filter? A. Dissolved air prevents the backwash water from flowing through the media B. Excessive filter cracking occurs C. Mudball formation is increased, making the filter unusableD. Media becomes suspended in the wash water and flows out of the filter44.When a filter is operated to a head loss that exceeds the head of water over the media:A. Dissolved air will be released causing air binding B. Air will become dissolved and pass through the filter, causing high NTU readings C. The media will not reset itself after backwashing D. The filtration rates will be improved, allowing longer filter run times45.Why does filtration typically follow PAC addition in a water treatment plant? A. Filters are necessary to provide the contact time for PAC to be effective.B. PAC creates turbidity which must be removed before distribution. C. Chlorine in the filters will deactivate the PAC. D. The PAC must be applied as “cap” on the filter media for it to be effective.Reverse Osmosis / Desalination________ of 4 questions46.The "Christmas Tree" layout used in RO membrane staging allows for A. Up to 50% recovery of feedwater as product water B. 100% recovery of feedwater as concentrateC. 85% recovery of feedwater as product water D. Highest flux rate possible47.The application of sodium hexametaphosphate to the feedwater of an RO membrane helps to A. Decrease the precipitation of organic matter on the membrane B. Increase the amount of flux rateC. Decrease the amount of calcium sulfate precipitation on the membrane D. Decrease the temperature and pH, allowing higher flux rates48.The increasing tendency for precipitation of sparingly soluble salts and deposition of particulate matter on the membrane surface is called A. CompactionB. Concentration polarization C. Hydrolysis D. Demineralization49.Why are acids commonly fed into the feedwater of an RO unit? A. To increase alkalinityB. To protect membranes from damage by hydrolysis C. To protect membranes from damage by chlorine D. To decrease dissolved solidsLaboratory and Sampling________ of 5 questions50.An instrument used to measure the color intensity of a chemical solution is called? A. An amperometric titratorB. A spectrophotometer C. A buret D. An atomic absorption analyzer51.The main instrument used in the Threshold Odor Number analysis is? A. A mass spectrophotometerB. The human nose C. A turbidimeter D. A pH meter52.What is the antidote for all acid spills? A. FlushingB. OxidationC. Chelation D. Neutralization 53.Why is sodium thiosulfate added to sample bottles or sample bags used for total coliform testing? A. Sodium thiosulfate increases chlorine efficiency in the absence of air B. Sodium thiosulfate neutralizes only chloramine residualC. Sodium thiosulfate neutralizes all chlorine residual present D. Sodium thiosulfate is a method of pretreatment for coliform group bacteria54.An acidic reagent must be prepared in the lab. What is the correct procedure to make a dilution of concentrated sulfuric acid? Pour the dilution water into the bottle of concentrated sulfuric acidSlowly add the required amount of acid into the dilution water, inside a lab fume hoodRapidly mix equal parts of acid and water together, with glassware submerged in a water bathSlowly add the water to the acid using class A glassware only and inside a lab fume hoodFDEP Rules and MCLs________ of 5 questions55.According to FAC Chapter 62-550, Table 1, Maximum Contaminant Levels for Inorganic Compounds, what is the MCL for nitrate? A. 0.2 mg/L B. 4.0 mg/LC. 10 mg/L D. 15 mg/L56.According to FAC Chapter 62-550, Table 6, Secondary Drinking Water Standards, what is the MCL for color? A. 0.2 color units B. 4.0 color units C. 10 color unitsD. 15 color units57.According to FAC Chapter 62-550, Table 6, Secondary Drinking Water Standards, what is the MCL for iron (Fe)? A. 0.080 mg/L B. 0.2 mg/LC. 0.3 mg/L D. 0.6 mg/L58.According to FDEP Chapter 62-602 FAC, an operator could have his/her license permanently revoked for doing what?A. Falsified or misrepresented reports, logs or lab sheets B. Cheating on an exam C. Incompetence in operation of a water treatment plant D. Submitting false data on license application59.According to FAC Chapter 62-550, Table 6, Secondary Drinking Water Standards, what is the MCL for chlorides? 2 mg/L 10 mg/L 250 mg/L 500 mg/LDrinking Water Math__________ of 10 questions60.An ion exchange softener contains 50 cubic feet of resin with a hardness removal capacity of 20,000 grains/cu ft of resin. The water to be treated has a hardness of 300 mg/L as CaCO3. How many gallons of water can be treated before the softener needs to be regenerated? Select the closest answer.A. 57,140 gallons B. 1,000,000 gallons C. 33,330 gallons D. 570,450 gallons61.Calculate the detention time in hours of the sedimentation tank with a volume of 60,000 cubic feet. The flow rate into the tank is 3.0 MGD. Select the closest answer. A. 0.5 hours B. 1.5 hours C. 2.5 hoursD. 3.6 hours62.The operator of the reservoir must treat the water for an algae bloom. From the data given below, calculate the pounds of dry copper sulfate (CuSO4) needed to treat the reservoir. Required dosage of CuSO4:25 mg/LWater volume treated:75 MGWater pH:7.8A. 1,875 lbs.B. 2,005 lbs. C. 9,024 lbs.D. 15,638 lbs.63.Calculate the percent recovery of the reverse osmosis unit if the feed flow is 5.88 MGD and the product flow is 5.0 MGD? Select the closest answer. A. 11.7 % B. 82%C. 85% D. 88%64.Calculate the required bypass flow rate in gallons per day, for the ion exchange treatment plant if the desired hardness is 70 mg/L as CaCO3, the raw water has a hardness of 187 mg/L as CaCO3 and the total flow through the plant is 3.5 MGD? Choose the closest answer. A. 1.31 gpd B. 250,000 gpdC. 1,300,000 gpd D. 4,095,000 gpd65.What is the volume, in cubic feet, of the ground storage tank designed to hold 1.75 MG? A. 2,339 cubic feetB. 209,800 cubic feetC. 233,957 cubic feet D. 13,090,000 cubic feet66.How many milligrams per liter of hardness are there if the water contains 14 grains of hardness? A. 0.8 mg/L B. 1.2 mg/L C. 24 mg/LD. 239 mg/L67.What is the pHs if the Langelier Index is 0.42 and the initial pH is 7.7? A. 8.12B. 7.28 C. 3.24 D. 7.6668.Convert a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius A. 122 degrees CB. 100 degrees C C. 5.8 degrees C D. 20 degrees C69.What is the required dosage of soda ash, in mg/L to remove 48 mg/L of non-carbonate hardness?A. 51 mg/L B. 45 mg/L C. 95 mg/L D. 74 mg/LSafety________ of 3 questions70.A fire has started in the electrical MCC room in one of the control panels. Which fire extinguisher should NOT be used to fight the fire? A. Halon B. CO2 C. Dry chemicalD. Pressurized water71.What are some of the first signs of inhalation of hydrofluosilicic acid as a dry chemical? A. Vomiting, nausea B. Vomiting, diarrheaC. Irritation of nose and throat, nosebleed D. Irritation of skin, itching and hives72.Frost appears on the valves and flexible supply lines of the gas chlorine feed system. This is a dangerous situation because:Internal chlorine ice may reliquify inside the supply line, evaporate to gas, and harm the operator as the pressurized chlorine gas and liquid escape a disconnected supply line.Liquid chlorine is forming ice outside the supply line which will clog the chlorine ejector venturi causing an over-pressure situation.The chlorine feed is decreasing and harmful bacteria and viruses are entering the raw water source, causing an out of compliance situation.The pressure inside the chlorine container will rapidly increase causing the CPRV to open fully and release the contents of the chlorine container to the atmosphere.Water Treatment Methods __________ of 3 questionsThe groundwater source is high in hydrogen sulfide, iron and manganese. Which water treatment methods and operation sequence will be effective to remove these contaminants?Ion exchange, followed by aeration then disinfectionDisinfection, greensand filtration, then aerationOzone addition, aeration, then disinfectionChemical oxidation followed by greensand filtration, then disinfectionA brackish water source has high amounts of chloride, TDS, organic acids, turbidity, color and bacteria. Which treatment methods would be effective to treat this water?Flash mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, reverse osmosis, pH adjustment, disinfectionLime / soda softening, direct filtration, microfiltration, disinfectionPre-chlorination, reverse osmosis, aeration, greensand filtration, ion exchange, disinfectionPAC addition, reverse osmosis, greensand filtration, disinfectionA groundwater well is producing water with the following lab results:Dissolved iron, Fe:0.01 mg/LHydrogen sulfide, H2S:0.05 mg/LpH:7.85Temperature, oC19.5Total alkalinity, CaCO3:145 mg/LTotal hardness, CaCO3:108 mg/LTrue color, units:2.5 CUManganese, Mn0.004 mg/LNitrate, N:0.06 mg/LTurbidity, NTU:0.35Bacteriological, CFU:Non detectWhich treatment method(s) should be used for this water source?Lime/soda softening, direct filtration, microfiltration, disinfectionExcess lime addition softening, soda ash addition, disinfectionSpecific ion exchange for nitrate removal, greensand filtration disinfectionDisinfection only ................

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