Python 3 string join format


Python 3 string join format

It is even simpler than format(). However, since join() internally converts a generator into a list, there is no advantage to using generator expressions. String Methods This article describes how to concatenate strings in Python. See the following article for details on list comprehensions and generator expressions. s = 'aaa''bbb''ccc' print(s) # aaabbbccc If there are multiple spaces or newlines with backslash \ (considered as continuation lines) between the strings, they are concatenated as well. String Methods Join all items in a tuple into a string, using a hash character as separator: myTuple = ("John", "Peter", "Vicky")x = "#".join(myTuple) print(x) Try it Yourself ? Definition and Usage The join() method takes all items in an iterable and joins them into one string. Syntax Parameter Values Parameter Description iterable Required. Use split() to split a string separated by a specific delimiter and get it as a list. s1 = 'aaa' s2 = 'bbb' i = 100 f = 0.25 # s = s1 + i # TypeError: must be str, not int If you want to concatenate a number, such as an integer int or a floating point float, with a string, convert the number to a string with str() and then use the + operator or += operator. s = '-'.join([str(n) for n in l]) print(s) # 0-1-2 It can be written as a generator expression, which is a generator version of list comprehensions. Split strings in Python (delimiter, line break, regex, etc.) Concatenate a list of numbers into one string: join(), str() If you set a non-string list to join(), an error will occur. This is simpler than using the + operator. A string must be specified as the separator. s = s1 + '_' + str(i) + '_' + s2 + '_' + str(f) print(s) # aaa_100_bbb_0.25 Use the format() function or the string method format() if you want to convert the number format, such as zero padding or decimal places. l = [0, 1, 2] # s = '-'.join(l) # TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found If you want to concatenate a list of numbers into a single string, apply the str() function to each element in the list comprehension to convert numbers to strings, then concatenate them with join(). See the following article for details. s = '{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(s1, i, s2, f) print(s) # aaa_100_bbb_0.25 In Python 3.6 and later, you can also use a formatted string literal (f-string). s = 'aaa' + 'bbb' + 'ccc' print(s) # aaabbbccc s1 = 'aaa' s2 = 'bbb' s3 = 'ccc' s = s1 + s2 + s3 print(s) # aaabbbccc s = s1 + s2 + s3 + 'ddd' print(s) # aaabbbcccddd += operator The in-place operator += can also be used. s = 'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc' print(s) # aaabbbccc s = 'aaa'\ 'bbb'\ 'ccc' print(s) # aaabbbccc By using this, you can write long strings on multiple lines in the code. # s = s1 s2 s3 # SyntaxError: invalid syntax Concatenate strings and numbers: +, += operator, str(), format(), f-string Different types of + operations raise an error. s = '-'.join((str(n) for n in l)) print(s) # 0-1-2 s = '-'.join(str(n) for n in l) print(s) # 0-1-2 In general, generator expressions have an advantage that the memory usage is reduced as compared with the list comprehension. s1 += s2 print(s1) # aaabbb If you want to add a string to the end of a string variable, use the += operator. The string on the right is concatenated after the string variable on the left. s = 'aaa' s += 'xxx' print(s) # aaaxxx Concatenate by writing string literals consecutively If you write string literals consecutively, they are concatenated. List comprehensions in Python Generator expressions are enclosed in parentheses (), but you can omit () if the generator expression is the only argument of a function or method. Write a long string into multiple lines of code in Python You can't do this for string variables. string - Format Specification Mini-Language -- Python 3.8.1 documentation s = s1 + '_' + format(i, '05') + '_' + s2 + '_' + format(f, '.5f') print(s) # aaa_00100_bbb_0.25000 s = '{}_{:05}_{}_{:.5f}'.format(s1, i, s2, f) print(s) # aaa_00100_bbb_0.25000 Of course, it is also possible to embed the value of a variable directly in a string without specifying the format. Concatenate multiple strings: +, += operator Concatenate strings and numbers: +, += operator, str(), format(), f-string Concatenate a list of strings into one string: join() Concatenate a list of numbers into one string: join(), str() Concatenate multiple strings: +, += operator + operator You can concatenate string literals ('...' or "...") and string variables with the + operator. Any iterable object where all the returned values are strings More Examples Join all items in a dictionary into a string, using a the word "TEST" as separator: myDict = {"name": "John", "country": "Norway"}mySeparator = "TEST"x = mySeparator.join(myDict)print(x) Try it Yourself ? Note: When using a dictionary as an iterable, the returned values are the keys, not the values. s = f'{s1}_{i:05}_{s2}_{f:.5f}' print(s) # aaa_00100_bbb_0.25000 s = f'{s1}_{i}_{s2}_{f}' print(s) # aaa_100_bbb_0.25 Concatenate a list of strings into one string: join() The string method join() can be used to concatenate a list of strings into a single string. If you use an empty string '', [List of strings] is simply concatenated, and if you use a comma ,, it makes a comma-delimited string. l = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'] s = ''.join(l) print(s) # aaabbbccc s = ','.join(l) print(s) # aaa,bbb,ccc s = '-'.join(l) print(s) # aaa-bbb-ccc s = ''.join(l) print(s) # aaa # bbb # ccc Note that only an example of a list has been described here, but other iterable objects such as tuples can be similarly specified as arguments of join(). If a newline character is used, a newline will be inserted for each string. Built-in Types - str join() -- Python 3.8.1 documentation Write as follows: 'String to insert'.join([List of strings]) Call join() method from 'String to insert' and pass [List of strings].

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