Python list to string join with newline


Python list to string join with newline

Joins all items in an iterable into a single stringUsageThe join() method joins all items in an iterable into a single string. Call this method on a string you want to use as a delimiter like comma, space etc.If there are any non-string values in iterable, a TypeError will be raised.Syntaxstring.join(iterable)Python string join() method parametersiterableRequiredAny iterable (like list, tuple, dictionary etc.) whose items are stringsReturn ValueThe method returns the string obtained by concatenating the items of an iterable.Basic Examples# Join all items in a list with comma L = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] x = ','.join(L) print(x) # Prints red,green,blue# Join list items with space L = ['The', 'World', 'is', 'Beautiful'] x = ' '.join(L) print(x) # Prints The World is Beautiful# Join list items with newline L = ['First Line', 'Second Line'] x = ''.join(L) print(x) # First Line # Second LineA delimiter can contain multiple characters.L = ['the beginning', 'the end', 'the beginning'] x = ' is '.join(L) print(x) # Prints the beginning is the end is the beginningjoin() on Iterable of Size 1join() method is smart enough to insert the delimiter in between the strings rather than just adding at the end of every string. So, if you pass an iterable of size 1, you won't see the delimiter.L = ['red'] x = ','.join(L) print(x) # Prints redJoin a List of IntegersIf there are any non-string values in iterable, a TypeError will be raised.L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] x = ','.join(L) print(x) # Triggers TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int foundTo avoid such exception, you need to convert each item in a list to string. The list comprehension makes this especially convenient.L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] x = ','.join(str(val) for val in L) print(x) # Prints 1,2,3,4,5,6join() on DictionaryWhen you use a dictionary as an iterable, all dictionary keys are joined by default.L = {'name':'Bob', 'city':'seattle'} x = ','.join(L) print(x) # Prints city,nameTo join all values, call values() method on dictionary and pass it as an iterable.L = {'name':'Bob', 'city':'seattle'} x = ','.join(L.values()) print(x) # Prints seattle,BobTo join all keys and values, use join() method with list comprehension.L = {'name':'Bob', 'city':'seattle'} x = ','.join('='.join((key,val)) for (key,val) in L.items()) print(x) # Prints city=seattle,name=Bobjoin() vs Concatenation operator +Concatenation operator + is perfectly fine solution to join two strings. But if you need to join more strings, it is convenient to use join() method.# concatenation operator x = 'aaa' + 'bbb' print(x) # Prints aaabbb # join() method x = ''.join(['aaa','bbb']) print(x) # Prints aaabbb In this tutorial, we'll look at how to convert a python list to a string. How to convert a python list to a string? You can use the string join() function in a list comprehension to easily create a string from the elements of the list. The following is the syntax: s = ''.join(str(i) for i in ls) Here, we iterate through the elements of the list ls converting each to a string object using list comprehension and then join the elements into a string using the string join() method. For more details on the join() method, refer to this guide. Examples Let's look at a few examples. 1. List of string to string To get a single string from a list of strings, you can use the syntax above. But, since all the items in the list are already string, you don't need to explicitly convert them into a string. See the example below. ls = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] s = ''.join(ls) print(s) Output: aeiou In the above example, you can see that we directly passed the list to the join() function without converting each item to string. This was possible because the items in the list were already string. 2. List of integers to string To get a string from a list of integers, you need to explicitly convert each list item to a string (for example, in a list comprehension) before applying the join() function. See the example below. ls = [1, 2, 3, 4] s = ''.join(str(i) for i in ls) print(s) print(type(s)) Output: 1234 In the above example, the string s is created from the items of the list ls containing integer items. If you're not sure about the types of items in the list, it's better to convert them to string and then pass it to the join() function which is used to join string objects. 3. List to string with each item on newline You can use a custom string to join the items in the list. The above examples used an empty string to join the items but you use any other string like a whitespace ' ', newline character '', etc as well. See the example below. ls = [1, 2, 3, 4] s = ''.join(str(i) for i in ls) print(s) Output: 1 2 3 4 Here, we use a newline character '' to join the list. The resulting string has each item of the list separated by a newline character. For more on the python string join() function, refer to the python docs. Subscribe to our newsletter for more such informative guides and tutorials. We do not spam and you can opt-out any time. Python | Ways to split strings using newline delimiterGiven a string, write a Python program to split strings on the basis of newline delimiter. Given below are a few methods to solve the given task.Method #1: Using splitlines()ini_str = 'GeeksForGeeks'print ("Initial String", ini_str)res_list = ini_str.splitlines()print("Resultant prefix", str(res_list))Output: Initial String Geeks For Geeks Resultant prefix ['Geeks', 'For', 'Geeks'] Method #2: Using split() methodini_str = 'GeeksForGeeks'print ("Initial String", ini_str)res_list = (ini_str.rstrip().split(''))print("Resultant prefix", str(res_list))Output: Initial String Geeks For Geeks Resultant prefix ['Geeks', 'For', 'Geeks'] Attention geek! Strengthen your foundations with the Python Programming Foundation Course and learn the basics. To begin with, your interview preparations Enhance your Data Structures concepts with the Python DS Course. And to begin with your Machine Learning Journey, join the Machine Learning ? Basic Level Course While coding in Python, you might want your code to print out certain elements on the next line or a new line. Or you might just want to execute a statement and want the cursor to move to the next line. The newline characters are used in these situations. You can add a newline character between strings too. We will focus on the newline character in Python and its use in this article. What is "" in Python? In Python, you can specify the newline character by "". The "\" is called the escape character used for mentioning whitespace characters such as \t, and \r. Mentioning the newline character using will bring the cursor to the consecutive line. Example 1 print('Hello STechies') Output: Hello STechies We can see in the example above that the newline character has moved the cursor to the next line. Hence, the string "STechies" is printed on the next line. Example 2: # Python program to insert new line in string # Declare a List mystring = "Hello\ This is\ Stechies\ for,\ Tech tutorials." # Print string print(mystring) Output: Hello This is Stechies for, Tech tutorials. Just like the previous example, the newline character mentioned after every line of code brings that string to the next line. This is observed from the final output. Using "multi-line" Strings # Python program to insert new line in string # Declare a List mystring = """Hello This is Stechies for, Tech tutorials.""" # Print string print(mystring) Output: Hello This is Stechies for, Tech tutorials. Explanation Another way to insert a new line between strings in Python is by using multi-line strings. These strings are denoted using triple quotes (""") or ('''). These type of strings can span across two or three lines. We can see in the output that the strings are printed in three consecutive lines as specified in the code with the help of triple quotes. Platform Independent Line Breaker: Linux, Windows & Others # Import os Module import os mysite = 'STechies'+ os.linesep + 'Smart Techies' # Print mystring print(mysite) Output: STechies Smart Techies Explanation There is yet another way to insert a new line ? by using a platform-independent line breaker. This is achieved by using the newline character in Python's os package called linesep. The os.linesep is used for separating lines on that particular platform such as Windows or Linux. But it is recommended that you do not use linesep for files opened in the text mode. You can just use for specifying a newline character, and Python will translate it to the appropriate newline character for that platform. Conclusion Newline characters are important for your code output to look neat and clean. But make sure to use the escape characters to specify the newline properly. The Python join method is used to join or concatenate a string with iterable. This Python string join function accepts iterable as an argument. The python string join function attaches a given separator while joining the strings in an iterable. In this section, we discuss how to use this Python join function to join strings in a List, Dictionary, Set, etc., with an example of each. The syntax of this string join in Python is separator.join(iterable) Python join strings with spaces It is a simple example to show you the Python string join function. Here, we declared a tuple of characters a, b and c. Next, we used the space as the separator and the tuple as an argument of the Python string join function. It joins the tuple items separated by space. text = ('a', 'b', 'c') x = ' '.join(text) print(x) Python string join output a b c Python join with Delimiter It is another example of the join function. Here, we used the comma and ? as the separator between the string tuple. text = ('a', 'b', 'c') seq = ',' print(seq.join(text)) seq = '-' print(seq.join(text)) Output a,b,c a-b-c This time we are using the tuple of string words. Next, we used # and $ as the separators for Python string join function. text = ('Hi', 'Hello', 'World') seq = '#' print(seq.join(text)) print() seq = '$' print(seq.join(text)) Output Hi#Hello#World Hi$Hello$World Python join List elements We are using the String Join function to join the List items. Here, we used the (newline) as the separator between the list items. I suggest you refer to the Python List in Python. list_text = ['Hi', 'Hello', 'World', 'From', 'Python'] seq = '' print(seq.join(list_text)) Output Hi Hello World From Python It is another example to join the Python List items. Here, we used different separators `', $$$, -> to join the list items. list_values = ['t', 'u', 't', 'o', 'r', 'i','a', 'l'] print(list_values) print() seq = '' print(seq.join(list_values)) print() seq = '$$$' print(seq.join(list_values)) print() seq = '->' print(seq.join(list_values)) print() Output ['t', 'u', 't', 'o', 'r', 'i', 'a', 'l'] tutorial t$$$u$$$t$$$o$$$r$$$i$$$a$$$l t->u->t->o->r->i->a->l >>> Python join Set elements Here, we are using the join function for joining the set items. I suggest you to refer to Python Set. set_values = {'Hi', 'Python', 'How', 'are', 'you'} print(set_values) print() seq = '' print(seq.join(set_values)) print() seq = '->' print(seq.join(set_values)) print() seq = '###' str1 = seq.join(set_values) print(str1) Output {'you', 'Python', 'How', 'Hi', 'are'} youPythonHowHiare you->Python->How->Hi->are you###Python###How###Hi###are Python join Dictionary items In this String method example, we are using the join function to Join the dictionary items. Refer to Python Dictionary. dict_values = {'name': 'Steve', 'age': 25, 'Country': 'USA'} seq = '@' print(seq.join(dict_values)) print() seq = '$' print(seq.join(dict_values)) As you can see from the above screenshot, join function joined the dictionary keys. It is the default option available in Python. However, you can use the dictionary function values to join the dictionary values. dict_values = {'name': 'Steve', 'Job': 'Developer', 'Country': 'USA'} seq = '$$$' print(seq.join(dict_values.keys())) print() seq = '$$$' print(seq.join(dict_values.values())) print() seq = '@#$' print(seq.join(dict_values.values())) print() seq = '@#$' print(seq.join(dict_values.values())) Output name$$$Job$$$Country Steve$$$Developer$$$USA [email protected]#[email protected]#$USA [email protected]#[email protected]#$USA Python string join example Until now, we are only using the iterable inside the join function (tuple, list, set, and dictionary). Here, we are using the string as an argument of join function. seq = 'python' print(seq.join('HELLO')) print() print(seq.join(['H','E', 'L', 'L', 'O'])) print() print(seq.join('TUTORIAL')) print() print(seq.join(['T', 'U', 'T', 'O', 'R', 'I', 'A', 'L'])) print() print(seq.join('ABCD')) print() print(seq.join(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])) Output HpythonEpythonLpythonLpythonO HpythonEpythonLpythonLpythonO TpythonUpythonTpythonOpythonRpythonIpythonApythonL TpythonUpythonTpythonOpythonRpythonIpythonApythonL ApythonBpythonCpythonD ApythonBpythonCpythonD As you can see from the above screenshot, both the print(seq.join(`HELLO')) and print(seq.join([`H','E', `L', `L', `O'])) are returning the same result. This is because, internally, seq.join(`HELLO') will be converted to list of characters. It is another example of a Python string join to understand the implicit conversion. Here, we used different separators to separate tutorialgateway string. # Python split String using Join name = 'tutorialgateway' print(name) print() seq = ',' print(seq.join(name)) print() lang = 'Python' print(lang) print() seq = ',' print(seq.join(lang)) Output tutorialgateway t,u,t,o,r,i,a,l,g,a,t,e,w,a,y Python P,y,t,h,o,n Python join string and int So far, we are working with string data. In this example, we declared a mixed list of string and integer. Next, we used the Python string join function with $$$ as a separator to join the list items. As you can see, it as throwing an error: TypeError: sequence item 3: expected str instance, int found list_values = ['UK', 'INDIA', 'USA', 1, 'FRANCE'] print(list_values) print() seq = '$$$' print(seq.join(list_values)) Output ['UK', 'INDIA', 'USA', 1, 'FRANCE'] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/suresh/Desktop/", line 6, in print(seq.join(list_values)) TypeError: sequence item 3: expected str instance, int found This time, within the Python join function, we used the For Loop to iterate each item in a List. Next, we used the str function to convert the List item to a string. list_values = ['Hi', 20, 'Hello', 40, 'World', 140, 'From', 3.0, 'Python'] print(list_values) print() seq = ' ' str_after_join = seq.join(str(item) for item in list_values) print(str_after_join) print() seq = '@' str_after_join = seq.join(str(item) for item in list_values) print(str_after_join) print() seq = ' *+* ' str_after_join = seq.join(str(item) for item in list_values) print(str_after_join) Output ['Hi', 20, 'Hello', 40, 'World', 140, 'From', 3.0, 'Python'] Hi 20 Hello 40 World 140 From 3.0 Python [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@Python Hi *+* 20 *+* Hello *+* 40 *+* World *+* 140 *+* From *+* 3.0 *+* Python There is an alternative approach to work with mixed lists. Here, we used the map function along with Python string join to achieve the same result. Refer to the Python map function. list_text = ['Hi', 20, 'Hello', 40, 'World', 140, 'From', 3.0, 'Python'] print(list_text) print() sequence = ' ' str_after_join = sequence.join(map(str, list_text)) print(str_after_join) print() sequence = ', ' str_after_join = sequence.join(map(str, list_text)) print(str_after_join) print() sequence = ' *#* ' str_after_join = sequence.join(map(str, list_text)) print(str_after_join) Output ['Hi', 20, 'Hello', 40, 'World', 140, 'From', 3.0, 'Python'] Hi 20 Hello 40 World 140 From 3.0 Python Hi, 20, Hello, 40, World, 140, From, 3.0, Python Hi *#* 20 *#* Hello *#* 40 *#* World *#* 140 *#* From *#* 3.0 *#* Python It is another approach of joining string and int in Python. Here, we are using the format function inside the for loop to format list items to strings. list_values = [ 20, 40, 140, 'Python', 3.0] print(list_values) print() seq = ' ' after_join = seq.join('{0}'.format(item) for item in list_values) print(after_join) print() seq = ', ' after_join = seq.join("'{0}'".format(item) for item in list_values) print(after_join) print() seq = ' $ ' after_join = seq.join('{0}'.format(item) for item in list_values) print(after_join) print() seq = ' *+* ' after_join = seq.join('{0}'.format(item) for item in list_values) print(after_join) Output [20, 40, 140, 'Python', 3.0] 20 40 140 Python 3.0 '20', '40', '140', 'Python', '3.0' 20 $ 40 $ 140 $ Python $ 3.0 20 *+* 40 *+* 140 *+* Python *+* 3.0

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