Python int list to string join


Python int list to string join

In this article, you will learn how to solve TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list Python error. Let's look at a code example that produces the same error. fruits = ["mango and orange", "pineapple", "grapes and black grapes", "banana"] buy_price = [100, 200, 300, 400] fruits_bought = [] for s in range(0, len(fruits)): if buy_price[s] > 100: fruits_bought = fruits_bought + s

for o in fruits_bought: print(fruits[o]) Output Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 6, in TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list In order to solve TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list Python error you have to use the append() method to add an item to your list. consider the example below: fruits = ["mango and orange", "pineapple", "grapes and

black grapes", "banana"] buy_price = [100, 200, 300, 400] fruits_bought = [] for s in range(0, len(fruits)): if buy_price[s] > 100: fruits_bought.append(s) for o in fruits_bought: print(fruits[o]) output pineapple grapes and black grapes banana This post will discuss how to convert a list to a string in Java. The solution should join elements of the provided list into a single string with a

given delimiter. The solution should not add a delimiter before or after the list. 1. Using StringBuilder The idea is to loop through the list and concatenate each list element to the StringBuilder instance with the specified delimiter. Finally, we return the string representation of the StringBuilder. Note that the solution should deal with trailing delimiters' characters. public static void

main(String[] args) List list = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (i < list.size() - 1) String res = sb.toString(); Download Run Code Output: A-B-C 2. Using Java 8 and above The above solution is not recommended for Java 8 and above. From Java 8 onward, we can use the static join() method of the String class, which joins

strings together with a specified delimiter. public static void main(String[] args) List list = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"); String res = String.join(delim, list); Download Run Code Output: A-B-C Note that the above method works only on a list of strings. If our list is not of string type, a joining collector can be used, as shown below: import; public

static void main(String[] args) List list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); String res =

.collect(Collectors.joining(delim)); Download Run Code Output: 1-2-3 3. Using Guava's Joiner Class Like the String.join() method, Guava provides Joiner class, which can joins elements of a list using a delimiter. import com.mon.base.Joiner; public static void

main(String[] args) List list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); String res = Joiner.on(delim).join(list); Download Code Output: 1-2-3 4. Using Apache Commons Lang Finally, we can also use the Apache Commons Lang library for our purpose. StringUtils class offers the join() method, which takes the list and separator. It joins the elements of the provided list into a single string

containing the provided list of elements. import org.mons.lang3.StringUtils; public static void main(String[] args) List list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3); String res = StringUtils.join(list, delim); Download Code Output: 1-2-3 That's all about converting a List to a Java String. Thanks for reading. Please use our online compiler to post code in comments using C, C++,

Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, PHP, and many more popular programming languages. Like us? Refer us to your friends and help us grow. Happy coding In this tutorial, we'll Python list to string conversion. A Python list serves the purpose of representing elements for manipulation. It basically represents a collection of homogeneous elements.Python String also serves the

purpose of the collection of elements in the form of characters as input.The elements of the List can be converted to a String by either of the following methods:By using join() methodBy using List ComprehensionIterating using for loopBy using map() method1. Python List to String Using join() MethodPython join() method can be used to convert a List to String in Python.The join()

method accepts iterables as a parameter, such as Lists, Tuples, String, etc. Further, it returns a new string that contains the elements concatenated from the iterable as an argument.Note: The mandatory condition for join() method is that the passed iterable should contain string elements. If the iterable contains an integer, it raises a TypeError exception.Syntax:Example: inp_list =

['John', 'Bran', 'Grammy', 'Norah'] out_str = " " print("Converting list to string using join() method:") print(out_str.join(inp_list)) In the above example, the join() method accepts the inp_list as a parameter and concatenates the elements of the list to the out_str and thus returns a string as output.Output: Converting list to string using join() method: John Bran Grammy Norah 2. List

Comprehension along with the join() method to convert Python List to StringPython List Comprehension creates a list of elements from an existing list. It further uses the for loop to traverse the items of the iterable in an element-wise pattern.Python List Comprehension along with join() method can be used to convert a list to a string. The list comprehension will traverse the

elements element-wise and the join() method would concatenate the elements of the list to a new string and represent it as output.Example: inp_list = ['John', 'Bran', 'Grammy', 'Norah'] res = ' '.join([str(item) for item in inp_list]) print("Converting list to atring using List Comprehension:") print(res) Output: Converting list to atring using List Comprehension: John Bran Grammy Norah 3.

Python List to String conversion with map() functionPython's map() function can be used to convert a list to a string.The map() function accepts the function and iterable objects such as lists, tuples, string, etc. Taking it ahead, the map() function maps the elements of the iterable with the function provided.Syntax:Example: inp_list = ['John', 'Bran', 'Grammy', 'Norah'] res = '

'.join(map(str, inp_list)) print("Converting list to string using map() method:") print(res) In the above snippet of code, map(str, inp_list) function accepts str function and inp_list as arguments. It maps every element of the input iterable( list) to the given function and returns the list of elements. Further, join() method is used to set the output into string form.Output: Converting list to

string using map() method: John Bran Grammy Norah 4. Iteration using for loop to convert Python List to StringIn this technique, elements of the input list are iterated one by one and are added to a new empty string. Thus, converting a list to a string.Example: inp_str = ['John', 'Bran', 'Grammy'] st = "" for x in inp_str: st += x print(st) Output:Conversion of List of characters to a

stringEven a set of characters in the form of a list can be converted to a string in the same manner as above. Here is an example to demonstrate the conversion of a list of characters to a string.Example: inp_str = ['J', 'o', 'u', 'r', 'n', 'a', 'l', 'd', 'e', 'v'] st = "" for x in inp_str: st += x print(st) Output:ConclusionThus, in this article, we have studied the different techniques and methods of

conversion of Python List to String.ReferencesStackOverflow ? Conversion of List to a String in Python last modified March 5, 2021 C# join string tutorial shows how to join strings in C# with string.Join. C# string.Join The string.Join method concatenates the elements of a specified array or collection using the provided separator between each element. Join(Char, Object[])

Join(Char, String[]) Join(String, IEnumerable) Join(String, Object[]) Join(String, String[]) Join(Char, String[], Int32, Int32) Join(String, String[], Int32, Int32) Join(Char, IEnumerable) Join(String, IEnumerable) There are nine overloaded string.Join methods. C# join string - list of strings The following example joins a list of strings. Program.cs using System; using

System.Collections.Generic; var words = new List {"falcon", "wood", "cloud", "cup", "sky", "water"}; var text = string.Join(',', words); Console.WriteLine(text); We have a list of words. We join all the words of the list with comma. $ dotnet run falcon,wood,cloud,cup,sky,water C# join string - specify elements to join We can specify which elements to join. Program.cs using System; var

words = new string[] {"falcon", "wood", "cloud", "cup", "sky", "water"}; var text = string.Join(',', words, 0, 3); Console.WriteLine(text); In the example, we join the first three elements of the array. var text = string.Join(',', words, 0, 3); The third element is the starting index, the fourth is the number of elements to join. $ dotnet run falcon,wood,cloud C# join string - array of objects We can

join various types of objects in an array. Program.cs using System; object[] vals = { 1, 2.3, false, "falcon" }; var text = string.Join("-", vals); Console.WriteLine(text); We have an array of objects: an integer, a floating point value, a boolean, and a string. We join all these objects with a dash character. $ dotnet run 1-2.3-False-falcon In the following example, we use LINQ and the

overloaded Join method, which uses IEnumerable. Program.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; var words = new List {"sky", "cup", "ocean", "dry", "tool", "rust"}; var text = string.Join(",", words.Where(e => e.Length == 3)); Console.WriteLine(text); We have a list of words. We join all words from the list that have three letters. $ dotnet run

sky,cup,dry C# join string - records In the following example we join records. Program.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; var users = new List { new User("John Doe", "garderner"), new User("Roger Roe", "driver"), new User("Lucia Smith", "teacher")}; var text = string.Join("", users); Console.WriteLine(text); record User(string name, string occupation); We have a

list of users. We join them with a newline character. $ dotnet run User { name = John Doe, occupation = garderner } User { name = Roger Roe, occupation = driver } User { name = Lucia Smith, occupation = teacher } C# join string - create ASCII alphabet In the next example, we create an ASCII alphabet. Program.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; int idx1 = 97;

int idx2 = 65; var text = string.Join(" ", CreateAlphabet()); Console.WriteLine(text); List CreateAlphabet() { List vals = new List(); int span1 = idx1 + 25; for (int i = idx1; i

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