Worksheet #1: The Central Dogma - MIT ESP

Worksheet #1: The Central Dogma

DNA Replication Draw an active replication fork and where/how each of the following enzymes participates in this process: DNA polymerase I and III, DNA ligase, primase, helicase, topoisomerase, and singlestrand binding protein.

Explain briefly the role of each of the following enzymes: DNA polymerase I DNA polymerase III DNA ligase primase helicase How do we know that DNA replication is semi-conservative? Explain this classical experiment and why it makes sense given what we know about the structure of DNA.

What is the importance of maintaining the accuracy of DNA replication? How does the cell check to make sure that there are no mutations in the sequence? Why does replication only proceed in a 5'->3' direction? How does the lagging strand compensate for this?

Transcription Draw the structure of the RNA/DNA/mRNA complex seen at each of the following steps: initiation, elongation, and termination.

Explain briefly what RNA polymerase is doing at each of the three steps in transcription. initiation elongation termination What other proteins participate in this process and what do they do?

Explain the function of each of the following DNA sequences: promoter TATA box terminator polyadenylation signal sequence

Describe the 5' cap and the poly-A tail. What is the significance of each of these modifications?

Compare the fate of exons and introns during RNA splicing. How is this process mediated? Draw the pre-mRNA and the final, mature mRNA.

Translation Draw one round of amino acid addition with the charged tRNA entering the A site, moving to the P site, and then exiting from the E site in the middle of synthesis of a polypeptide.

Describe the structure and origin of the ribosome. What is it made of and where is it made? How is it ensured that the right amino acid is added to the polypeptide? Think of how a free amino acid is added to a protein and how the structure/sequence is checked to be correct. Explain where the energy for translocation and peptide bond formation comes from. Draw a diagram and explain the termination of translation.

Describe the wobble in codon recognition. Look at the codon chart and give an example. How is the protein directed to specific organelles in the cell? To which organelle does the protein go if it is destined for secretion and what factors mediate this?


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