
“Rotary: Making a Difference”

January 30th, 2020

Vocational Service Month


Annual Golf Tournament

-Major Beneficiary-

LTEP Catherine Chen


February 6th - Sheila Bergin, Travel

February 6th - VIU Library Tour, 5:00 pm

VIU Discovery Room Dinner

February 13th - Extreme Science, Ray Penner

VIU Department of Physics

Duty Roster – February 6th, 2020

Greeters: Rodgers/Ribicic Cash: Lemmon

Sgt-Arms: Slowski Invocation: Walker

Introductions: Valsangker Foundation: Elgie

Rotary Minute: Werezak



|Joining in fellowship to support growth and development in |

|education and health for those less fortunate in our local and |

|international communities. |


ADG Wayne Anderson and LTEP student Catherine Chen joined us for fellowship and breakfast.


Celebrating his birthday next Monday is Michael Ribicic.


-Began our meeting with a warm welcome.

-Expressed thank-you’s to everyone who worked at the Saturday breakfast. We made many people very happy and enjoyed good fellowship.

-Had a big thank-you to Jodie and James Williams and Troy deJong for their participation at a recent Qualicum Beach club building event.

-Told us Michael R. and Norm Rockwell have shared birth dates.


This morning, Wayne Anderson and Lee Rowley presented Randy Manikel and Shawn Kilner with Paul Harris fellowship recognition pins. The contributions that they and all of us make are what enables Rotary and Rotarians to truly ‘make a difference’.

This morning, we contributed $ 120. The $ 17 pot went to Randy Mainikel. Many thanks to everyone.

From the Rotary Foundation, for 2018-2019, the club received a certificate of appreciation for our contributions to the End Polio Now: Countdown to History Campaign. For your consideration, Rotary District 5020 has The PolioPlus Society. Society members agree to donate $ 100 US annually and are recognized with a pin and certificate.


Troy had fun encouraging us to share personal highs and activities. Upcoming, Don T. is ever so pleased to chair today’s VIU convocation. Lee and Caroline are looking forward to a week in sunny Mexico. Doug reminded us that we have one more week to bring our ‘empties’ for the Cadet bottle drive. While doing his practicum @ NDSS, Michael discovered Ralph’s 1975 picture in the photo gallery. From Mark, big kudo’s to Shawn. For Christmas he and his son will travel to Antarctica. Very happy dollar from Stephen. At a recent Clippers event, Big Brothers Big Sisters received a big boost to their finances. Depending on who you listened to, the Saturday breakfast was filled with trauma and chuckles. William is delighted that his brother and family are now living in Nanaimo. Bon Voyage to Randy and Anne. They are off to New Zealand to tour and stay with friends. As to the draw for $ 20, Brian Rodgers did not pull a Joker.


Every year, 9,000 students participate in the Rotary Long Term Youth Exchange Programme (LTEP). Wherever they go, the students are ambassadors for their country and eventually for their host countries. There is a far bigger impact that sometimes is unmentioned. These students also forever become Rotary ambassadors. For his LTEP year, William went to Sao Paulo in Brazil. As a direct result, for several years, his family hosted inbound exchange students. And better yet, today William, his brother and his Father are all Rotarians.



MAY 29TH, 2020

Each year club members put forth suggestions for our golf tournament ‘major beneficiary.’ We promote the beneficiary in all our golf tournament literature, the recipient is asked to participate in promoting the tournament and they receive the lesser of $ 5,000 or 25% of our tournament revenues. Thanks to the hard work of everyone in our club, to our sponsors and to our golfers, for the past several years we have presented our major beneficiary with a cheque for $ 5,000.

Suggested beneficiaries for 2020 were the John Howard Society, Nanaimo Food Share, Youth A Palooza and Kids’ Sport.

The John Howard Society would like to expand their Story Book Dad’s programme. Nanaimo Food Share would use funds to supply food boxes and expand local food awareness initiatives. Youth A Palooza wants to reach out to street youth through art and music. Kids Sport is very focused on funding organized sports activity fees for under privileged children. All are very worthy causes and will be making presentations/requests to our community service committee for club funds in the coming year.

For 2020 our major beneficiary is ‘Food Share’. We look forward to promoting their activities and working with them at our golf tournament.

Many thanks to Don Tamelin for guiding us through making this important decision.


Pictured above are inbound LTEP students, Igor from Poland, Carolina from Chile, Catherine from Taiwan and Rotarians Jason (Nanaimo) and Michele (Qualicum Beach).

Catherine came prepared for her presentation with pictures and interesting insights. Kinmen County, her Taiwan home, is two groups of islands 1.2 miles off the coast of mainland China. Mainland Taiwan is a one hour flight. Catherine’s Mom is a baker, her Dad works in government; she has a brother and sister.

Highlights in Nanaimo, Wellington School was a culture shock - no school uniforms and incredibly shorter school hours. On the plus side there have been many new and exciting adventures. Kayaking, carving pumpkins, making snow men, watching hockey, curling, Christmas were all first time experiences. Catherine has made great new friends through her school and her shared activities with fellow LTEP students. She has travelled to Seabeck, Butchart Gardens, Coombs (no goats to be seen), Disneyland, Universal Studios and Mt. Washington. Her school subjects include Art, Creative Writing and Photography. After school, Catherine is a mentor at Rock City Elementary.

We enjoyed Catherine’s presentation. We asked her to share with us, her next few months bucket list.



1. Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life.

2. Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect.

3. Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world.

4. Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians.

5. Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities: report any suspected harassment; and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals that report harassment.


Nine out of every 10 living things live in the ocean.

Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers.

Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other pain killers. This is why it is sometimes found in medicines. [pic][pic]


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