Yonkers Public Schools

Student Name_______________________Social Studies Check ListPut a check next to videos and articles. Write your score next to a quiz.March 26, 2020The Articles of ConfederationWhat was the Articles of Confederation??Shays's RebellionMarch 27, 2020The Constitutional ConventionThe Constitutional ConventionThe US ConstitutionThe Federalist PapersThe Bill of RightsApril 2, 2020Social consequences of revolutionary idealsApril 3, 2020Why was George Washington the first president?The presidency of George WashingtonApril 6, 2020The election of 1800?Jefferson's presidency and the turn of the nineteenth century?The Louisiana Purchase and its exploration?Jefferson's election and presidencyApril 7, 2020The War of 1812?The War of 1812April 8, 2020The Monroe Doctrine?The presidency of John Quincy Adams?Politics and regional interests?The Market Revolution - textile mills and the cotton gin?The Market Revolution - communication and transportation?The Market Revolution - impact and significance?Irish and German immigration?The 1820s and the Market RevolutionApril 9, 2020Jacksonian Democracy - background and introduction?Jacksonian Democracy - the "corrupt bargain" and the election of 1824?Jacksonian Democracy - mudslinging and the election of 1828?Jacksonian Democracy - spoils system, Bank War, and Trail of Tears?Expanding democracy?The presidency of Andrew Jackson?Indian Removal?The Nullification crisis?The age of JacksonApril 10, 2020Manifest Destiny?Annexing Texas?Developing an American identity, 1800-1848?James K. Polk and Manifest DestinyApril 13, 2020The development of an American culture?Women's labor?Women's rights and the Seneca Falls Convention?African Americans in the Early Republic?The Cotton Kingdom?The society of the South in the early republic?Culture and reform in the early nineteenth centuryApril 14, 2020The slave economy?Life for enslaved men and women?Early abolition?The Mexican-American War?The Compromise of 1850?Abolition, slavery, and the Compromise of 1850April 15, 2020Uncle Tom's Cabin - reception and significance?Uncle Tom's Cabin - plot and analysis?The Kansas-Nebraska Act and party realignment?Bleeding Kansas?Manifest Destiny: causes and effects of westward expansion?Sectional conflict: Regional differences?Dred Scott v. Sandford?Dred Scott, the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and the election of 1860?The eve of the Civil WarApril 16, 2020Slavery and the Missouri Compromise?Increasing political battles over slavery in the mid-1800s?Start of the Civil War - secession and Fort Sumter?Strategy of the Civil War?Early phases of Civil War and AntietamApril 17, 2020The Emancipation Proclamation?Significance of the battle of Antietam?The battle of Gettysburg?The Gettysburg Address - setting and context?The Gettysburg Address - full text and analysisApril 20, 2020Later stages of the Civil War - 1863?Later stages of the Civil War - the election of 1864 and Sherman's March?Later stages of the Civil War - Appomattox and Lincoln's assassination?Big takeaways from the Civil War?The Civil WarApril 21, 2020An overview and the 13th Amendment?Life after slavery for African Americans?Black Codes?The First KKK?The Freedmen's BureauApril 22, 2020The 14th Amendment?The 15th Amendment?The Compromise of 1877?Failure of Reconstruction?Comparing the effects of the Civil War on American national identity?ReconstructionApril 23, 2020Introduction to the Gilded Age?The Gilded Age and the Second Industrial Revolution?What was the Gilded Age??Social Darwinism in the Gilded Age?Misunderstanding evolution: a biologist's perspective on Social Darwinism?Misunderstanding evolution: a historian's perspective on Social DarwinismApril 24, 2020America moves to the city?Development of the middle class?The Knights of Labor?Labor battles in the Gilded Age?The Populists?Immigration and migration in the Gilded Age?Continuity and change in the Gilded Age?The Gilded AgeApril 27, 2020The Gold Rush?The Homestead Act and the exodusters?The reservation system?The Dawes Act?Chinese immigrants and Mexican Americans in the age of westward expansionApril 28, 2020The Indian Wars and the Battle of the Little Bighorn?The Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee?Westward expansion: economic development?Westward expansion: social and cultural development?The American West ................

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