1775-1783American RevolutionEnglish Colonists vs. Great Britain1812-1815War of 1812United States vs. Great Britain1836War of Texas Independence Texas vs. Mexico1846-1848Mexican-American WarUnited States vs. Mexico1861-1865U.S. Civil WarUnion vs. Confederacy1898Spanish-American WarUnited States vs. Spain1914-1918World War IThe Triple Entente was also known as the “Allies”.Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary vs. Triple Entente: Britain, France, and Russia. The United States joined on the side of the Triple Entente in 1917.1939-1945World War IIAxis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan vs. Major Allied Powers: United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia1950-1953Korean WarUnited States (as part of the United Nations) and South Korea vs. North Korea and Communist China1960-1975Vietnam WarUnited States and South Vietnam vs. North Vietnam1990-1991Persian Gulf WarUnited States and Coalition Forces vs. Iraq2001Invasion of AfghanistanUnited States and Coalition Forces vs. the Taliban regime in Afghanistan to fight terrorism.2003Invasion of IraqUnited States and Coalition Forces vs. IraqThe Cold War is the period of time from 1945 to1991. It was after WWII until the separation of the Soviet Union into its individual republics. This followed the removal of the Berlin wall between East (communist) Berlin and West (free) Berlin This wall was called the “Iron Curtain”. The Cold War had no large scale fighting, but a major build-up of nuclear and traditional weapons known as the Arms Race. Smaller conflicts during this time were the Korean War and The Vietnam War which were not worldwide.WarCauseResultRelated Topics1775-1783American Revolution-American Colonies wanted freedom from Great Britain. American soldiers began fighting Great Britain for freedom-Americans defeated Great Britain to win its independenceShot heard around the worldDeclaration of IndependenceConstitutionCongress-Senate-House of RepresentativesSupreme CourtCommander in Chief (President)Bill of Rights-amendments1812-1815War of 1812-President Madison asks Congress to declare war against Great Britain. British seizing American ships and impressing American Sailors lead Madison to his decision. -December 24, 1814 U.S. and Great Britain signed a peace treaty called the Treaty of Ghent, last battle was in January of 1815, news about the treaty did not reach the United States until FebruaryWar HawksFrancis Scott Key – Star Spangled BannerFreedom of the SeasBattle of New Orleans1836War of Texas Independence -Texans wanted freedom from Mexico, Texans wrote and signed a Texas Declaration of Independence. Mexico did not want to let the Texans become independent so they led an army against the Texans into Texas-April 21, 1836 Texans defeated Mexico (President Santa Anna) at the San Jacinto River, Santa Anna surrendered to Sam Houston the war was over, Texas was free“Remember the Alamo” Sam HoustonIndependent CountryTexas Revolution1846-1848Mexican-American War-Mexicans were upset that Texas became a state and they did not agree on the where the border for Texas should be with the U.S.-Americans captured California along with the capitol of Mexico, Mexico surrendered and signed a peace treaty (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) with the U.S.Rio GrandeMexican CessionGadsden PurchaseWarCauseResultRelated Topics1861-1865US Civil War-Once Abe Lincoln became president, 11 southern states formed the Confederate States of America. The northern states were then called the Union. The south left the U.S. to avoid being forced to end slavery. The south fought to remain their own country, the north fought so all states would remain together as one union.-Robert E. Lee (Confederate) surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant (Union) in April 1865. The Confederate States returned to the union, slavery ended in all states. Robert E. LeeUlysses S. GrantHarriet TubmanYankeesAnaconda PlanIncome TaxEmancipation ProclamationGettysburg Address(pgs. 220-221 America’s History Land of Liberty Book 1)Assassination of President LincolnJohn Wilkes Booth1898Spanish-American War-U.S. decided to fight against Spain to help Cubans become free-After a few months of the U.S. winning every battle, Spain surrendered to the U.S. Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines were given to the U.S.Citizenship1914-1918World War I -Countries in Europe began building armies, two groups were formed in Europe. When the prince of Austria-Hungary was killed, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and WWI began. - Germany attacked American ships, in April 1917 President Wilson and congress declared war on Germany and entered WWI. -Germany and the Central Powers Surrendered on November 11, 1918. The Allies (U.S. and other countries) won the war. ImperialismAlliesCentral PowersWarCauseResultRelated Topics1939-1945World War II-Germany began to conquer Europe (Austria, Czechoslovakia). Adolf Hitler (Germany’s dictator) promised not to attack more countries. Then Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France sent soldiers to help Poland and WWII began. -The U.S sent supplies to the Allies at the start of WWII, on December 7, 1941 Japan attacked Americans at Pearl Harbor (naval base in Hawaii). The next day the U.S declared war and joined WWII-After D-Day, Allies were able to regain France from German control. Allies began to invade Germany, on May 7, 1945 Germany surrendered.-President Truman (U.S.) used two atomic bombs on Japan to quickly end WWII. On August 14, 1945 Japanese leaders surrendered, World War II was over. Axis CountriesAlliesWinston ChurchillHolocaust-Concentration CampsPearl HarborDwight D. EisenhowerD-DayAtomic Bomb-Hiroshima-Nagasaki1945-1991Cold War-conflict between countries with different governmentsCommunism/Government Owned business and property (Soviet Union) vs Democracy/Capitalist Economy (United States)-A new president (Gorbachev) in the Soviet Union allowed more freedoms, U.S. President Reagan and Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces)Berlin WallUnited NationsNATOSpace Race1950-1953Korean War-North Korea (Communist) invaded South Korea (Democracy) to unite the country as one Communist GovernmentU.S. fought with South Korea-President Eisenhower (U.S.) helped end war with a truce. North and South Korea are still separate countries todayCommunism1960-1975Vietnam War- North Vietnam had a communist Government, South Vietnam was ruled by a dictator. People in the south began to fight against their government (Viet Cong), North Vietnam joined the fight to unite the country in communism -U.S. fought with South Vietnam-U.S. troops were called back by President Nixon under a cease fire between North and South Vietnam, fighting resumed after American troops were gone, North Vietnam captured South Vietnam and the South surrendered on April 30, 1975Vietnam Memorial (Washington, D. C.)Kennedy Assassination 1963POW - soldiersMIA – soldiersCivil Rights MovementsMartin Luther King Jr.WarCauseResultRelated Topics1990-1991Persian Gulf War-Iraq invaded Kuwait for control of the oil in Kuwait. Dictator of Iraq (Saddam Hussein) threatened to attack Saudi Arabia to control oil rich nations on the Persian Gulf. President George Bush (U.S.) along with 28 nations organized to stop Iraq.-U.S. and United Nations helped free Kuwait from Iraq control, Saddam Hussein continued to rule IraqOperation Desert StormWeapons of Mass DestructionGulf WarColin Powell2001 Invasion of Afghanistan-U.S. President George W. Bush begins a war on terrorism after September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America. Al Qaeda (terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden) was responsible and in Afghanistan so war began to fight the terrorist organization-U.S. President Barack Obama works to remove troops from AfghanistanSeptember 11, 2011Al Qaeda/Osama Bin LadenPatriot Act of 2001War on Terrorism 2003Invasion of Iraq-To prevent terrorists from gaining control of weapons of mass destruction, President G. W. Bush sends troops from the U.S. to attack Iraq since Saddam Hussein had not proved that Iraq destroyed all of its weapons of mass destruction- President Barack Obama pulls troops from IraqDepartment of Homeland Security ................

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