Imagine – John Lennon A Worksheet

Imagine – John Lennon A Worksheet

Find the opposites in the song.

1. hell

2. above

3. easy

4. live

5. war

6. thirst



Find the word that means:

There are clouds here. ______

To give to someone. _________

Men living in harmony. ___________

Some who is not always realistic. ___________

In the future. __________

Selfishness. ____________

Human beings ___________

Murder ___________

Jewish, Moslem and Christian are all ____________.

The universe. ____________

Why do people kill according to the song?

Name at least four reasons.





Enjoy your work.

Fill in the words to the song.

Imagine there’s ___ heaven,

It’s ____ if you try,

No hell below ___,

Above us _____ sky.

Imagine ____ the people

Living for today.

Imagine there’s no ________,

It ____ hard to do.

_______ to live or die for and no

religion, _____.

Imagine ___ the people

Living life in _______.

You may ___ I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only ____.

I ____ someday you’ll join us,

And the _____ will live as one.

Imagine no possessions, I

_______if you can, No _____

for grief or hunger, A brotherhood

of ______. Imagine all the __________

Sharing all the world.

You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only ____,

I hope someday you’ll _____ us,

And the world will live as one.


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