Lesson 1 – Part 1: Praying for Others

Lesson 4 – Part 1: Role Models


Our culture has its share of celebrities, and oftentimes they are famous for nothing more than knowing someone famous, being related to someone famous, or acting in ways that “real” famous people do. Obviously, there is a huge difference between being famous and being a role model. Who are some role models – especially in the spiritual realm – that you look up to?

Reading Assignment

Philippians 2:19-30


1. What were the attributes that Paul described Timothy and Epaphroditus as having? Who would you like to hang out with more, and why?

2. What reason did Paul give to “honor” Epaphroditus? What does it look like to honor or esteem someone in the church/group?

3. Sometimes we place people mentioned in Scripture on a pedestal. How can this be a disservice to them and to us?


4. How does it encourage you to realize the “great saints” of Scripture were fallible and fearful, and sometimes fickle and fearless? See 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

5. Epahroditus “risked his life” to serve the Philippians. What are some lesser, but still important risks you have been thinking about taking?

6. List ways that you can demonstrate humility and service to others this week.

Lesson 4 – Part 2: Right Standing With God


Every job seeker or college applicant has had the occasion to put together a resume. Take a few minutes to compose a brief spiritual resume. Don’t be bashful. List your spiritual gifts, and your God-given abilities. Jot down some of your most meaningful spiritual experiences. Summarize your spiritual goals and objectives.

Reading Assignment

Philippians 3:1-11


1. Why was Paul so upset by the Judiazers?

2. What was Paul’s purpose for sharing his impressive spiritual resume as a devout Jew? Was he trying to brag?

3. How does Paul describe the monumental change that took place in his own religious attitudes and actions? Look up the word “skubala” in Greek.

4. What’s the difference between trying to adhere to a religious system and trusting in the person of Christ? Isn’t this just semantics?


5. What are some ways that you’ve put “confidence in the flesh”? What does it mean to truly see these things as “rubbish” or “filth”?

6. Paul’s one great passion in life was to “know Christ”. What does that look like for you?

7. What does it mean to “share in his sufferings”?

8. How can we continue to “work out our salvation” (vs 2:12) and not become like the Judiazers?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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