
OERE / RBE HandoverGeneral Project infoOfficial OISE KNAER Website: has admin access to this siteOERE Website: Website: Admin access to OERE/RBE: : adminpassword: admin1@OERE Email: oere.oise.knaer@utoronto.caUtor ID: oiseoerePassword: Kmb4benlRBE Email: rbe.oise.knaer@utoronto.caUtor ID: oiserbePassword: Kmb4benlSurvey Gizmo: : oere.oise.knaer@utoronto.caPassword: Kmb4benlRef Works account from 2011 summer writing team (go to UT online library > Quick Links > RefWorks)Login Name: oiseoerePassword : oere4benlResearch Brokering in EducationRBE FYI:Everything for RBE can be found in:KNAER folderRBE folderSince my goal for this project was to find 100 resources for the website, and I met that goal (see below) I doubt you will need very much from these files. However, if you do need to figure out where I went or how I approached this project I have left a trail here for you.RBE to Do List:Upload resources to websiteIn the website backend, RBE uses the URL optionFirst add tags then upload and tag resourcesTo find the resources for upload (and the tags) go to:KNAER folderRBE folderRBE website folderOpen RBE for Website input excel fileThe RBE resources can also be found in Survey Gizmo : oere.knaer.oise@utoronto.caPassword: Kmb4benlOpen the survey : RBE resourcsIt may be easier to go from the printout of the survey itself to add the tags for RBE.Just click on the survey, click on edit survey and print that page A copy of the printout is on top of paper sorter on Robyn’s DeskThe things that should be added as tags have been highlightedNote you may have to add additional tags based on the “other” categories in the survey.Once the tags have been inputted, the resources can be uploaded.When uploading the resources we need to include: Titlebrief summary the organizational authorURL to the resourceOntario Education Research ExchangeOERE Website changes:Changes need to be made to the old website: logo’s on this site need to be changed to the new logo’s created by Geek PowerOfficial project logos can be found in:KNAER folderImages FolderThe New logos should link to the new web pages. All other links on the site should be taken down. The only options from this site should be to access the new OERE or RBE websites, or to access the official KNAER website. There should be no other accessible links or pagesChanges to the OERE Website:All changes will have to be made from the backendOn the “About Us” page, there are several links that go to the old webpage. These need to be changed to the appropriate link on the new webpage. These include:Researchers can submit their work using the online research summary submission form.Other stakeholders can submit research that they have found to have practical relevance to their work by using the online form. The OERE will follow up with the researcher directly. Note – this should be changed to read that they should just email the OERE the link or citation and we will follow up.To express your interest in joining the OERE Peer Review Panel please complete out the online form.On the “Submit your Research” page (Puzzle piece link)Please click here to download a description of the type of information to considerincluding in your summary.The instruction document needs to have all links updated and then needs to be linked to this page on the new website.The current instructions can be found in:KNAEROEREOERE AbstractOERE research summary submission instructions (word doc)OERE Research Summaries FYI:Research summaries are found in:KNAER folderOERE folderOERE Research Summaries folderIn this folder you will find:Final Summaries: Ready for Peer Review:These summaries are complete and ready for peer review; meaning we have the authors’ permission to put them through the peer review process. These summaries have been written in collaboration with the author by our writing teamAll summaries are filed in folders listing the author’s name(s), title and the summer team member who worked on the summary. Additional info on each summary can often be found in the corresponding folder in the OERE email account under the writing team member’s nameFollow up with author for Final Approval:There is a folder here that includes summaries that require further follow-up before submitted to peer review. This is because we do not have the author’s final consent on these summaries.French SubmissionsFrench submissions are made via email and are ready to be reviewedOERE Summaries Submitted onlineThese summaries were submitted online by the author through Survey Gizmo. You can access these summaries through survey gizmo as well.Drafts:This folder is full of the various drafts and versions of summaries submitted over the summer. You most likely won’t need this folder but I kept a copy of all the drafts just in case.Summary Template:This folder has all the info for the final template (read fancy designed page) we are using for summaries written by the OERE writing team. OERE Writing:This excel file is a record of all of the OERE writing teams work and at what point in the process the summaries are inResearch Summary to do’s:All final versions of summaries need to be put into the OERE template and blinded for peer reviewAll final versions then need to be uploaded in the OERE website. The easiest way to do this is through the online form available on the website. It is much easier to use the online form then to try to do it through the back end.Once the final versions are uploaded, go through the websites backend to upload the blinded version for peer review.Follow up with those authors that have not given the final approval. I suggest giving them a date to respond by and letting them know if you have not heard back from them by that date that you will be putting the version through peer review as is.OERE Peer Review FYI:All documents re: the OERE peer review can be found in:KNAER folderOERE folderPeer Review folderHere you will find drafts of the review rubrics, the review process, supporting documents that were used to help develop the review, and a file on the reviewers (including a contact info document You can also access info on the reviewers through Survey Gizmo in the OERE Peer Review Expression of Interest surveyOERE Peer Review to do’sTest out the review system:Register Shasta and Robyn as both academic and practitioner reviewersUpload a few fake review documentsTest out the full system from both the reviewers perspective and from our perspectives of how to administer the process from uploading, choosing reviewers, to making a document liveBE SURE TO KEEP TRACK OF ALL QUESTIONS AND CHALLENEGES FOR GEEK POWER TO ANSWER. We need to send them questions/challenges in a bullet point list.Write a “how to” document for peer reviewers:Once we feel confident in the system and how it works, we need to write a brief guide to direct the reviewers on how to use the peer review systemInvite reviewers:Reviewers should not be invited until you have some summaries in the system ready for reviewRegister the reviewers on the WebsiteUse the online from on the website to input the reviewer information we have collected through Survey GizmoBe sure to use the website to register reviewers as opposed to inputting reviewer info from the websites back end!Send all reviewers an email which includes the “how to” guide, and lets them know that they will be receiving an email shortly with all the info they need to sign into the system. Be sure to conclude the email letting the reviewers know they should email you if they have any questions or challenges.Once the email has been sent, go to the websites backend to accept all of the reviewers you have inputted into the website. This will make the system automatically send out an email to all of the reviewers to let them know the info they need to access the site.Outreach to stakeholder groups to recruit reviewers (and research summaries):Note: All potential contacts that have been identified can be found in the “Outreach” folder in the main KNAER folder.Cast a wide net:Here we want to try to get the word out to as wide of an audience as possible. This should be done by sending out an email on behalf of Ben to the groups identified below. The email should contain a brief intro to the project and an invitation to participate. The email should have a flyer attached for the recipients to hang up in their organization or to pass onto their members. You can find sample invite emails and a flyer in the OERE folder “OERE invite emails”. These will need to be changed to include the appropriate links from the new website.Send out invite to all contacts from OERP contact list inviting them to join as peer reviewers, and to submit their work.Contact teacher and principal groups asking to have a short piece in their newsletter inviting their members to participate as reviewers and to contribute research.Partnership building:In order to get our participation numbers up, we should take advantage of the partnerships that we currently have with the Faculties of Education that have a vested interest in seeing the OERE succeed. These include OISE, Western, York and hopefully U of Ottawa.With these faculties we should make a concentrated effort to engage graduate students in both the peer review and to submit their research to the project.Since Shasta already has connections to the dean’s office here at OISE as well as to the student body through the GSA, OISE is the best place to start. Shasta can connect with Denise about the project and together they can come up with some strategies to better engage our students. Using OISE as the example, she can work to engage the other faculties of Ed.For York – we can connect with the research impact team to come up with a plan on engaging their grad students. The York Impact team seems up for any initiative that is co-branded, so let’s leverage that and get them more involved in the OERE.Additionally on the York front, I suggest working with them to produce a “How-to write a plain language summary Guide for Researchers” that can be included on the OERE website. I know they do have elements of this already. Perhaps they can be convinced to let us post some of their work? Especially if we clearly brand that the design is Research Impacts, and offers to put their logo and link to their site from ours?It would also be great to get Research Impact to link to RBE on their website since it is such a well-known program.We need to build a partnership with a French Faculty of Ed. Ben has suggested contacting the dean at U of Ottawa. Shasta has this on her to-do list. However, when she does contact them, I suggest encouraging even more of a partnership – one that includes engaging their graduate students and faculty to contribute to the project.For all of the faculty of ed in Ontario, we should contact the dean’s and ask them to link OERE and RBE on their websites. There is a list of faculty of Ed ................

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