Acceleration - Ms. Tearne's English Classes


Chapter Questions

Read each question carefully and answer using complete sentences.


Chapter 1

1. List the top 4 things that are lost on the Toronto Subway?

2. Which Toronto Subway station does Duncan work at?

3. Using at least five sentences, describe the place that Duncan works. Write a descriptive paragraph.

4. How old is Duncan?

5. Describe the experiment that Duncan reads about.

6. Define euscerated (p.7) and use it in a sentence of your own.


Chapter 2

1. In your own words describe Duncan’s dream.

2. At the end of chapter two, what do we learn about his dream?

3. Now that we know that Duncan has this dream all the time, what does this tell us about Duncan?

4. Define flailing (p.10) and use it in a sentence of your own.


Chapter 3

1. Why do you think the myestery author wants to make up a name for them self?

2. Define Zodiac (p.12) and use it in a sentence of your own.


Chapter 4

1. Using at least 4 complete sentences, describe Duncan’s friend Vinny.

2. What is the name of the neighbourhood where Duncan and Vinny live? Why does it have that nickname?

3. Explain the three stories that Vinny tells about his hand to make it sound more interesting.

4. Define concussions (p.16) and use it in a sentence of your own.


Chapter 5

1. Who is Wayne? Describe him using as much detail as possible.

2. In one complete paragraph describe the crime that Duncan and Wayne got busted for.

3. What is Duncan’s nickname for his Crime?

4. Why is Duncan having such a hard time concentrating while hanging out with his friends at The Dairy Barn?

5. Define lifted (p.20) and use it in a sentence of your own.


Chapter 6

1. Duncan thinks Jacob is “a sour old fart”. What do we learn about Jacob to make him act this way?

2. If you had found the mysterious brown leather book, what would you have done with it? Explain your answer.

3. What do you predict that Duncan will do with the information in the diary?

4. Esplain what Duncan means when he says “Behind the words there’s this big nothing where a conscience should be, a black hold sucking you down into the dark.” – p. 53.

5. Define conscience (p. 53) and use it in a sentence of your own.


Chapter 7

1. Why doesn’t Duncan want to go to the pool even though it is a really hot summer?

2. a) Using 3 sentences, describe Duncan’s mom.

b) What kind of relationship does Duncan seem to have with his mom?

3. In this chapter Duncan seems to have a panic attack while he is at the pool with Vinny.

a) Why do you think this happens to him?

b) What does it say about his state of mind?

4. Define glints (p. 42) and use it in a sentence of your own.


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