SPANISH II review of Level I

SPANISH II review of Level I NAME_______________

Greetings and Salutations. Translate the following words/expressions into Spanish (page 22)

Good morning ____________________

Good afternoon____________________

Good evening_____________________

What is your name? _________________

My name is….______________________

Pleased to meet you! ________________

How are you? ______________________

Very well_____________________

What’s happening? __________________



See you later_____________________

Subject Pronouns Write the correct Spanish pronouns for each word(page 96)


You (informal)______



You (formal)_______


You all (informal)________

They (masculine)________

They (feminine)_________

You all (formal)__________

Conjugating Verbs (pages 478-482) Conjugate the following regular –AR,-ER , -IR verbs

Yo Tú Ella Nosotros Ellos

Bailar_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Comer_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Escribir_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Usar_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Correr_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Vivir_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Conjugate the following irregular verbs

Yo Tú Ella Nosotros Ellos

Tener_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Venir_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Jugar_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Ser_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Estar_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Ir_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Conjugate the following STEM CHANGING verbs

Yo Tú Ella Nosotros Ellos

Poder_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Dormir_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Querer_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

Preferir_____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________


| |-AR |-ER |-IR | |-AR |-ER |-IR |

|Yo | | | |Nosotros(-as) | | | |

|Tú | | | |Vosotros(-as) | | | |

|Ud./él/ella | | | |Uds./ellos/ellas | | | |

Gustar- to like

In Spanish when you are using the verb gustar- you use an Indirect Object Pronoun and either GUSTA or GUSTAN, depending on whether the object is singular or plura

A Él le gusta la silla.

He likes the chair.

A Juan le gusta la silla.

John likes the chair.

A ella le gusta la silla.

She likes the chair.

A María le gusta la silla.

Mary likes the chair.

A usted le gusta la silla.

You (formal) like the chair

Te gusta el libro.

You like the book.

Nos gusta el libro.

We like the book.

Me gustan los libros.

I like the books.

Te gustan los libros.

You like the books.

Nos gustan los libros.

We like the books.

| |

|Fill in the blank with correct form of GUSTAR then translate the sentence into English. (vocab p. 144, 168) |

|Me _________________la ensalada de frutas.__________________________________________________ |

| |

|Me___________ las fresas._______________________________________________________ |

|Te___________ el queso._______________________________________________________ |

|Te ___________los huevos. ._______________________________________________________ |

|A Elena, le ___________las papas fritas. .______________________________________________________ |

|Nos ___________los platanos._______________________________________________________ |

|A Mario y Luis, les ___________los tomates. .___________________________________________________ |

|Gusta can also be used with an infinitive to say what you like to do | |

| | |

|Me gusta correr A ella, le gusta estudiar Nos gusta bailar | |

|I like to run She likes to study We like to dance | |

| | |

|Translate the following sentences into Spanish (vocab p. 46) | |

|I like to sing________________________________________ | |

|We like to listen to music___________________________________ | |

|She likes to talk on the phone______________________________________ | |

|They(m) like to play video games_____________________________________ | |

|Do you like to spend time with friends?____________________________________ | |

| | |

|To make a negative statement- add NO before the indirect object. | |

|No me gusta corer A ella, no le gusta estudiar No nos gusta bailar | |

|I don’t like to run She doesn’t like to study We don’t like to dance | |

| | |

|Translate the following sentences into Spanish (vocab p. 46) | |

|We don’t like to draw______________________________ | |

|I do not like to work_______________________________________________ | |

| | |

|When you are talking about two things you have THREE choices…OR, NEITHER, AND | |

|OR- You use “o” (or) when you want to ask someone what they like more, this OR that. ¿Qué te gusta más, esquiar o nadar? -Me gusta esquiar más. | |

|¿ Qué te gustan más, las papas fritas o las uvas? - Me gustan las papas fritas más. | |

| | |

|NEITHER- You use “ni…ni” (neither, nor) when you want to say that you do not like either of the options. | |

|No me gusta ni esquiar ni nadar. | |

|No me gustan ni papas fritas ni uvas. | |

| | |

|AND- You use “y” (and) when you want to say that you like both things. | |

|Me gusta esquiar y nadar. | |

|Me gustan las papas fritas y las uvas | |

| | |


|MUCHO, MUCHA, MUCHOS, MUCHAS- means a lot AND it must agree with the noun that it is referring to in both gender and in number. That is why there are four| |

|forms | |

|Yo tengo muchos libros.- I have a lot of books | |

|Yo tengo muchas amigas.- I have a lot of girl friends. | |

|Yo tengo mucha tarea. – I have a lot of homework. | |

|Yo tengo mucho dinero. – I have a lot of money( | |

|MAS- means more. ¿Cuál te gusta más?- Which one do you like more | |

|MUY- means very. Yo estoy muy bien. I am very well. | |

|Fill in the blanks with the correct word- mucho (a, os, as), más or muy. | |

|Me gusta ____________(a lot) esquiar. | |

|Yo tengo ____________ perros. | |

|Ella es ____________ bonita. | |

|Me gusta _________(more) escuchar música. | |

|Ella está___________ triste. | |

|¿Qué te gusta_________, leer o bailar? | |

| | |

|IR + a + infinitive (p. 206) | |

|This expression is used to talk about things you are going to do in the future. | |

|Yo voy a hablar por telefono Ella va a bailar | |

|I am going to talk on the phone. She is going to dance. | |

| | |

|To ask what you are going to do, you use the expression “¿Qué vas a hacer?” | |

|Answer the following questions in a complete sentence. | |

|¿Qué vas a hacer tú? (study Spanish)_____________________________________ | |

| | |

|¿Qué va a hacer Katie?(play soccer)______________________________________ | |

| | |

|¿Qué van a hacer Uds? (lift weights)______________________________________ | |

| | |

|¿Qué van a hacer ellas?( watchTV) __________________________________________ | |

| | |

SER vs ESTAR (p.258) Ser and Estar both mean “to be”, but each of them is used under different circumstances.

Ser Estar

Use ser to… Use estar to…

1. Describe someone or something 1. Tell how someone is feeling

2. Where someone or something is from 2. Where someone or something is located

3. Time

Complete the sentences with the correct form of SER or ESTAR. Then give the reason for each use.

Ella _____________bonita ___________________

Nosotros_____________ en la clase de español ___________________

________ las dos ____________________

Yo___________ muy contenta ____________________

Sra. Lopez __________profesora ____________________

Uds.____________ estudiantes ____________________

Tú____________en la biblioteca ___________________

ARTICLES- definite and indefinite (page 60)

There are two groups of articles in Spanish:

Definite articles mean “the”- el, la, los, las

Indefinite articles mean “a, an”- un, una, unos, unas

There are four forms because they must agree with the noun in both gender and in number.

Fill in the blank with the correct article.



_________ disco compacto

_________jugo de naranja

_________ bandera

_________ lápiz



__________ perros






Adjective Agreement (Page 55)- All nouns in Spanish have a gender. They are either masculine or feminine. Nouns can also be singular or plural. Adjectives in Spanish must agree with the noun that they modify in both gender and in number.

Most adjectives have four forms:

|Masculine singular- ending in “-o” |Masculine plural- ending in “-os” |

|Feminine singular- ending in “-a” |Feminine Plural- ending in “-as” |

BUT- some adjectives only have 2 forms

Masculine/Feminine SINGULAR

Masculine/Feminine PLURAL


Examples: deportista, inteligente, verde, azul

(anything ending in a letter other than O or A- with the exception of deportista)

Use the correct adjectives to complete the sentences.

A ella, le gusta el arte mucho. Ella es____________________________

José no es tímido (shy)y no tiene miedo (fear) . Él es muy _____________________________

El niño no es malo (bad), él es_________________________.

Las chicas estudian mucho, ellas son muy___________________y_____________________________

A ellos, no les gusta trabajar. Ellos son_____________________________.

Me gusta pasar tiempo con amigos y hablar por telefono. Soy___________________________.

Me gusta cantar y tocar la guitarra. Yo soy__________________________.

Mario no es ordenado, él es ____________________________________.

Question words (page 184)

Complete the sentence with the correct question word. Read the answer to determine which word to use.

1) ¿________________ estás? Yo estoy bien, gracias.

2) ¿____________________ está la biblioteca? La biblioteca está al lado del museo.

3) ¿___________________vas? Yo voy a la piscina.

4) ¿_____________________ vas a la piscina? Yo voy a la piscina con Julie.

5) ¿ _____________ es la profesora de español? Señorita Guzman es la profesora de español.

6) ¿___________________ libros tienes? Yo tengo diez libros.

7)¿_________________ eres tú? Yo soy de Guatemala.

Possessive adjectives (p232)

Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective- then translate into English (vocab p. 244)

1)_______________(my) hermanos ________________________________

2) ______________( our ) primos _______________________________

3) _______________(your) tío _______________________________

4) ________________( his) abuela _______________________________

5)_________________(her) abuelo _______________________________

6) ________________(her) esposo ______________________________

7)_________________(her) hijos _______________________________

8)________________(our) hijas _______________________________

CONTRACTIONS- don’t forget your contractions a+el = AL and de + el = DEL

Fill in the blank with the correct contractions


Voy _____ banco


Va _________ montañas



Ella viene______ supermercado.

Nosotros venimos________playa.

Yo vengo_________banco.

Tú vienes _______ fiesta

COMPARISONS (page 278)

Más/menos Mejor/peor Mayor/menor


Anna is more intelligent than Sara________________________________________________________

Julia is shorter than Sue___________________________________________________________________

Mike is less artistic than Rob______________________________________________________________

Caroline is younger than Jessica__________________________________________________________

Go back through this packet. List 5 topics you ALREADY KNOW WELL.






Go back through this packet. List 5 topics that you NEED TO WORK ON.






How do you plan to study and improve? Think about it. Write your answer here.







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