Chapter 17 Worksheet

Chapter 17 Worksheet Key Nomen____________________________________

Part I: Translate the following phrases:

|English |Latin |

|1. mēns celeris quam |The swift mind which… |

|2. libellōs quōs |The books which… |

|3. audītōrum inter quōs |Of the listeners among whom… |

|4. illī aetāte post quam |In that time after which… |

|5. saturās dē quibus |The satires about which… |

Part II: Translate the following phrases and answer the questions:

1. mare trāns quod navigās

• Translate: the sea across hich you sail…

• Identify and parse the relative pronoun: neuter, sing.

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? object of trāns

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? mare

2. saturās quās recitāvērunt

• Translate: the satires which they recited

• Identify and parse the relative pronoun: quās, fem., acc. pl.

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? functions as object in relative clause; agrees with antecedent in number and gender

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? saturās

3. urbis quam dēlēverat

• Translate: of the city which he/she/it had destroyed…

• Identify and parse the relative pronoun: quam; fem., sg., acc.

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? functions as object within relative clause

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? urbis

Part III: Translate the following sentences and answer the questions:

1. Potēns quoque est vīs artium, quae nōs semper alunt.

• Underline the relative clause:

• Parse the relative pronoun: fem., pl., nom.

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? functions as subject within relative clause

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? artium

• Translate: Powerful also is the strength of arts, which always nourishes/sustains us.

2. Incipimus vēritātem intellegere, quae mentēs nostrās semper regere dēbet et sine quā valēre nōn possumus.

• Underline the first relative clause:

• Parse the first relative pronoun: quae: fem., nom., sg.

• Why is the first relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? functions as subject of relative clause

• What is the antecedent to the first relative pronoun? vēritātem

• Underline the second relative clause:

• Parse the second relative pronoun: quā: fem., abl. sg.

• Why is the second relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? object of preposition sine

• What is the antecedent to the second relative pronoun? vēritātem

• Translate: We begin to understand the truth, which always ought to direct our minds and without which we are not able to be strong.

3. Puer mātrem timēbat, quae eum saepe neglegēbat.

• Underline the relative clause:

• Parse the relative pronoun: quae: fem., nom., sg.

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? functions as subject of relative clause

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? mātrem

• Translate: The boy was afraid of his mother, who often neglected (used to neglect) him.

4. Multī audītōrēs saturās ācrēs timēbant quās poēta recitābat.

• Underline the relative clause:

• Parse the relative pronoun: quās: fem., acc. pl.

• Why is the relative pronoun in this case, number, and gender? functions as direct object within the relative clause

• What is the antecedent to the relative pronoun? saturās

• Translate: Many listeners used to fear the harsh satires which the poet recited.


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