SciDAC two-pager template - Computer Science and …

Supercompeting in Science – From Terabytes to Fistfights

Weenot B. Fakinit, XYZ National Lab

I. M. Scientist, Univ. of Northwestern South Dakota


This paragraph should contain a very brief executive summary of your project, stressing the goal of the project and its importance. For example, supercompeting has rapidly emerged as a critical technique for scientific résumé enhancement, taking its rightful place alongside the traditional techniques of plagiarism and exaggeration. The development of supercompeting coincides with the emergence of on-line publication techniques, making it possible to publish dozens of minor variations of an undistinguished paper in mere seconds.

1. Introduction

Each SciDAC project must again provide, by Feb. 6, 2004, one or more two-page summaries of the principal goals and accomplishments to date (science, enabling technology, etc.) of the project. Large projects (e.g., the ISICs) are especially encouraged to submit more than one independent ( but related(( document. These documents will be placed on the SciDAC website and later collated to form the basis for a report to the DOE Office of Science. The report will be widely circulated both within DOE and externally, including OMB, Congress, etc.

Please send your report(s) as an e-mail attachment to me at and please also cc Debbie McCoy at ORNL who is coordinating the Mar. 22-24 PI meeting in Charleston, SC. Her address is mccoydd@

A courtesy copy to your SciDAC program manager would also be appreciated.

2. Format and Content

Your “two-pager” must be in precisely this Word format (and should be sent as a Word attachment, i.e., no pdf files). This will help us preserve uniformity for publication and permit editing of the documents if necessary. Please do not deviate from this template. To reiterate, submissions must be in MS Word (or equivalent such as StarOffice), and maintain the template form (two-column, with given fonts, layout, etc.). We apologize in advance to all who are discommoded by this request. Pointers to websites will enable you to meet the hard two-page constraint.

Your document should have a descriptive title and the name of the project PI(s). Co-PIs and affiliated researchers, including and especially from other SciDAC teams, should also be listed as space permits. One or two pictures, diagrams, or charts would be effective but are not mandatory. Describe your research in a way that is understandable to a reasonably educated reader, but one who is definitely not an expert in your field. Try to avoid field-specific jargon and please ensure that all acronyms and field-specific technical terms are defined at their first appearance. The writing in the Tuesday New York Times Science section provides a good example of appropriate level. Please proofread (or, better, have someone else proofread) your document before sending.

As you write your “two-pager,” remember that the driving force behind SciDAC is science. One of the initiative’s principal goals has been to assemble interdisciplinary teams and collaboratories to develop the necessary state-of-the-art mathematical algorithms and software, supported by appropriate hardware and middleware infrastructure, to use terascale computers effectively to advance fundamental research in the science that is central to the DOE mission. Your write-up should emphasize this overall goal as well as address the following questions, as appropriate. Note that these questions are similar to last year’s, so last year’s two-pager may serve as an effective starting point for this year’s.

a. What has your SciDAC project accomplished that has enabled scientists to realize better the potential of terascale computing? Please be specific about which application area(s) you have worked in and with whom, as well as if and how your work is being used by others.

b. How is the SciDAC team approach to science changing the way you conduct your research? How has the opportunity to be a part of the SciDAC initiative enabled you to accomplish things that might otherwise not have been possible?

c. What specific algorithmic or software tools or technology are you now able to provide to scientists to enable them to advance their research through the use of terascale computing? Alternatively, what algorithms or software are you using from other SciDAC projects, especially the ISICs, that are helping to advance your research agenda?

d. What are your plans for the future, both short-term and long-term? Are there significant scientific or infrastructural barriers to progress in your field?

Figure 1. Please include a figure or two if it helps to enhance your exposition.

3. Concluding Remarks

I am looking forward to seeing you and many of your colleagues at the annual SciDAC PI meeting to be held March 22-24, 2004 in Charleston, SC. We have added an extra half a day to the schedule to accommodate additional time for the popular poster sessions. We are also increasing the attendance target from about 130 to as much as 200 to allow many more SciDAC researchers to attend. This is a singular opportunity to interact with leading computational scientists from fields other than your own and we look forward to your active participation.

For further information on this subject contact:

Dr. I. M. Scientist

Dept. of BioChemoPhyso Computing

University of Northwestern South Dakota

Pumphandle, SD 57501

Phone: 605-555-1234



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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