Environmental Monitoring Report People's Republic of China ...

Environmental Monitoring Report

#6 Semi-Annual Report January 2022

People's Republic of China: Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project

Prepared by Jinan Project Management Office for the Jinan Municipal Government and Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Purpose of the report...............................................................................................1 1.2 Major Content of the Report ....................................................................................1 1.3 Basis of the Report ..................................................................................................2 1.4 Structure of the Report ............................................................................................2

2 Project Overview and Major Environmental Impacts..........................................................1 2.1 Background .............................................................................................................1 2.2 Project Overview .....................................................................................................2 2.2.1 Basic project information .................................................................................2 2.2.2 Expected project outputs .................................................................................3 2.2.3 Main construction content of the project ..........................................................3 2.2.4 Proposed Change of the Project......................................................................5 2.3 Major Environmental Impacts ..................................................................................6

3 Overview of Project Progress and Implementation of Environmental Management Plan ...8 3.1 Project Progress......................................................................................................8 3.2 Overview of implementation of environmental management plan ..........................11

4 Institutional Arrangement and Responsibilities ................................................................12 4.1 Environmental management institutions and responsibilities .................................12 4.1.1 Institutional Arrangement...............................................................................12 4.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................13 4.2 Mechanism for Environmental Management..........................................................14

5 Loan Agreement Performance.........................................................................................22 6 Implementation of Environmental Mitigation Measures ....................................................25 7 Environmental Monitoring and Reporting.........................................................................30

7.1 Environmental monitoring activities during the period ............................................30 7.1 External Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................31 8. Capacity Building and Training .......................................................................................34 8.1 Capacity Building...................................................................................................34 8.2 Training .................................................................................................................35 9 Public Consultation and GRM..........................................................................................37 9.1 Public Consultation................................................................................................37 9.2 Operation of the GRM............................................................................................37

9.2.1 GRM has been established ...........................................................................37 9.2.2 Operation of the grievance mechanism .........................................................40 10 Conclusions and Recommendations..............................................................................42 Annex 1: Implementation of on-site environmental mitigation measures.............................43

Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project No. 6 Environmental Monitoring Report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)

1 Introduction

According to the loan agreement of the ADB Loan Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project and the requirements of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), the project implementing agency is required to prepare and submit semi-annual environmental monitoring reports to ADB, which are required to objectively and comprehensively assess and measure the project's environmental management activities to ensure the effective implementation of the project's EMP.

1.1 Purpose of the report

This report will document and summarize the environmental management activities of the Project and the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan for the period from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The purpose of this report is to reflect the project implementation progress, environmental management agency setup and arrangement, environmental monitoring plan implementation, public consultation and grievance redress mechanism (GRM) and training activities; assess the compliance of environmental impact mitigation measures implemented before and during construction with the requirements of the project environmental management plan, environmental management effectiveness; and make recommendations for the next step to optimize the environmental management plan. The ultimate goal is to avoid, reduce or mitigate the negative impacts of the construction project on the environment and to minimize the potential adverse impacts of the project.

According to the description of environmental monitoring in the project environmental management plan, the environmental monitoring report should serve the following purposes: to describe (i) the extent and severity of the actual environmental impact compared with the expected environmental impact; (ii) the implementation of environmental protection measures and compliance with relevant regulations; (iii) the comprehensive effect of the environmental management plan of this project; and (iv) the necessity of adjusting the project environmental management plan. This report is a comprehensive evaluation of the compliance and effectiveness of the implementation of the environmental management plan during the reporting period, and is in line with the description of the purpose of environmental monitoring in the project's environmental management plan.

1.2 Major Content of the Report

This report mainly covers the following aspects:

(i) The status of implementation of the project performance indicators specified in the loan engagement regarding the environment, environmental compliance, environmental management plan implementation, and environmental system strengthening and training.

(ii) Environmental performance of contractors, construction supervision companies and project management offices.

(iii) Environmental quality monitoring data and environmental compliance evaluation. (iv) Operation and performance of the project grievance compensation mechanism.


Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project No. 6 Environmental Monitoring Report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)

1.3 Basis of the Report

The main basis for the preparation of this report includes:

(i) National and local environmental related laws and regulations; (ii) The Project Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), including the Environmental

Monitoring Plan (EMP). (iii) Environmental quality monitoring data for June 2021 provided by Shandong Jinhe

Environmental Protection Testing Co. (iv) Quarterly environmental progress report prepared by the construction supervision

companies (CSCs); (v) Site inspection and observation conducted by the loan implementation

environmental consultant (LIEC); (vi) Technical discussions and communications between Project Management Office,

project implementation agency, project management consulting firm.

1.4 Structure of the Report

This report covers the environmental management activities of the project during the design, bidding and construction phases and the implementation of the environmental management plan. Based on the actual progress of the project, the content of the environmental management plan, the implementation of environmental management measures, and the changes in relevant Chinese laws, regulations, policies and systems, the following structure was determined for the preparation of this report.

? Introduction ? Project overview and major environmental impact ? Overall project progress and implementation of the environmental

management plan ? Institutional Arrangement and Responsibilities ? Implementation of environmental management measures ? Environmental quality monitoring ? Capacity building and training. ? Public consultation and GRM ? Conclusions and recommendations.

This report was completed by the Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project Management Office with the support of a project management consultant and LIEC.


Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project No. 6 Environmental Monitoring Report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)

2 Project Overview and Major Environmental Impacts

2.1 Background

Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, is located in the middle of Shandong Province, with longitude 116?11'-117?44'E and latitude 36?02'-37?31'N. It is surrounded by the Tai Mountain in the south and the Yellow River in the north. It is located in the south by Mount Tai and in the north by the Yellow River, at the intersection of the low hills of south-central Lu and the alluvial plain of northwest Lu. The total area of the city is 8,177 square kilometers, the urban area is 3,257 square kilometers, and the resident population statistics at the end of 2019 was 8,908,700, an increase of 0.78% over the end of the previous year.

Jinan is a famous spring city and a national historical and cultural city, connected to the capital economic circle in the north, the Yangtze River Delta economic circle in the south, and the Shandong Peninsula and Central China in the east and west, and is a center of science and technology, education and culture, an important national transportation hub, a regional financial center, and an important national industrial base.

As the capital city of Shandong Province, Jinan, due to its unique natural environment and rapid socio-economic development, traffic congestion and air pollution have become two major constraints to the sustainable development of Jinan city. In the past decade, urban traffic congestion in Jinan has become normalized. According to statistics, the total number of motor vehicles in Jinan reached 2.065 million in 2017 and 2.853 million by the end of 2019. Of the total existing motor vehicle ownership, 2,323,400 private cars, accounting for 81.68%. The purchase of private cars is still the main factor contributing to the rapid growth of motor vehicles. According to the forecast, the passenger volume of public transportation in Jinan will reach 6.5 million passengers/day in 2020, and the passenger flow cannot be met by conventional public transportation alone. The average daily use of private cars is about 2.9 times/day, showing a high ownership and high usage trend, which is the main reason for traffic congestion on major roads in the city during peak hours.

Furthermore, due to the special topography of Jinan City, resulting in unfavorable conditions for pollution dispersion, as well as the transport and superposition of pollutants from surrounding regions, the number of haze days has increased year by year, and the urban air pollution situation is severe. According to the data released by Jinan Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, motor vehicle emissions account for about 15% of the ambient air fine particulate matter PM2.5 sources. As a result, Jinan City has faced a serious haze problem in recent years and has become a city with a poor air quality ranking as announced by the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

The vigorous development of electric trolley buses is one of the effective ways to alleviate urban congestion and atmospheric haze problems. Trolley bus is a kind of road public transport usually powered by overhead contact network and driven by electric motor, not relying on fixed tracks, trolley bus is known as "green bus", the main advantage of the fuel bus for energy saving, environmental protection, comfort and health, compared to the main advantage of rail transit for cheap, flexible. Modern trolley


Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project No. 6 Environmental Monitoring Report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)

buses are electrically driven, not only to achieve "zero emissions" of exhaust gas, trolley buses traction motor in the operation of the noise generated by the internal combustion engine is lower than the car, trolley buses noise is only 60% of the fuel car. Rubber tires are also much less noisy than metal wheels and rails, so the environmental benefits are outstanding. In terms of economic cost, it is estimated that the modern trolleybus system construction investment is only one-fifth of that of trams and one-twentieth of that of rail transit. System construction can be combined with the simultaneous implementation of municipal road construction, part of the trolley bus corridor construction can rely on the existing bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor, with a shorter construction cycle.

Jinan has nearly 40 years of trolleybus development history, up to now, Jinan has 4 trolleybus lines (101, 102, 103, 104), 140 trolleybuses, 38km supply network length, 43.4km line length, 120,000 passengers daily average capacity. 101 and 102 lines run through Jingsi Road and Jingqi Road respectively, two important city Public transportation corridor, connecting the east and west city, financial and commercial centers and busy roads, trolley buses play an important role in the bus line network, is the backbone of the bus line network.

Then again, Jinan's 2nd west and east ring roads have been reserved for modern trolleybus pipelines during the road construction process, with good construction conditions. In terms of operating economy, the comprehensive operating cost is much lower than that of diesel vehicles. In terms of technology applicability, modern trolley buses are technically mature, easy to maintain, and the failure rate of the whole vehicle is only about 30% of that of internal combustion engine vehicles. Modern trolley buses are equipped with battery packs, which can be operated off-line, not completely dependent on the power supply contact network, and can flexibly choose the line to run, which has less impact on road running conditions and traffic organization, and is convenient to connect with rail transit and existing conventional bus system, which is more conducive to play the effect of transportation network.

Therefore, in order to further improve the traffic congestion and air pollution in Jinan, and to realize the overall requirement of Jinan to build a "convenient, safe, efficient, ecological and diversified" integrated urban integrated transportation system, the Asian Development Bank and the Chinese government jointly signed a project loan agreement in January 2018 to implement the "Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project".

2.2 Project Overview

2.2.1 Basic project information

The basic information of the project is detailed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Overview of Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project

No. Items 1 Loan Number

Contents 3583-PRC


Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project No. 6 Environmental Monitoring Report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)

2 Borrower

People's Republic of China

3 Executing Agency

People's Government of Jinan City, Shandong Province

4 Implementing Agency

Jinan Public Transportation Corporation (officially renamed as Jinan Bus Group on January 2, 2020)

5 Total project investment RMB 2,735 million.

6 Total loans

US$150 million.

7 Loan Approval Date

February 23, 2017

8 Loan Signing Date

January 22, 2018

9 Loan Effective Date

April 19, 2018

10 Project

Implementation December 2022

Completion Date

11 Loan closing date

June 30, 2023

2.2.2 Expected project outputs

The expected outputs of the implementation of the Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project are as follows.

(i) Output 1: zero-emission bus rapid transit (BRT) network developed.

(ii) Output 2: modern trolleybus transit and service standards implemented.

(iii) Output 3: Jinan Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures developed.

2.2.3 Main construction content of the project

(1) Trolleybus corridor

The project uses the road in the bus lane and island bus station operation mode to build "three horizontal and five vertical" trolleybus corridor, the main network layout of the corridor is shown in Table 2-2, the schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2-1.

Table 2-2 List of "three horizontal and five vertical" trolleybus corridor"

No. Corridor name

Start and end points Corridor length (km)

1 Beiyuan Street - North IndustrialQizhou Road - Guodian29.1 (Three horizontal 43




2 Nanxinzhuang West Road-JingqiSouth Second Ring21.1 (three horizontal 29

Road-Leyuan Street- Jiefang RoadRoad - Phoenix Road stations)

- South Industrial Road

3 South Second Ring Road

West Second Ring14 (Three horizontal 17

Road-Tourist Road


4 West Second Ring Road

Dawei - South Second12.4 (five columns and 17

Ring Road


5 Weixue Road - Sunshine NewBeiyuan Street - Jiuqu10.1 (five columns and 13

Road - Jiuquzhuang Road




Shandong Spring City Green Modern Trolley Bus Demonstration Project No. 6 Environmental Monitoring Report (July 1 to December 31, 2021)

6 Lishan Road 7 East Second Ring Road 8 Olympic Sports Middle Road Total

Beiyuan Street - Jingxie4.8 (five columns and five



High Wall King-Travel13 (five columns and 17



North Industrial Road -6.7 (5 columns and 7

Jingxie Road



(2) Other supporting facilities

Other supporting facilities of the project are shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Project main supporting facilities construction content list


Name of supporting facilities Construction content




Station Platform

Design 21 bus lines

Construction of 148 island stations in the road (46 new, 26 expansion, 76 using the current situation)


Bus station

New and altered bus stations 15 (5 new, 10


Electricity supply line network Clot nsttriuctio) n of trolleybus power supply network


Traction type box-type substation7C5oknstruction of traction-type box-type substations

into 33 (22 in the corridor, 11 field stations)


Vehicle procurement

Total vehicle procurement 735 (385 trolleybuses,


Intelligent control center for315s0eat t )

public transportation


Power supply and distribution1 seat

dispatching and monitoring




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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