47047-002: Shandong Groundwater Protection Project

[Pages:112]Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 47047-002 March 2020

PRC: Shandong Groundwater Protection Project ? Environmental Monitoring Report (July?December 2019)

Prepared by Shandong Provincial Project Management Office for the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 47047-002

PRC: Shandong Groundwater Protection Project Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report For July--- December 2019

February 2020

Prepared by the Shandong Provincial Project Management Office For the Shandong Provincial Government, PRC and the Asian Development Bank



SUMMARY PROJECT INFORMATION Shandong Groundwater ProtectionProject

Date of project effectiveness: Executing agency: Implementing agency:

PPMO (name of agency):

January 10, 2017 TheShandong Provincial Government Five counties(or county level city)government t respectivelyof Shouguang; Huantai; Qingzhou; Changle; Gaomi International Project Cooperation Center,Water Resources Department of Shandong Province

PPMO Environment Officer (name, email):

Loan implementation consultant / firm: LIEC: Construction supervision company(ies):


Mr.BianDundian (dicector) Mr.Jiang Deping(Section Chief) Mr.ShiWeinan Mr.YanJiancheng Email xmb5025@

Liu Huaiquan Qingzhou Subproject: Weifang water conservancy construction supervision center, Qingdao Water Conservancy Construction Supervision Co., Ltd; Shandong Longxinda consulting Supervision Co., Ltd. HuantaiSubprojecti: Zibo Xinghe Hydraulic Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.,DongyingXinhui Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd., Zhang Hua, Shandong Longyue Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd., Cui Zhigang. Shouguang Subproject:Changle Subproject; Shandong Keyuan engineering construction supervision center. Gaomi Subproject; Shandong water conservancy construction supervision company Beijing Linfengyuan ecological environment planning and Design Institute Co. Ltd. For soil and water conservation monitoring of the five subprojects Qingzhou Subproject: Shandong Water Conservancy Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., Qingzhou Water Conservancy Construction Corporation,

HuantaiSubproject: Shandong Dayu Engineering Construction Co., Linyi Water Conservancy Engineering Corporation, Sinopec Yanwei Construction Engineering Company Limited , Xiashanreservoir water conservancy construction engineering limited company

Gaomi Subproject: China Hydropower Construction Group Navigation Construction Co., Ltd., Shandong the Yellow River Engineering Group Co., Ltd.


ADB web link to EMP: Domestic web link to EMP:

Changle Subproject: Linyi Water Conservancy Engineering Co., BeijingJingshui Co. Ltd.

Shouguang Subproject; Beijing Jingshui Co., Jiangsu XinmeiEnvironmental Construction Co., Ltd., Li Liang.


ADB environment safeguard category: A

Environmental report prepared as per Environmental Impact Assessment

ADB requirements for this category:

Domestic safeguard report:

Five Environmental Impact Assessment Reports for the Five

Sub-projects at five counties(or county level city) respectively

Quarterly period covered bythis report: 3and 4Quarter of 2019

# EMRs to date including this report: July12019 --- December 312019

Agency/person responsible for internal* Five PIUs of subproject at the five counties respectivelyof

environmental monitoring:

Shouguang; Huantai; Qingzhou; Changle; Gaomi and the

construction contractors.

Agency/person responsible for external*

environment monitoring:

Qingdao JingchengTesting Technology Co., Ltd

Agency/person responsible for

Five County (or county level city) EPBs, LIEC, PPMO

compliance* environment monitoring:

Agency/person responsible for

Qingzhou Subproject: Weifang water conservancy construction

independent compliance* monitoring: supervision center, Qingdao Water Conservancy Construction

Supervision Co., Ltd; Shandong Longxinda consulting Supervision

Co., Ltd.

HuantaiSubprojecti: Zibo Xinghe Hydraulic Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.,DongyingXinhui Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd., Zhang Hua, Shandong Longyue Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd., Cui Zhigang.

Shouguang Subproject, Changle Subproject; Shandong Keyuan engineering construction supervision center

Gaomi Subproject; Shandong water conservancy construction supervision company.

Beijing linfengyuan ecological environment planning and Design

Institute Co. Ltd. For soil and water conservation monitoring of the

five subprojects

Overall status of environmental

On track


ADB = Asian Development Bank, EMP = environmental management plan, EMR = environment monitoring report,

LIEC = loan implementation environment consultant, PMO = project management office.

*See Section III.3 for definitions of internal, external, compliance, and independent compliance monitoring.


Table of Content EXECTIVESUMMARY....................................................................................................5 I. INTRDUCTION

A. Purpose of report..................................................................................................7 B. Project outcome, outputs and subcomponents............................................................7 C. Summary of physical progress.................................................................................8 II. SUMMARY OF PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN..................................10 III. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DURINGTHEREPORTPERIOD A. Implementation of the project mitigation measures.......................................................12 B. Implementation of the project monitoring program........................................................16 C. Public consultations and grievance redress mechanism.................................................21 D. Training and capacity building..................................................................................24 E. Compliance with loan and project assurance...............................................................25 F. Repoting..............................................................................................................28

.... IVLESSONS LEARNED...............................................................................................30 V. GENERAL CONCLUSION AND NEXT STEPS..................................................................31

APPENDIX 1External monitoring data APPENDIX 2Internal monitoring data APPENDIX 3Soil and water conservation monitoring results and analysis APPENDIX 4Photographs on the mitigation performance cases APPENDIX 5Public Consultations and Grievance Redress data





This semi-annual report presents the status of compliance with the environment

managementplan (EMP) during the project implementation fromJuly to December 2019.The key

environment issues caused by project construction have been discussed, and corresponding

improvement measures and follow up actions have been suggested with respect to the issues found.

Progress in Implementing the EMP


The project has been implemented in accordance with EMP requirements, and relevant

environmental provisions have been included in the bidding document and contract. PPMO has

distributed both the EMP and design documents to PIUs, contractors, and supervisors before the

commencement of construction.At the project preparation stage, PPMO, PIUs, design institute, EIA

Institute, and EPBs have conducted related public consultation activities in accordance to ADB

requirements. The GRM has beenestablished and carried out by PPMO.Noncomplaintshave been

received during this reporting period.

3Environmental officers of PPMO and PIUs have been working effectively on the project withthe support of Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant (LIEC). EMP trainings have been provided to relatedstaffs in PMO, PIUs, contractors and supervisors.PPMO and related PIUs conducted the environment impact assessment process for the proposed new components of Mid Term Review. The new components included the following Proposed new components; Qingzhou--Heihushan Reservoir Capacity Expasion, Shouguang--Judian Lake waterDiversionWorks, Huangtai--Recharge works by diverting water from Xiaoqing River to Matahu Wetland.

Key issues

4The Independent compliance monitoring-- soil and water conservation monitoring indicated theseKey issues- that soil erosion in some construction sites wasserious. LIEC and Beijing linfengyuan ecological environment planning and Design Institute Co. Ltd. Found that soil and water conservation monitoring of the five subprojects hadenforced the related corrective requirements to control the soil erosion at these construction sites. These construction units had implemented strict measures mitigate soilerosion impacts at these construction sites according to the soil and water conservation plan. Related information is provided at the Appendix 4Monitoring DATA-- Soil and water conservation Monitoring results and analysis. TheseKey issues have been successfully improved. The results are shown in the attached photos--Appendix 4.

5Temporary and simple domestic facilities are mainly temporary Kitchens and dry latrines. The main pollutants in domestic sewage are COD, BOD5, SS, ammonia nitrogen and petroleum. Kitchen wastewater must be pretreated by oil barrier pools and used locally in surrounding farmland. Dry latrines are regularly cleaned and transported by villagers nearby. Domestic sewage and production wastewater should be disposed of reasonably and effectively to avoid the impact on surface water and groundwater environment.


Lessons learned 6The sub-project construction supervision- environmental supervision are undertaken by several agencies respectively. The independent compliance monitoring of sub-projects isalso undertaken by a number of engineering supervisors - environmental supervision agencies and soil and water conservation agency. This situation is difficult for the coordination of the independent compliance monitoring of the project.

7Water and soil conservation monitoring exercises have been carried out with the results showing, that efforts on soil erosion control are still a little bit deficient and should be strengthened in the next stage. It is recommended that construction waste disposal sites be better considered and strengthened to reduce soil erosion during rainy seasons. The detail measures were provided at Appendix 2.

8Based on the publicparticipant statistics resoultpreviously, it is found that the female participation ratio is relatively low. The PMO confirmed that this issue will be further addressed by conducting additional household surveysand other measures as part of public consultation activities in 2019 and in future.

Next steps


The Project Environment Management Plan's (EMP's) primary purpose is to ensure the

environmental requirements, identified during and following the Planning/Design Phase, are

implemented and effectively managed during a project's life cycle. In addition to the incorporation of

environmental requirements into the project specifications in the bidding document, the environmental

requirements are part of the contractual requirements for the project.


It is recommended that construction waste disposal sites be better considered and

strengthened to reduce soil erosion during rainy seasons. Mitigation for soil erosion should be

strengthened. TocontinueandStrengthening the monitoring the sediments for the Dredging activities

should conducted for the relevant construction activities.All of these mitigation measures should be

implemented according to EMP requirements. PPMO and related PIUs need to enforce the

environment impact management process for the proposed new components of Mid Term Review. The

new components included the following Proposed new components; Qingzhou--Heihushan Reservoir

Capacity Expasion, Shouguang--Judian Lake waterDiversionWorks, Huangtai--Recharge works by

diverting water from Xiaoqing River to Matahu Wetland.



A. Purpose of report

11The purpose of this environmental monitoring report (EMR) is to describe and assess progress for implementation of the environmental management plan (EMP) for the PRC: Shandong Groundwater ProtectionProject, for the reporting periodJuly to December2019.This EMR is submitted in compliance with the Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS)of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the loan agreement between ADB and the project executing agency.

12This is the6thEMR for the project. It covers part of the construction phase of the project. The report describes: (i)implementation of mitigation measures; (ii)monitoring activities; (iii)public consultations (including grievance redress); (iv)training and capacity building; (v)reporting; and(vi) an overall assessment of key achievements, challenges, issues, corrective actions, and lessons learned, during the reporting period.

B. Project outcome, outputs and subcomponents


The municipalities of Weifang and Zibo are serous water scarce areas, where water per capita

is about one-sixth of the average in the PRC, depend heavily on groundwater, especially for its

intensive and high value agricultural production. The project area, part of the Northern China Plain

(NCP), is a main vegetable production base for Beijing, Tianjin and other cities in NCP with a high

concentration of vegetable greenhouses. In some downstream areas, agricultural production, in

particularthe vegetable cultivation already stopped due to lack of suitable water sources. Domestic

and industrial water demands, although still less than agricultural water use, are also on the rise as a

result of the rapid economic development and urbanization in the area.


The consequences of the current unsustainable groundwater utilization are serious: (i)

pumping costs have increased, (ii) groundwater quality is deteriorating due to seawater intrusion and

environmental pollution, (iii) domestic water supplies and agricultural production are at risk, and (iv) the

area is suffering fromsignificant financial and economic damages caused by land subsidence.

Seawater intrusion in the north has extended 35 km inland from the coast, and some areas have

already experienced subsidence of more than two meters. The process of land subsidence is

irreversible, and urgent action is needed to avoid worsening.

Short Description of Project Components


Output 1: Groundwater recharged and conserved. Output 1 will support the introduction of

groundwater recharge technologies in the project area to increase shallow groundwater recharge and

reduce usage of deep groundwater. Output 1 will have two components: (i) rehabilitation and

construction of about 880 hectares of wetland areas, including canals, which will contribute to the

recharge of shallow groundwater resources; and (ii) technological innovation for monitoring shallow

groundwater recharge in Huantai County. Under component 1, two wetland areas will be rehabilitated

in Huantai County and Shouguang City to improve the reservoir and ecological functions of the

wetlands and increase shallow groundwater recharge through the canal network. These wetland areas

currently suffer from water shortages and are not operational. Component 2 includes the development

of a comprehensive management information system for water resources monitoring and management

in Huantai County, including monitoring and dissemination of groundwater levels, quality, and



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