Combat Action in Afghanistan, 2008 - Army …


Combat Action in Afghanistan, 2008

The Staff of the US Army Combat Studies Institute

Combat Studies Institute Press US Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

Front Cover: Aerial View of the Wanat Battlefield, 2008 (Courtesy, Colonel William Ostlund)


Combat Action in Afghanistan, 2008

The Staff of the US Army Combat Studies Institute

Combat Studies Institute Press US Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Wanat: Combat Action In Afghanistan, 2008 The Staff of the US Army Combat Studies Institute, 2010. DS371.4123.W36W36 2010 958.104'742--dc22


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On 13 July 2008, nine American Soldiers perished while fighting a pitched battle in the village of Wanat in Afghanistan's Waygal Valley. On that day, the men of Company C, 2d Battalion, 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment, endured four hours of intense close quarters combat and mounting casualties. The contingent of 49 United States and 24 Afghan National Army Soldiers valiantly defended their small outpost against a coordinated attack by a determined insurgent force armed with rocket propelled grenades and automatic weapons. Despite the initial advantage of tactical surprise and numerical superiority, it was the insurgents who ultimately broke contact and withdrew from Combat Outpost Kahler.

Army historians recognized the need to better understand the Battle of Wanat and ensure those who followed learned from the experiences of the courageous Soldiers who defended their outpost with such tenacity. As initial reports from the battle were received, the Combat Studies Institute at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas began to prepare a historical analysis of the circumstances of the Battle of Wanat, launching an exhaustive research effort that produced a comprehensive and compelling example of contemporary history.

This study offers an objective narrative of the events surrounding the Battle of Wanat. It does not seek to draw final conclusions or to second guess decisions made before or during the heat of battle. Rather, it is an implement of learning, allowing the reader to see the events of that day through the eyes of the leaders and Soldiers of Task Force Rock. It is meant to provide context to the chaos and complexity of modern conflict, and to help the reader better understand and appreciate the nature of operations in an era of persistent conflict. Finally, this study serves to honor and preserve the memories of the nine brave men who gave their lives at Combat Outpost Kahler.

Sean B. MacFarland BG, US Army Deputy Commandant, CGSC



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