Masuk High School: Research Paper Rubric


Dutchtown High School: Senior Research Paper Rubric


| |Exceeds Standard- 25 |Meets Standard-20 |Near Standard-15 |Below Standard-10 |

|Focus |Thesis demonstrates original thinking and is |Thesis is established and is developed (clear &|Thesis is partially established or not |Thesis is vague, unclear, or shows little |

| |well developed (clear & arguable) |arguable) |developed |direction |

|Support & Elaboration |The position is richly supported with relevant |The position is well supported, typically using|The position is somewhat supported and may not |The position is not supported by the source |

| |information from each of the source materials |relevant information from each of the source |use relevant information from each of the |materials, OR the information is not relevant, |

| | |materials |source materials |OR the support provided is copied verbatim |

| |Sophisticated analysis of evidence is grounded | | | |

| |in the source materials |Thoughtful analysis of evidence grounded in |Limited analysis or choice of evidence grounded|Inadequate analysis or choice of evidence |

| | |source material |in source material |grounded in source material |

|Organization |Thesis is insightfully supported by the body of|Thesis is supported by the body of the paper |Thesis is not fully supported by body of the |Thesis is not supported by the body of the |

| |the paper | |paper |paper |

| | |Thesis is reiterated in the conclusion | | |

| |Thesis is reiterated and expanded upon in the | |Thesis is alluded to in the conclusion or is |Thesis is not evident in the conclusion |

| |conclusion | |repeated verbatim | |

|Introduction, Topic | |Generally engaging opening; presentation of | | |

|Sentences, & Conclusion |Engaging opening introduces the essay’s topic |general topic OR transition between general |Opening is functional but is too brief and/or |Opening is ineffective, poorly organized, and |

| |and inspires thinking; logically proceeds to |opening and specific thesis statement may need |simplistic; topic is apparent but needs further|undeveloped; lack of transition from topic to |

| |thesis |developing |development |thesis |

| | | | | |

| |Each topic sentence clearly connects to the |Each topic sentence generally connects to the |Some of the topic sentences clearly connect to |Topic sentences are absent OR they consistently|

| |thesis and offers an identifiable, well-phrased|thesis but the main idea may need to be |the thesis and offer well-phrased ideas to be |lack focused ideas and don’t connect back to |

| |idea to be proven in the paragraph |clarified |proven in the paragraphs |the thesis |

| | | | | |

| |Lesson is clearly illustrated and explained in |Lesson is explained in conclusion |Lesson is alluded to but not specifically |No lesson is apparent in conclusion |

| |conclusion | |stated in conclusion | |

Grade: _____________/100 points (X2 Test Grade)

Dutchtown High School: Senior Research Paper Rubric


| |Exceeds Standard-11 |Meets Standard-9 |Near Standard-7 |Below Standard-5 |

|Conventions |Exceptional use of mechanics (no errors in |Appropriate use of mechanics (few errors in |Limited use of mechanics (several errors in |Lack of competency in mechanics (multitude of |

|of English |spelling, punctuation, capitalization) |spelling, punctuation, capitalization) |spelling, punctuation, capitalization) |errors in spelling, punctuation, |

| | | | |capitalization) |

| |Effective use of sentence combining/complexity |Some evidence of sentence combining/complexity |Little evidence of sentence | |

| | | |combining/complexity |Sentences are short and simple in structure; |

| |Paper is free of all sentence fragments and |Paper contains 1-2 sentence fragments and/or | | |

| |run-on sentences |run-on sentences |Paper contains few sentence fragments and/or |Paper contains multiple sentence fragments |

| | | |run-on sentences |and/or run-on sentences |

| |Paper contains no instances of comma splices |Paper contains 1-2 comma splices | | |

| | | |Paper contains few comma splices |Paper contains multiple comma splices |

|References & Paper Format |Utilizes credible print, Internet, and database|Utilizes minimum (3) credible print, Internet, |Utilizes too few (2) credible print, Internet, |Utilizes only 1 credible print, Internet, or |

| |sources beyond minimum to support thesis |and database sources to support thesis |or database sources to support thesis |database source to support thesis |

| | | | | |

| |Paper follows correct MLA Style in all areas |Paper follows correct MLA Style (-1 area) |Paper mostly follows correct MLA Style (-2 |Paper fails to follow correct MLA Style (-3 or |

| | | |areas) |more areas) |

|Works Cited |Works Cited title is centered at the top of the|Works Cited title is centered at the top of the|Works Cited title is not centered or another |The page has no title |

| |page and the header continues from the paper |page |title is used | |

| | | | | |

| |All sources are documented and contain the | | | |

| |necessary information | | | |

| | |All sources are documented, and most have the |All sources are documented, but some are |None of the sources are documented with the |

| |All citations are in alphabetical order by the |necessary information |missing the necessary information or it is |necessary information |

| |first word of the citation | |inaccurate | |

| | |Most citations are in correct alphabetical | |There does not appear to be an attempt to put |

| | |order by the first word of the citation |Some citations are in correct alphabetical |citations in correct alphabetical order by the |

| | | |order by the first word of the citation |first word of the citation |

Grade: _____________/33 points (X1 Test Grade)


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