US History Final Research PaperDue June 17th Student in the state of Washington are required to present a written research project as a demonstration of research, analytical and interpretation skills in an essay format.Research skills will be developed and extended as part of the class daily activities. Students will utilize the MTHS library and resources to compile evidence to support a thesis addressing a historical question based on primary sources and historical narrative.Assignment:There are three CBAs that are appropriate for this assignment:US Foreign PolicyConstitutional IssuesDig DeepYour topic/thesis must fulfill the requirements of one of the above CBA formats (written copy or the rubric and state designed CBA are provided in a separate handout) Your research essay must provide an overview of the topic, a strong thesis, background information and a conclusion that sums up your thesis or makes a strong statement.:You will need to use the following different sources types for your research. Your research must include a total of 6 resources. Keep track of the information, you will need it for your bibliography and Works Cited page. You may use more than one from each category as long as you use all of the different sources.Book (required)Journal/Magazine/Newspaper Article (required)Reference Material (required)Internet (be careful when using internet resources, anyone can put anything on the internet. There is no standard required, information may not be legitimate)A documentary movie or television program (It must be a documentary – sorry no “Saving Private Ryan” If you choose this type of source you must take notes and include them.)Extra Credit (10 points) - Primary Resource/document must be integrated into your essay in a way that supports your thesisThe Paper (100 points)Title Page (5 points)Heading on first page and pages numbered with last name in heading (5 points) The Body (50 points total) Introduction (10 points)Body (20 points)Use of evidence and analysisConclusion (10 points)You will need to use MLA format. (25 points) 1000-1200 words, typed paper. Double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman (or similar to the style of font used on this page). Include a minimum of three citations in your paper. (15 points)Bibliography - MLA format (10 points)ScheduleJune 1 – Students will investigate a topic of interested within the required area(s) of research.June 2 – Students will develop notes on topic of choice using two forms of reference material BookElectronicJune 3 – Students will complete notes from reference materials and secure a book that address the topic.June 6 – Students will develop notes from selected bookJune 10 – Students will find 2 – 3 articles related to topic and take notes on material.June 11– MLA process explainedJune 12– Utilizing research notes students will construct a thesis statement and outlineJune 13 - 17 students will write, review, edit and complete essayPossible topic ideasConstitutional Principles and Democratic Ideals:A More Perfect Union: unified country; strong central gov’t, but with state’s rights.Justice: fair application of laws, due process.The General Welfare: well-being of the people; basic needs met; health & prosperity;security; comfort, happiness.Limited Government—government may only do what it has been given power to do. Itmust follow the law, particularly the constitution.Judicial Review—Judicial review is the power of the courts to declare unconstitutional,illegal, and void any action that violates a part of the constitution.Individual Rights—several amendments establish human rights, civil rights, right to dueprocess: Freedom of religion, speech (expression), the press, to peaceably assemble, topetition the gov’t. To bear arms (in order to form a militia).States’ Rights—Powers not given to the fed. gov’t in the constitution are reserved to thestates or to the people.Voting—president is elected by Electoral votes; women & non-whites adults can vote; noone has to pay a fee to vote; elected officials have limited terms.Separation of Church and State (1st amend., letter of Madison and Jefferson)Freedom of Expression (1st amend.)US Foreign Policy Ideas:The US and the USSRThe Cold War US in KoreaUS in Vietnam American Attitudes Towards the Middle East?US Foreign Policy & Support of Dictatorships?Weapons of Mass Destruction?9-11-01/Why is America a Target??Terrorism and 9/11?American Attitudes Towards the Middle East?Historical Questions Samples:Emergence of America as a world power (1890 – 1918)1. What are the various perspectives on the Spanish-American War? the U.S. involvement in Cuba and thePhilippines after the war? How are these events related to our democratic ideals and how do they involve ourrights and responsibilities?2. What are the various perspectives on the U.S. involvement in World War I? the U.S. government’s involvementwith the Treaty of Versailles? How is this event related to our democratic ideals and how did it involve ourrights and responsibilities?Reform, Prosperity, and Depression (1900 – 1940)1. What are the various perspectives on the Progressive Era — its motives and effectiveness in achieving positivesocial change? How is this movement related to our democratic ideals and how does it involve our rightsand responsibilities?2. What are the various perspectives on the causes of the Great Depression and the attempts to soften its effects?How is the U.S.’s experience during the Great Depression related to our democratic ideals and how did itinvolve our rights and responsibilities?World War II, the Cold War, and International Relations (1939 – Present)1. What are the various perspectives on the U.S. dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?How is this event related to our democratic ideals and how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?2. What are the various perspectives on the U.S. involvement in the Cold War? the Korean War? the VietnamWar? How is this event related to our democratic ideals and how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?3. What are the various perspectives on the U.S. involvement in the World Trade Organization? How is thisinvolvement related to our democratic ideals and how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?Post World War II domestic, political, social, and economic issues (1945 – Present)1. What are the various perspectives on efforts to improve human rights and the environment? How are thesemovements related to our democratic ideals and how do they involve our rights and responsibilities?2. What are the various perspectives on the rights of the accused? How is this issue related to our democraticideals and how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?3. What are the various perspectives on the rights of gun owners? How is this issue related to ourdemocratic ideals and how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?4. What are the various perspectives on the death penalty? How is this issue related to our democratic idealsand how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?5. What are the various perspectives on affirmative action? How is this issue related to our democratic idealsand how does it involve our rights and responsibilities?6. What are the various perspectives on health care, education, or other social issues? How do these issuesrelate to our democratic ideals and how do they involve our rights and responsibilities? ................

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