History Research Mini-Essay Marking Rubric

Writing 11-12.1 an Argumentative Research paper

| |Exceptional (4) |Proficient (3) |Approaching (2) |Well Below (1) |

|Thesis & Conclusion|• Well developed thesis and conclusion that |• Clear thesis addressing the topic |• Thesis indicates some aspect of the topic; |• No discernible thesis and/or serious |

| |directly address the topic |• In an argumentative essay: |more a restatement of than a point about the |misunderstanding of the topic |

| |• In an argumentative essay: |Takes a position |topic |• In an argumentative essay: |

| |Expresses a clear position |Shows understanding of the topic |• In an argumentative essay: |No discernible position |

| |Express a clear understanding of the topic | |Weak or vague position |• No understanding of the topic |

| | | |Weak or vague understanding of the topic | |

|Use of Facts & |• Very strong use of facts, and evidence to |• Strong use of facts and evidence to support |• Some use of facts and evidence to support |• Limited or no use of facts and evidence to |

|Evidence for |support thesis |thesis |thesis |support thesis |

|Support |• Consistently relates the evidence back to |• Often relates the evidence back to proving the|• Sometimes relates the evidence back to proving|• Rarely or never relates the evidence back to |

| |proving the thesis or answering guiding research|thesis or answering guiding research questions |the thesis or answering guiding research |proving the thesis or answering guiding research|

| |questions |• Some critical thinking and analysis |questions |questions |

| |• Ideas and interpretation show critical |• Shows understanding of sources and knowledge |• Little critical thinking and analysis |• Critical thinking and analysis not evident |

| |thinking and analysis |of topic |• Incomplete knowledge of topic; some source |• Very limited knowledge of topic |

| |• Demonstrates careful reading of sources and | |material not carefully interpreted. | |

| |shows thorough knowledge of topic | | | |

|Structure & Writing|• Fluid, engaging and varied transitions made |• Clear transitions made between paragraphs |• Some transitions seem mechanical or forced |• Illogical organization (both in |

|Conventions |between paragraphs |• Effective (domain specific) vocabulary |•Adequate but uneven vocabulary |persuasive/argumentative and research papers) |

| |• Varied and precise (domain specific) |• Clearly written in appropriate standard |• Understandable; grammar/spelling errors or |• Lack of clear transitions between paragraphs |

| |vocabulary |English; few grammatical/spelling errors or |colloquialisms evident, but do not interfere |• Limited, monotonous, or inappropriate |

| |• Well written in appropriate standard English; |colloquialisms |with the argument |vocabulary |

| |free of grammatical/spelling errors or |• In a persuasive/argumentative essay: |• In a persuasive/argumentative essay: |• Frequent grammatical/spelling mistakes and/or |

| |colloquialisms |Organization shows clear plan with an |Organization somewhat unclear; contains at least|inappropriate colloquialisms that interfere with|

| |• In a persuasive/argumentative essay: |introduction, argument, and conclusion |two of the following: introduction, argument, |understanding |

| |Organization contributes to argument; has a | |and conclusion | |

| |clear introduction, argument, and conclusion | | | |

|Research, Citation |• Exemplary level of research in terms of the |• High level of research in terms of the number |• Moderate level of research in terms of the |• Limited level of research in terms of the |

|& Format |number and variety of resources used |and variety of resources used |number and variety of resources used |number and variety of resources used |

| |• All ideas, facts, and quotes from outside |• Almost all references are cited |• Several references are not cited |• References are frequently not cited |

| |sources are cited properly |• Few format errors in quotations, citations, |• Several errors in format in one or more of the|• Excessive errors format in one or more of the |

| |• Flawless format in all of the following: |works cited page and pagination |following: quotations, citations, works cited |following: quotations, citations, bibliography |

| |quotations, citations, works cited page and | |page and pagination |and pagination |

| |pagination | | | |


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