St. Viator Catholic Community

[Pages:10]St. Viator Catholic Community

Fourth Sunday of Lent

March 11, 2018

Celebration of the Eucharist Week of March 12--17

Daily Mass In the Chapel Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

6:45 AM and 8:15 AM Wednesday

6:45 AM in the Chapel 8:15 AM in the Church

Communion Services in the Chapel Monday

6:45 AM & 8:15 AM

Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Children's Mass) Noon and 5:00 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 PM In the Chapel

Parish Office Hours Monday

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Noon to 1:00 PM

2461 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121, 702.733.8323

St. Viator Catholic Community

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Parish Events This Week

Monday, March 12 Regularly Scheduled Communion Services

Tuesday, March 13 8:45 AM Rosary Makers and Crafty Ladies in the Father Anderson Room 6:00 PM Girl Scout Leaders' Meeting in the Father Anderson Room 6:00 PM Knights of Columbus 8282 Business Meeting in the Parish Center Hall

Wednesday, March 14 10:00 AM Bereavement Group in the Chapel Meeting Room 10:00 AM Staff Meeting in the Parish Center Conference Room

Thursday, March 15 6:45 AM Handbell rehearsal in the Church 2:45 PM Girl Scout Troop 117 in the Chapel Conference Room 6:00 PM SV Men's Lenten Meeting in the Chapel Meeting Room 6:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal in the Church

Friday, March 16 2:30 PM Girl Scout Daisy Troop 043 Meeting in the Father Anderson Room 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM KOC Fish Fry in the Parish Center Hall 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross in Church

Saturday, March 17 Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby in Parish Center Hall Catholic Daughters Bake Sale after Mass 5:15 PM God's Forgiveness Through Popular Movies presentation in the Parish Center Hall

Sunday, March 18 10:00 AM RCIA in the Chapel Meeting Room After 10:00 AM Mass - Junior Catholic Daughters Root Beer Float sale in the Church Plaza 1:15 PM Faith Formation Grades 1-5 in the Parish Center 1:30 PM God's Forgiveness Through Popular Movies presentation in the Parish Center Hall 3:00 PM Faithways Grades 6-8 in the Chapel and Chapel Meeting Room Catholic Daughters Bake Sale after all Masses

School Events This Week

Monday, March 12 8:00 AM Prayer and Flag in Gym

Tuesday, March 13 Regular School Day

Wednesday, March 14 8:15 AM Liturgy Grades 1 - 4 Dress Uniform

Thursday, March 15 Regular School Day

Friday, March 16 Grade 8 and Kindergarten Pictures 2:45 PM Monet and Picasso Art Clubs Grades 4 & 5 and 6 - 8

Lenten Friday Fish Frys

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Parish Center Hall

$7.00 for adults $4.00 for children 7 - 12

Children 6 and under eat free!

Join this family fun night with great food, company and games for the kids

Menu includes your choice of: Alaskan cod - baked or deep fried Potato - baked or French fries Coleslaw, roll & butter, and coffee We also offer cheese pizza!

Dessert & other drinks sold separately

March 16th~Soup Cook-Off! Only fish or vegetable based soups. Contact RhiAnna with

questions or to sign-up at rhianna.cardinali @

Sponsored by:

Knights of Columbus Council 8282

St. Viator Catholic Community

Page 3


Pope Francis has named the Most Reverend George Leo Thomas as Bishop of Las Vegas, Nevada. At the same time, Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Bishop Joseph A. Pepe, who has reached the age of mandatory retirement. Bishop Pepe has served as Bishop of Las Vegas for nearly 17 years. The announcement was made by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.

Bishop Thomas has served as Bishop of Helena for nearly 14 years. He will be installed as Bishop of Las Vegas on May 15, 2018. There are nearly 750,000 Catholics in the Diocese of Las Vegas, a Catholic population nearly 15 times the size of the Diocese of Helena.

George Leo Thomas was born in Anaconda, Montana, and raised in nearby Butte. He is a graduate of the Diocese of Helena's Carroll College. His family relocated to Seattle, Washington, where he was ordained as a priest for the Archdiocese of Seattle on May 22, 1976.

During his tenure in the Archdiocese of Seattle Father Thomas served in four different parishes, chaired Catholic Charities - Seattle and the Archdiocesan Housing Authority, and was night chaplain for King County Jail for 13 years. While in Seattle, Father Thomas served as Chancellor and Vicar General for three different Archbishops during a span of 17 years. He holds two Masters' Degrees and a PhD from the University of Washington.

He was appointed as Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle on November 19, 1999, and ordained Bishop on January 28, 2000. Bishop Thomas was appointed as Bishop of Helena on March 23, 2004 and installed on June 4 that same year.

Youth, young adult, and campus ministry flourished under Bishop Thomas' leadership. He dedicated three new Churches, ordained 18 permanent deacons and 14 priests for the Diocese of Helena, and is distinguished for his pastoral presence to his priests and seminarians. He helped bring new vigor and visibility to the Guatemala Mission, with its Clinica Maxe?a and Asunci?n School.

Bishop Thomas addressed the extraordinarily difficult clergy sexual abuse crisis through a unique model of pastoral care and mediation which was characterized by the Bankruptcy Judge as a "singular achievement" of the Judge's 30 years on the bench.

In addition to serving on numerous boards and committees in the Diocese of Helena, Bishop Thomas is the Chancellor of Carroll College, a Board member of the Catholic Health Association and of the Catholic Extension Society of Chicago. He also is a member of the Board of Trustees at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, a Regent at Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon, and a Board member of the Catholic Mutual Society of America. He is an honorary member of the Blackfeet Nation, a community he holds very dear to his heart.

"It is difficult to leave Montana," Bishop Thomas said. "But, Pope Francis requests that each Bishop possess a generous missionary spirit. In light of the Holy Father's request and with humble thanks for the confidence he places in me, I joyfully accept this appointment."

St. Viator Catholic Community

Understanding God's Forgiveness Through Popular Movies

What can we learn from popular movies about God's forgiveness and

His wish to be reconciled with us? A lot! And you can find out more next weekend!

You're invited to this 45-minute session either Saturday, March 17th at 5:15pm or Sunday, March 18th at 1:30pm

Both sessions will be in the Parish Center Hall and light refreshments will be offered.

Featured movies include: The Lion King, Forrest Gump, Les Miserables, Field of Dreams, The Color Purple, Mulan, and Stand By Me Join us for this entertaining way to help make your Easter even more joyous.

March 17 & 18 ~ Next Weekend! Catholic Daughters will have

a bake sale at all Masses and JCDA will have a root beer float sale at 10:00 AM Mass.

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Penance Service March 20 7:00 PM Church

Take the time this Lent to receive the sacrament of reconciliation (another term for confession). Music and readings reflecting on God's love and willingness to forgive will open the service. Afterward, several priests will be available to hear your confession. Experience God's mercy firsthand during Lent.

Directions for Lenten Prayer Cross

Purple Papers available in foyer

Reflect on those things that threaten your well being of body and soul that keep you from being a living sign of God's love for all. Decide how you will strive to change this pattern in your life to draw you closer to Him.

Now that you have identified the area of your life you wish to change, follow the directions on the purple paper found in the foyer to write your intention so it can be added to our prayer cross. Write your Lenten intention in the space where indicated on the purple paper. Then fold the paper in half and drop the completed prayer request in the Lenten Prayer Cross basket in the foyer of church.

Your Lenten prayer will be placed on the cross in the sanctuary of the church and the entire parish will pray for God's grace to help you change this area of your life during Lent.

St. Viator Catholic Community

Page 5

A Birth Mother's Story


My name is Aurora. I was adopted back in New York City and had all the opportunities; private school, extracurricular activities and financial benefits my birth parents couldn't give me. Unfortunately, I made some unhealthy decisions and ended up in a difficult situation. I was eight months pregnant, with nowhere to live and no idea what to do with my baby who was soon to be born. So, I called Catholic Charities and two of the most wonderful, patient, sincere, kind and considerate women I ever met helped me. Catholic Charities went above and beyond the call of duty to find the perfect family for my baby. The family they found is AWESOME; so loving and caring. My daughter is now two years old and I can still call on them and the folks at Catholic Charities when I need them. I know in my heart of hearts that between the work of God and Catholic Charities, my baby was matched perfectly with careful thought and a lot of love. And my child is being raised with all the love she needs. I recommend anyone who wants to give their child a chance at a better life to call Catholic Charities and let them help.

An Adoptive Mother's Story Amy

I remember our first meeting with our oldest daughter's birthmother. She was eight months pregnant. We were nervous about meeting her and hoped we would make a good impression. She chose us and a month later we were holding our baby girl in our arms! We tried to express our gratitude to her, but she didn't really understand. Only later, as we sent pictures and letters, did she truly grasp what a great gift she had given us. We often think of the birth families of all three of our beautiful children. We are so grateful for the gift of our children. We realize that the choice their birth families made was a difficult, selfless decision. We hope that they have peace in knowing that the children they bore and placed with us are in a happy, loving home and are being given every opportunity to live a great life.

Next weekend our parish will focus on these two final Catholic Charities services in the Faces of Hunger programs. Thank you for your support!

Migration and Refugee Services

Antonio Serru

Before coming to America, Antonio Serru practiced medicine in Cuba. The conditions there were harsh, even for a doctor.

"In Cuba a doctor's salary was $25 a month. I did not have a car so I had to ride a bike to see my patients. It was difficult to support my family."

When he arrived in America, Dr. Serru learned that a medical license from another country is not valid. He would have to start over. To stay informed in the medical field Dr. Serru became a medical assistant working for $8 hour. He stayed at that position for eight years until deciding to become certified as a physician in the U.S. Now as a doctor with his own practice, he gives back to the community.

"I remember how much I struggled when I came over here. Just because I'm in a good position now doesn't mean I can forget. I talk with groups in town and ask them to send me patients even if they have no money. There are a lot of things I can do that do not cost much money but can help," he said.

He also remembers how upon his initial arrival, Catholic Charities provided assistance. "Even though I started working within 17 days of arriving here, Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada (CCSN) helped me with funding, food, and clothes. The help they give is awesome. People get clothes, education, and accommodations. I don't think there's an institution that can say they do what CCSN does. It's a gift," Dr.Serru said.

For more information on Migration and Refugee Services go to

St. Viator Catholic Community

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This Sunday


Girl Scout Cookies Freeze Well And Make Great Easter Basket Treats!

Buy your delicious Girl Scout Cookies from our St. Viator Troops. This weekend after all Masses is your last chance to buy your annual favorites until next year!


Please take gently used clothing donations directly to Goodwill locations. We do not accept clothing at our parish since Catholic Charities closed their thrift stores last fall and partnered with Goodwill.

Stations of the Cross

Each Friday of Lent 7:00 PM in the Church

March 16 March 23

Father Rinn Father Rinn

Noon, March 30, Good Friday - Father Rinn

April 21 & 22 ~ 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Rummage Sale ~ $40 per table

For information or to reserve your table, call the office 702.733.8323, leave a message for Pat

Gronowski, and she will get back to you.

Sponsored by: Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Rosary Makers Rosary Sale

Did you know that most of the rosaries made by our Rosary Makers are given away? Missions, ministries and patients at hospitals are the recipients of most of the beautiful rosaries produced by the St. Viator Rosary Makers.

Please support their efforts. Rosaries are on sale in the office. They make a perfect gift for Easter, Mother's Day, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation!

The proceeds from rosary sales are used to purchase materials to continue their ministry of producing rosaries which bring hope and comfort.

Catholic Medical Association `Way of the Cross' & Lenten Welcome

Friday, March 16, at 6:30 PM The Saint Michael Adoration Chapel ~ Saint Anne Parish ~ 1901 S. Maryland Parkway

Catholic artist and musician Greg Barnaby will lead CMA members/prospective members in praying and chanting the Stations of the Cross. Mr. Barnaby will then present his inspiration for the Stations which he painted in the Chapel.

A CMA welcome and social will follow in the Hospitality Room for Catholic physicians, nurses, and health care professionals. We invite you to join us in this Lenten evening of prayer, and to learn more about the CMA. Contact them at SouthernNevadaCMA@.

St. Viator Catholic Community

Answer God's Call "Faces of Hunger" St. Viator Catholic Community

PRAY - Come to Stations of the Cross every Friday @ 7pm*

FAST * and ABSTAIN - K.O.C . Fish Fry Fridays 4 - 7pm*

GIVE - your time and alms to others through Faces of Hunger LEARN - Lenten presentation on forgiveness March 17/18* Go to ever for daily reflections


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



March 11 March 12 Bring baby food Pray for peace or diapers for our in our world

food pantry

March 13

March 14

Add a quarter for Put down your

every vanity item phones and have

used today--hair a conversation

gel, make-up, etc with family

March 15 Call a friend or family member and invite them

to Stations

March 16 Thank March 17 Say God for your the Prayer of St.

shoes and give Patrick when you any extra to wake and those in need go to bed

March 18 Bring March 19 Pray March 20 Attend March 21 Add a March 22 Smile

March 23 March 24 Read

a can of fruit or for our priests

our parish's quarter for every to those you

Phone or write a a story on the life

vegetables for and vocations Reconciliation at pet and thank meet today.

family member to of a saint today

our food pantry

7:00 PM

God for animals

say you care

March 25 Bring a jar of jam or peanut butter for pantry

Visit Bake Sale

March 26

March 27 Add a quarter for each meal and pray for the hungry

March 28 Thank March 29

March 30 March 31

God for doctors Holy Thursday Good Friday Attend family

and pray for thank God for the Attend services*, Easter Egg*

those who are ill Eucharist -

fast and pray Hunt - go to Vigil

go to 7pm Mass*

or Easter Mass*



March 30 Good Friday 4:30 PM

March 31 Holy Saturday 3:00 PM

Page 7

Novena in honor of Jesus of

Divine Mercy

April 1 Easter Sunday 3:00 PM

April 2 Monday in the 4:00 PM Octave of Easter

April 3 Tuesday in the 4:00 PM Octave of Easter

April 4 Wednesday in the 4:00 PM Octave of Easter

April 5 Thursday in the 4:00 PM Octave of Easter

April 6

Friday in the

Octave of Easter

April 7 Saturday in the 1:30 PM Octave of Easter

With Reconciliation 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

April 8

Divine Mercy Sunday

Feast of Jesus

of Divine Mercy

April 8, 2018

Everyone is cordially invited

to attend the prayer services

in the chapel


4:00 PM

8:00 AM

St. Viator Catholic Community

March 17 St. Patrick's Day


St. Patrick is associated with the shamrock because he used this plant to visualize the mystery of the Trinity, how a single plant with three leaves shows the one Triune God with three separate and distinct Persons.

The Breastplate of St. Patrick (Shortened version) Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Amen

Next weekend's bulletin will feature interesting facts about this beloved saint!

If you have time for facebook, instagram, and twitter then you have time to make the greatest connection of all - its time to -

ST. VIATOR BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP We are deeply sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one. We invite you to our support group, open to anyone who experienced the death of a loved one. Our meetings are held Wednesdays 10:00 AM in the Chapel Conference Room. Join us! Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. For more information call 702.733.8323 to leave a message for Louise Geracci.

Elizabeth Childress, Sarah Daley, Elsie Mercadante, Elvira Morales

Page 8

Pray for the Sick & Homebound

Manuel Amaya

James D. Green

Charles Niyonteze

Leoncia Antonio

Bill Gregorka

Joyce O'Connor

Elena Baker

Melanie Grim

Michael O'Connor

Cecilia Baragon

Tom Grim

Cooper Davis Owen

Eric Barnett

Angela Guittar

Kay Padilla

Isidora Batac

Joseph Guzzo

Linda Padwee

Elizabeth Beckwith

Brian Hahn

Corinne Pedrosi

William Bernathy

Gloria Hailey

Bobby Perez

Cregg Bivins

Berlin Hall

Paul Perez

Ryan Bivins

Richard Harp

Shirley Peterson

Jerry Blaskey

Michael Harris

Joyce Philip

Larry Blom

Carmen A. Hernandez Beth Ann Picardi

Penny Bonanno

Luisa L. Hernandez

Janece Podrebarac

Madison Bowe

Humberto Hernandez Betty Rael

Dawn Bradley

Rosa Hernandez

Janet Roque

Marci Bridges

Thomas Hill

Elaine Ray

Elizabeth Brosenne

Dennis Hugh

Marjorie Rebello

Thomas Broseene

Dinna Ilano

Gilbert Robles

Elizabeth Busch

Celine Iryamukuru

Terry Robles

Michael Camataro

Jerry Jarvis

Larry Rodriguez, Sr.

Joe Campbell

Annabelle Johnson

Diane Rogots

Mary Campbell

Denice Kachmarik

Sylvia Roque

Carlos M. Castillo

William Lee Keefe

Peggy Russo

Carol Colina

Jon Paul Kennedy

Vincent Sanchez

Richard Cooper

Marie Knight

Barbara Sanders

Mike Creighton

Teri Kortman

Thomas Sanders

Dan Cress

Daniel & Arlene Kukanic Ana Savelio

Gail Cress

Cindy Laciste

Richard Scaglione

Carol Curi

Isiah LaDuke

Dorothy Scales

Joseph Cyprain

C. C. Lanford

Irene Schmidt

Helene Dalton

Alice Larson

Esperanza Schwatka

Gloria D'Angelo

Maria Leach

Nicholas Scott

Linda Deijkers

Lisa Libbert

Ed Semeraro

Rogelia DeLeon

Fernando Liwanag

Eric Sengson

Noelyn S. Dimayuga Jennifer Lowden

Sunny Simons

Marivic Dizon

Helen Lu

Curtis Schmidtberger

Melvin Dizon

Patricia Malano

John Snyder

Charlie Doran

Noreen Malutic

Salvatore Sofia

Trina Dykas

Ed Martin

Maria Spalla

Elizabeth Estrada

John Massuicci

Virginia Steinback

Juanita Estrelles

Anthony Matarao

Beverly Riley Stirling

Virginia Evens

Caroline McKay

Jen Sullivan

Patricia Feivish

J. Daniel Meade

James Tallerino

Dick Ferri

Frank Medel

Luisito Timbal

Gustave Fleischmann Ray & Wanda Medina U. S. Tillman

Michael Foster

Raymond Medina, Jr. Savannah Tomassotti

Aurora Funes

Carlino Mendoza

Peter Tsai

Feli Gabalis

Remedios Mendoza

Virgil Valdez

Larissa Gaccione

Cathy Mercadante

Maddox J. Varner

Anthony Garcia

Frank Mercadante

Connie Vitolo

Irene Gallagher

Jim Moore

Michael Underwood

Shelley Gerber Bishop Robert Morris & family Kent Vest

Migdalia Gil

Valerie Morris

Margaret Watson

Velma Gilbert

Soledad Muluaney

Janet Winter

Mia Glass

Patrick Murphy

James Woods

David Glover

Christian Mwanga

Gloria Zaparzynski

Lupe Glover

Madeleine Nacario

Alejandro Zerpa


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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