John A. Viator, Ph.D.

[Pages:20]John A. Viator, Ph.D.

Professor and Director Biomedical Engineering Program

Duquesne University 309 Libermann Hall Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15282

(412)396-2661 email:

Erdo?s Number: 4 Erdo?s-Bacon Number: 7


NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, Dermatology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, 2003-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering, Beckman Laser Institute, University of California, Irvine, California, 2000-2003 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, OGI School of Science and Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, Hillsboro, Oregon, 2001 Dissertation title: "Characterization of photoacoustic sources in tissue using time domain measurements", Dissertation advisor: Scott A. Prahl, Ph.D. M.S. Applied Physics, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Hillsboro, Oregon, 1997 M.S. Mathematics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 1993 B.S. Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1985

Research Appointments

1. Chief Scientific O cer, Acousys Biodevices Inc, (August 2015?present) 2. Founder and President, Acousys Biodevices Inc, (February 2014?August 2015) 3. Adjunct Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Penn-

sylvania (November 2013?present) 4. Director, Biomedical Engineering Program, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

(September 2013?present) 5. Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Septem-

ber 2013?present) 6. Founder and CEO, Avapulse Research, LLC, (January 2012?present) 7. Founder and President, Viator Technologies Inc, (March 2011?February 2014) 8. Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mis-

souri (September 2010?August 2013) 9. Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

(September 2010?August 2013)

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


10. Founder and President, VeraPulse, LLC (February 2008?January 2012) 11. Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia,

Missouri (August 2004?August 2010) 12. Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

(August 2004?August 2010) 13. Faculty Investigator, Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia,

Missouri (August 2004?August 2013) 14. Senior Scientist, Blue Road Research, Gresham, Oregon (June 2003?July 2004) 15. Visiting Researcher, Beckman Laser Institute, University of California, Irvine (April 2003?

August 2004) 16. Senior Research Associate, Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health & Science University

(February 2003?August 2004) 17. Postdoctoral researcher, Beckman Laser Institute, University of California, Irvine (September

2000?January 2003) 18. Project O cer, O ce of Naval Research (LCDR, USNR) (August 1999?September 2004) 19. Graduate research assistant, Oregon Medical Laser Center, Portland, OR (September 1995?

September 2000) 20. Engineer, Conix Research, Springfield, OR (June 1992?September 1995) 21. Graduate research assistant, Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene (February

1992?June 1993).

Military Experience

Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve (Retired) (August 1985-January 2007). Served on active duty aboard USS Dewey (DDG 45), a guided missile destroyer, as an engineering division o cer and as a naval liaison o cer for the Military Sealift Command during Operation Desert Shield. Reserve duties include battle watch o cer for Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific, Commanding O cer of Inshore Boat Unit Thirteen, and project o cer for the O ce of Naval Research.

Professional Activities, Memberships, and Awards

1. Advisory Board, NSF-PIRE:SOMBRERO, University of California, Riverside and CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico.

2. Advisory Board, Community College of Allegheny County, Biotechnology Program, 2015? present

3. Advisory Board, Springmatter, , 2015?present 4. Editorial Board, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2014?present 5. Board of Directors, Acousys Biodevices Inc, 2014?present 6. First Prize Elevator Pitch, Overall, Missouri Tech Expo, September 8, 2011, $5000 7. First Prize Elevator Pitch, Life Sciences Division, Missouri Tech Expo, September 8, 2011,

$2500 8. Board of Directors, Viator Technologies Inc, 2011?2014

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


9. Expert Review Board, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, July 2010

10. Editorial Board Member, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2010?present 11. University of Missouri Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor Award, one of two in 2010 awarded

in the university 12. Session Chair, Basic Science, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meet-

ing, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2010 13. Committee member, University of Missouri Honor Awards, 2009?2013 14. Board of Directors, MU Biodesign and Innovation Program, 2009?2012 15. Committee member, University of Missouri Entrepreneur of the Year Award, 2009?2012 16. Session Chair, International Bioelectrics Symposium, Columbia, Missouri 2009 17. MU School of Medicine Scientific Peer Review Committee member, 2008?2011 18. MU Biological Engineering Outstanding Professor, Fall 2008, Fall 2010, Spring 2011 19. MU Biodesign & Innovation Program Faculty, 2007?2013 20. Wallace H. Coulter Fellow, 2006?2008 21. Session Chair, Life Sciences, Missouri Nanotechnology Alliance Conference, Columbia, MO,

2006 22. Advisory Council, Linn State Technical College, Linn, Missouri 2005?2013 23. Topic Organizer, Thermal Therapy and Diagnostics Session, American Society of Mechanical

Engineers, Summer Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, CA, 2005 24. Session Moderator, Basic Science, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual

Meeting, Dallas, TX, April 2004 25. Grand Awards Judge, International Science and Engineering Fair, Portland, OR, 2004 26. Co-chair, Image Guided Thermal Therapy Session, American Society of Mechanical Engi-

neers, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, 2004 27. NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, Individual Postdoctoral Fellow

(F32) 28. Co-chair, Thermal Therapy Session, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International

Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Washington D.C., 2003 29. SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, Member, 2003?present 30. American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Fellow, 2003?present 31. Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Member, 2002?present 32. First Prize, Student Research Paper Contest, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oregon

Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, 2000 33. Second Prize, Student Research Paper Contest, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oregon

Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, 1999

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


Referee and Review

1. Referee, Acta Biomaterialia 2. Referee, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings 3. Referee, the Analyst 4. Referee, Analytical Chemistry 5. Referee, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 6. Referee, Applied Optics 7. Referee, Biomedical Optics Express 8. Referee, Biophysical Journal 9. Referee, Biotechnology Advances 10. Referee, Cancer Nanotechnology 11. Referee, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 12. Referee, Chemical Reviews 13. Referee, Experimental Mechanics 14. Referee, Expert Opinion On Medical Diagnostics 15. Referee, Frontiers in Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics 16. Referee, Hospital Practice 17. Referee, Journal of Applied Physics 18. Referee, Journal of Biophotonics 19. Referee, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 20. Referee, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 21. Referee, Journal of Biomedical Optics 22. Referee, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 23. Referee, Journal of Materials Chemistry 24. Referee, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 25. Referee, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26. Referee, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 27. Referee, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 28. Referee, Lasers in Medical Science 29. Referee, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 30. Referee, Measurement Science and Technology 31. Referee, Microcirculation 32. Referee, Molecular Imaging & Biology 33. Referee, Nanomedicine 34. Referee, Nanomedicine, NBM 35. Referee, Nanotechnology 36. Referee, Nature Nanotechnology 37. Referee, Neuroimage 38. Referee, Optical Engineering 39. Referee, Optics and Lasers in Engineering

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


40. Referee, Optics Communications 41. Referee, Optics Express 42. Referee, Optics Letters 43. Referee, Pharmaceutical Research 44. Referee, Photochemistry and Photobiology 45. Referee, Physics in Medicine and Biology 46. Referee, Physiological Measurement 47. Referee, Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 48. Referee, PLOS ONE 49. Referee, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 50. Referee, Rheumatology 51. Referee, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 52. Referee, Scientific Reports 53. Referee, Small 54. Grant Reviewer, NIH ZRG1 SBIB-R 26 L, Fellowships: Bone and Skin, 2007 55. Grant Reviewer, University of Missouri Department of Surgery Seed Grants, 2006?2008 56. Grant Reviewer, University of Missouri Research Board, 2006?2009 57. Grant Reviewer, NIH ZRG1 MOSS-K, Rheumatology and Dermatology, 2007 58. Grant Reviewer, Georgian National Science Foundation, 2006?2009 59. Grant Reviewer, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Grants, 2007?present 60. Grant Reviewer, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, 2007 61. Grant Reviewer, NIH NIBIB ZEB1 OSR-B, Training and Career Awards, 2007 62. Grant Reviewer, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services, 2008 63. Grant Reviewer, University of California Discovery Grants, 2009?2011 64. Grant Reviewer, University of Missouri Life Sciences Center Seed Grants, 2009 65. Grant Reviewer, University of Missouri School of Medicine Clinical and Translational Science

Seed Grants, 2008-present 66. Grant Reviewer, Washington University Pilot and Feasibility Program, 2009 67. Grant Reviewer, Florida Department of Health, 2010?present 68. Grant Reviewer, NIH Biomedical Imaging Technology B, 2011?present 69. Grant Reviewer, NIH SBIR Topic 293, ZCA1 SRLB-5(C2), Circulating Tumor Cells, 2011?

present 70. Grant Reviewer, NIH NCI, ZRG1 SBIB-U (57), Academic-Industrial Partnerships, 2011?

present 71. Grant Reviewer, Skolkovo Foundation, 2011 72. Grant Reviewer, University of California Proof of Concept Program, 2012-2014 73. Grant Reviewer, NIH NIBIB Career Development and Conference Awards, 2012 74. Grant Reviewer, NIH NIBIB ZEB1 OSR-B, 2012?2014 75. Grant Reviewer, NIH ZCA RTRB-8 (C1)B, Development of Devices for Point of Care Analysis

of CTCs, 2013

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


76. Grant Reviewer, NIH NCI ZCA1 TCRB-5, Innovative and Applied Emerging Technologies in Biospecimen Science, 2014

77. Grant Reviewer, NIH NCI ZCA1 TCRB-Q, Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research, 2014

78. Grant Reviewer, NIH NCI ZCA1 TCRB-5, IMAT Biospecimen Science, February 18, 2015 79. Grant Reviewer, NIH NCI ZCA1 RCRB-5, IMAT, February 24-25, 2015 80. Grant Reviewer, NIH NCI SBIR Topic 334, March 2015 81. Grant Reviewer, NIH Biomedical Imaging Technology A, June 12, 2015 82. Grant Reviewer, NIH IMAT ZCA1 TCRB-W, June 9, 2015 83. Grant Reviewer, Cancer Research UK, 2015 84. Grant Reviewer, NIH IMAT ZCA1 TCRB-Q, August 4, 2015 85. Grant Reviewer, Cancer Research UK, August 2015 86. Grant Reviewer, Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), August 2015

Grants and Fellowships

1. Acousys Biodevices Inc, (PI), "Development of a photoacoustic flowmeter for molecular analysis of CTCs", $90,000, 2014-2015

2. NIH 1R01CA161367-01, (PI), "Photoacoustic detection, capture, and analysis of circulating melanoma cells", $1,399,697, 2014?2019

3. Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, (PI), "Photoacoustic imaging of burn injury for determination of grafting parameters", $73,000, 2012?2013

4. Viator Technologies Inc, (PI), "Development of a photoacoustic flowmeter", $100,000, 2011? 2012

5. Katalyst Surgical, LLC, contract through VeraPulse, LLC, (PI), "Second generation optical fiber illuminator", $38,500, 2011

6. Katalyst Surgical, LLC, contract through VeraPulse, LLC, (PI), "Despeckled optical fiber illuminator for ophthalmalogic surgery", $10,500, 2011

7. Access Business Group International, LLC, contract through VeraPulse, LLC, (PI), "Photoacoustic monitoring of phytochemical levels in human skin", $20,347, 2010?2011

8. Mizzou Advantage Faculty Fellows Grant, (PI), "A 21st century program in cancer research: Targeting metastatic cancer cells to improve diagnosis and therapy ", $70,000, 2010?2011

9. University of Missouri System Intellectual Property Fast Track Initiative Grant, (PI), "Photoacoustic detection of circulating melanoma cells in blood", $49,500, 2009?2010

10. Missouri Technology Incentive Program Phase 0 SBIR, (PI), $3800, 2009 11. NIH 1R21CA139186-01, National Cancer Institute (PI), "Photoacoustic detection of circu-

lating melanoma cells in blood", $351,996, 2009?2011 12. Missouri Life Sciences Trust Fund Commercialization Grant, (PI), "Photoacoustic detection

of circulating melanoma cells in blood", $407,789, 2009?2012 13. Unrestricted Gift for John A. Viator Melanoma Research Fund (PI), $36,000 14. Dermatology Foundation Program Development Grant (Co-I), "Determination of skin me-

chanical properties using digital imaging", $10,000, 2008?2009

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


15. University of Missouri Research Council, (PI), "Improved flow chamber for photoacoustic detection of circulating melanoma cells", $7100, 2007?2008

16. University of Missouri, Department of Surgery Seed Grant (Co-I), "Automated screening of sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma micro-metastasis using photoacoustic detection", $39,200, 2007?2008

17. American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Research Grant, (PI), "Photoacoustic detection of circulating breast cancer cells", $33,063, 2007?2008

18. Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Early Career Award (PI), "Photoacoustic detection of circulating melanoma cells", $232,582, 2006?2008

19. Bioprocessing and Biosensing Center, University of Missouri, Columbia (PI), "Material characterization for reduction of contact dermatitis associated with prosthetic limbs", $8,000, 2006-2007

20. Bioprocessing and Biosensing Center, University of Missouri, Columbia (PI), "Acoustic propagation in thermally damaged tissue", $10,712, 2006-2007

21. University of Missouri, Department of Surgery Seed Grant (Co-I), "Photoacoustic detection of circulating melanoma cells", $35,735, 2005?2006

22. University of Missouri Research Board (PI), "Sensors development for photoacoustic imaging of burns", $29,200, 2005?2006

23. Bioprocessing and Biosensing Center, University of Missouri, Columbia (PI), "Detection of melanoma using photoacoustic and nanosensing methods", $11,300, 2005-2006

24. NIH Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program (PI), "Burn depth profiling using photoacoustic analysis", $59,997, 2003?2005, Renewed 2005?2007

25. American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Research Grant (PI), "Photoacoustic depth profiling of epidermal melanin in human skin, in vivo", $15,000, 2003-2004

26. NIH F32 GM066693?01, National Institute for General Medical Science, Individual National Research Service Award (PI), "Burn depth profiling using photoacoustic analysis", $122,250, 2003?2006 (terminated in 2004 for faculty position at University of Missouri)

27. Faculty Career Development Award, University of California, Irvine (PI), $1000, 2002-2003 28. Graduate Research Fellowship, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Oregon Graduate

Institute of Science and Technology, 1995?1996 29. Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Department of Physics, University of Oregon, 1992?1993 30. Naval Reserve O cer Training Corps Scholarship, University of Washington, 1981-1985

Invited Talks

1. Duquesne University Alumni Association Wine Tasting, "Biomedical Engineering at Duquesne University", Jennerstown, Pennsylvania, June 6, 2015

2. Distinguished Lecturer, University of California, Irvine, "Photoacoustic flow cytometry", Irvine, California, February 6, 2015

3. Coulter Speaker Series, Florida International University, "Development of photoacoustic systems for detecting circulating tumor cells", Miami, Florida, November 21, 2014

4. SciTech Days, Carnegie Science Center, "A Photoacoustic Approach to Cancer", Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November, 7, 2014

John A. Viator, Ph.D.


5. Accelerating Development & Advancing Personalized Therapy, ADAPT 2012, "Molecular analysis of captured circulating melanoma cells", Washington, D.C., September 20, 2012

6. Missouri Cures, "Laser based detection of cancer cells in human blood", Columbia, Missouri, April 15, 2012

7. Pathology and Anatomical Sciences Grand Rounds, University of Missouri, "Detection of circulating tumor cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", Columbia, Missouri, March 22, 2012

8. Fayette Rotary Club, "The intersection of light and sound in biomedical diagnosis", Fayette, Missouri, February 15, 2012

9. 18th Annual Molecular Medicine Tri-conference, "Optical photoacoustic detection of circulating melanoma cells in vitro", Circulating Tumor Cells for Cancer Detection, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment, San Francisco, California, February 21?23, 2012

10. Mizzou Corporate Roundtable, "Tackling cancer and obesity through collaboration", Clayton, Missouri, November 22, 2011

11. Melanoma Grand Rounds, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. "Detection and isolation of circulating melanoma cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", Houston, Texas, August 22, 2011

12. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, "Detection of pathological analytes in blood using photoacoustic flowmetry", Department Seminar Series, Riverside, California, February 4, 2011

13. World CTC Summit, Boston, Massachusetts, "Detection and isolation of circulating melanoma cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", November 30, 2010

14. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri, "Photoacoustic isolation of circulating tumor cells", October 18, 2010

15. 18th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, "Isolation of circulating melanoma cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", September 14, 2010

16. Dermatology Research Symposium, Stiefel Laboratories, Inc, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, "Determination of skin mechanics using digital imaging", October 24, 2009

17. NIH Workshop, Circulating Tumor Cells: Detection, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Treatment, Rockville, Maryland, "Detection of circulating tumor cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", September 11, 2009

18. 2nd Quadrennial Cutaneous S&T Imaging Conference, Rolla, Missouri, "Photoacoustic discrimination of vascular and pigmented lesions", August 26, 2009

19. 2nd Quadrennial Cutaneous S&T Imaging Conference, Rolla, Missouri, "Detection of circulating melanoma cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", August 26, 2009

20. 31st International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, "Nanoparticle enhanced detection of circulating tumor cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", September 2?6, 2009

21. 17th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, Colorado, "Detection of circulating cancer cells using photoacoustic flowmetry", June 21, 2009

22. University of Missouri Oncology Grand Rounds, Columbia, Missouri, "Cancer and Light: Diagnostic and therapeutic interactions", April 21, 2009

23. Department of Surgery, Truman Medical Center, Hospital Hill, Kansas City, Missouri, "Detection of circulating tumor cells in blood using laser induced ultrasound", February 2009

John A. Viator, Ph.D.



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