A Ministry of the Viatorians May 27, 2018

St. Viator Catholic Community

A Ministry of the Viatorians Trinity Sunday May 27, 2018


ETERNAL LOVE He created us to know His love


ETERNAL MERCY He died for us to reveal the Father's love

Celebration of the Eucharist Week of May 28 - June 2

Daily Mass In the Chapel Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 6:45 AM and 8:15 AM

Communion Services in the Chapel Monday

6:45 AM & 8:15 AM

Weekend Mass Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Children's Mass) Noon and 5:00 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM in the Chapel

Holy Spirit

ETERNAL Power He descends upon us to give us new life

Parish Office Hours Monday

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Noon to 1:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM - Noon

2461 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89121, 702.733.8323

St. Viator Catholic Community

Parish Events This Week

Monday, May 28 - Office Closed in Observance of Memorial Day Regularly Scheduled Communion Services

Tuesday, May 29 Regularly scheduled Masses

Wednesday, May 30 9:30 AM GriefShare in the Father White Room 10:00 AM New Beginnings Support Group in the Chapel Meeting Room

Thursday, May 31 9:00 AM SVS Prayer Service & Last Day of School 4:30 PM Contemplative Prayer Group in the Father Anderson Room

Friday, June 1 Office Closes at Noon

Saturday, June 2 Regularly scheduled vigil Mass

Sunday, June 3 11:00 AM Summer Lunch Making in the Chapel Meeting Room - All are welcome to come help!

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School Events This Week

Monday, May 28 No School

Tuesday, May 29 Noon Dismissal

Wednesday, May 30 9:00 AM Pre-K Graduation 11:00 AM Kindergarten Graduation Noon Dismissal

Thursday, May 31 - Last Day of School 9:00 AM Prayer Service 10:30 AM Dismissal From Classrooms

Grieving the Loss of a Loved One ? Or Know Someone Who Is?

Bereavement Ministry presents GriefShare, a 13-part weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. Each seminar is unique so you can join the GriefShare group at any point during the 13 weeks.

Summer is here!

Beat the Heat With a Refreshing Snow Cone!

This yummy treat will be on sale throughout the summer. Remember, the proceeds from this sale support our Youth Group so enjoy a snow cone today!

We know it hurts and we want to help. We are offering both morning and evening sessions: Mornings: Wednesdays, 9:30AM - 11:00AM, St. Viator Parish Center

Evenings: Thursdays, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, St. Thomas More Community Center

For information, visit . To register, please contact the parish office 702.733.8323 or email Ministers@

A donation of $20 is suggested to cover the cost of the workbook and other materials.

St. Viator Catholic Community

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Super Summer Lunch Helpers! Join Us Next Sunday, June 3rd 11:00 AM ~ Chapel Meeting Room

Scenes from last summer's lunch making

Dear St. Viator Catholic Community,

On behalf of every refugee forced to flee from his or her home, leaving familiarity behind as they are brought to our community, we at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada extend our deepest gratitude to St. Viator Catholic Community for the gift of $3,850.50 from Faces of Hunger appeal to our Migration & Refugee Services program.

Despite ongoing misconceptions about refugees, it is encouraging that St. Viator is aware of the realities of their suffering, and that you have taken it upon yourself to do something about it. I admire St. Viator for being a community of action in a time when action is so needed.

Fraternally, Deacon Thomas A. Roberts President & Chief Executive Officer Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada

New Beginnings at Catholic Charities

Members of St. Viator New Beginnings Support Group have been serving meals at the Catholic Charities Lied Dining Hall once a month for the past two years. They helped feed over 600 individuals on April 30th. Other members assist monthly in the Hands of Hope food pantry.

The St. Viator Community Service Committee (SVCSC) invites you to help Catholic Charities feed their clients over the summer. There is a great need for this special assistance since many regularly contributing organizations do not meet during the summer months.

Our goal is to bag a minimum of 150 lunches twice a month in the summer. Dates will be: June 3 & 17, July 1 & 15 and August 5 & 19.

Lunches will use pop-top cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli instead of sandwiches this year since the

parish center hall is not available

How Can You Help?

1. Volunteer to bag lunches on the first and third Sunday of the month starting June 3 at 11:00 AM in the Chapel Meeting Room.

2. Donate any of the following for the lunches: pop-top cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli large sized lunch bags small bags of chips granola bars small water bottles juice pouches packs of cookies fruit snacks peanut butter or cheese cracker packs

Bring your items to church or drop them off at the food bank - please indicate these are for lunches by writing SVCSC on them.

3. Do both! Volunteer to make lunches AND donate items.

If you have questions regarding the summer lunch program, contact Bob Schill at Robert.Schill@unlv.edu or call the parish office 702.733.8323.

St. Viator Catholic Community

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Did You Know?

Inspired by the life of

Jesus and the communion

of Saints, the Catholic

Worker (CW) movement

was brought to life in 1933

by Dorothy Day and Peter

Maurin. Dorothy, a

journalist, social activist




Catholicism had a providential meeting with

Peter, a French peasant, Christian philosopher.

Together they breathed new life into the

message found in the social teachings of the

church including a commitment to nonviolence

and social justice. The CW movement has

grown to hundreds of communities in the USA

and abroad.

Julia Occhiogrosso and Rick Chun founded the Las Vegas Catholic Worker in 1986 with support of the Los Angeles Catholic Worker. The Las Vegas Catholic Worker would devote itself to serving the hidden poor of our city as well as supporting a faith-based nonviolent campaign In 1991 Gary Cavalier, a Catholic Worker from San Louis Obispo, came to Las Vegas to support the Las Vegas house. He and Julia were married in 1995. Together with their two sons and the family of CW volunteers they continue to experiment with the grand adventure of living the hope of the Catholic Worker vision.

It is clear to Catholic Workers that, injustice and violence perpetuate the cycle of poverty. It is not enough to feed the poor without challenging the structures that keep people impoverished.

Our St. Viator Community would like to thank and support Julia and Gary/Catholic Worker for their life devotion to this ministry.

Go to to learn more!

How Can You Help? Hot weather is here! Men, women and children without housing need: Sunscreen Hats/baseball caps Cases of Bottled Water Large boxes of Life and Cheerios

Cereal instead of warm meals are served on some hot mornings

Bring any of the above items to church or the parish office

by next Sunday, June 3rd Please mark CW on your donation


Of the



"Works" of Las Vegas Catholic Worker

Wednesday through Saturday Morning prayer and feeding the hungry

Wednesday morning Hospitality Day Showers, basic services, along with a hot meal for 20 individuals

Two Hospitality Houses Providing shelter for the homeless

Monthly food box distribution For families and seniors

Quarterly newsletter Manna in the Wilderness

Weekly Vigil For peace and justice and an end to war

Community meetings and celebrations

St. Viator Catholic Community

The Responsibility of Our Faith

Today is a day simply to ponder the fact that in baptism we were claimed by God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The first reading from Deuteronomy prompts us to fix in our hearts the truth that God is the Lord of both heaven and earth and there is no other god. Saint Paul reminds us that, because we received the Spirit of adoption in baptism, we are now children of God. In the Gospel Jesus charges us with the responsibility to make other disciples. These realities make today's solemnity a day of praise, adoration, and responsibility. It is a fitting day to thank God for the absolutely free gift of faith that we were given in baptism. It is also a day to ask God for strength to take on the responsibility of sharing that faith with others.

Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Words of Wisdom

"Every time we make the sign of the cross, we grow closer to the great mystery of the Trinity."

~ Pope Francis

A Stewardship Moment

In today's Gospel and reading from the letter of St. Paul we hear of the gift of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In our devotional life we make the sign of the cross and recite the "Glory Be" as an expression of our faith as a Trinitarian people.


But what does it mean for Christian stewards to accept in a practical way the experience of God in this three-fold gift? Is it a call to share our own life in community, with compassion and love, and to work for healing, justice, peace and unity? Is it an invitation to invite others into fellowship with us in the unity of the Father, Son and Spirit?

Reprinted with permission from ICSC ebulletin

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Quotes To Live By Chosen By Our 8th Grade Graduates

Vincent Bodnar "With God all things are possible."

~ Matthew 19:26

Alexander Boehmer "In any situation the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing."

~ Theodore Roosevelt Alexa Dornak "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

~ St. Francis of Assisi Nerys Lee "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."

~ Mark Twain

Anna Maire Oshiokpekhai "When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world."

~ George Washington Gabriel Pabaira "You never fail until you stop trying."

~Albert Einstein Taylor Tanpoco "We don't grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges."

~ Unknown


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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