Richland County School District One

E-Learning Lesson Plan?Subject:?Spanish?1??Unit 3?Learning Indicators:?Interpretive Listening?NM.IL.1C?I can sometimes understand questions about free time activities.?NM.IL.3B?I can sometimes understand if people are talking about free times activities.?Interpretive Reading?NM.IR.2B?I can understand information related to free times activities in a power point.?IL.IR.2A?I can understand information about free time on a web site.?Presentational Speaking?NM.PS.6A?I can present information about what are my favorite free time activities using phrases and simple statements.?IL.PS.2B?I can ask someone what are the favorite free time activities?Presentational Writing?NM.PW.3A?I can write about what d I like to do in my free time.?IL.PW.4A?I can write simple sentences about what are my family’s favorites free time activities?Objectives:?I can ask and answer What free time activities can I do with friends?I can ask and answer What free time activities can I do on my ownI can say which sport can I play? Do? Go?I can express likes and dislikes in Spanish using verb GustarAssignments:??Day 1, Bellwork?#1 the video 2Bellwork?#2 Watch the video Watch the video 3??Bellwork?#3- 5Bell work 1: Students write 100 word letter responding to the following messageTell me about free time activities and sports in your country. What do you and your friends do on your freee time? Where do you go? Who do you go with? Which one are popular Which one are not What sports doyou like playing What sports would you like to practice?DAY 2: Interpretative Writing Assessment: Complete on line this worksheet and send it to your teacher thought TeamsNombre____________________________________________Fecha:_____________________________ Espa?ol 1?Qué sueles hacer los fines de semana? What do you usually do on weekends?Instructions: Look for the meaning of the activities in English, then draw a check in any of the boxes related to how often you do your activity. Write a name of the person you do the activity with and finally write a reason such as: me gusta, me encanta, no me gusta, odio, etc.Los fines de semana…ActividadInglés(meaning in English)?Cuándo? When??Con quién??Por qué?nunca(never)a veces(sometimes)a menudo(often)Siempre(always)(with who?)(why?) ir de paseo I go for a walk cocinar acampar jugar al tenis practicar la vela ir a la casa de mi amigo/amiga jugar a las cartas comer en el restaurante escuchar músicasalir con mis amigos/amigasir a una fiestair al cinever netflixenviar mensajes de textopublicar en mi instagramver videos en Tik Tokir al centro comercialjugar baloncestoleer un libroescribir en un diarioInstructions: Complete the following sentences using the activities in the chart above. ?Qué sueles hacer el fin de semana? ?Con quién? ?Por qué? What do you usually do on weekends? With who? And why?A mi me gusta_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________A mi me encanta ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________A mi me fascina______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yo prefiero _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A mi no me gusta ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________88023702794045910505080716343538100SueloPrefieroMe gusta+ infinitivoMe encantaMe fascinaNo me gusta etc.020000SueloPrefieroMe gusta+ infinitivoMe encantaMe fascinaNo me gusta etc.C.?Qué sueles hacer tú el fin de semana? Escribe una descripción de tu fin de semana típico.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Day # 3Interpretative Reading AssessmentEspa?ol 1?Qué haces normalmente en tu tiempo libre?Instructions: Read the following activities in Spanish and match them with the corresponding in English.404812588901) I play footballI write a letterI go to the cinemaI watch televisionI do my homeworkI swimI talk to my friendsI stay at homeI visit my grandparents I chat on MSN Normally, in my free time I... I play the guitar I listen to music I play hockey I play the piano I go out with my friends I eat an ice cream I read a book I visit monuments20) I surf the net21) I swim in the swimming pool22) I listen to the radio23) I talk on the phone24) I play with videogames25) I draw landscapes26) What do you normally do in your free time?001) I play footballI write a letterI go to the cinemaI watch televisionI do my homeworkI swimI talk to my friendsI stay at homeI visit my grandparents I chat on MSN Normally, in my free time I... I play the guitar I listen to music I play hockey I play the piano I go out with my friends I eat an ice cream I read a book I visit monuments20) I surf the net21) I swim in the swimming pool22) I listen to the radio23) I talk on the phone24) I play with videogames25) I draw landscapes26) What do you normally do in your free time?Normalmente, en mi tiempo libre yo... ______78581251016000Escucho música ______Toco el piano ______Escucho la radio______Juego al hockey ______Toco la guitarra______Hablo por teléfono______Visito a mis abuelos______Juego al fútbol______Juego a los videojuegos______Me quedo en casa______Dibujo paisajes______Charlo con mis amigos______Nado en la piscina______Chateo por el messenger______Navego por internet______Practico la natación______Visito monumentos______Hago los deberes______Leo un libro______Veo la televisión______Como un helado______Voy al cine______Salgo con mis amigos______Escribo una carta______Day # 4Interpetrative Writing AssessmentEspa?ol 1A. Instructions: Complete each sentence using ‘me gusta’ and ‘no me gusta’. Pay attention to singular and plural nouns and activities.1. Me ____________ el libro de francés.2. Me ____________ el té verde. 3. A los ni?os no les ____________ tus pasteles. 4,. Me ____________ la música romántica. 5. Me ____________ las películas de aventura. 6. A los ni?os les ____________ los dulces. 7. ?A ti te ____________ los libros? 8. A nosotros nos ____________ los viajes largos. 9. A ellos les ____________ montar las bicis. 10. A ellos les____________ dormir mucho. B. Instrucción : Write 10 sentences with ‘me gusta’ and 10 sentences with ‘no me gusta’ using activities you like or don’t like to do.PROJECT:An entry to a contest on how are students using their free time wisely at home.Create a power point of 10 slides with activities you do, when you do them, how often, who do you do them with and why.Each slide should be titled with the name of your activity. Also needs to have a picture of your activity and sentences describing them. ................

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