Positively Parkway



Making Curriculum Connections


Mathematics Corner

From the Desk of the

Math Coach




















On behalf of the Math Department, we would like to WELCOME you, as well as our new addition - Mr. Furio, to the Parkway Math Family. We are so excited about this upcoming year and the many opportunities. The new changes, including Block Schedule, will afford us to push students to the next level in math!!!

Our Math Department Theme for this year is "ShowTime" and that is exactly what we are holding our students accountable to do - SHOWcase what they know. With the deliberate incorporation of Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity, our goal this year is to develop a culture of learning where students are impassioned to be selfregulated, critical thinkers of mathematics.

The old saying about "It takes a Village..." is nothing shy of the truth. That's why it's imperative to have your consistent support, and for us to work as a team when challenging OUR kids to (1) REALIZE, (2) PROGRESS towards and (3) ATTAIN their full potential.

When your child brings home their i-Ready Diagnostic Report within the next two weeks, please encourage them to set goals and hold them accountable to take ownership of their learning. They can do this by working on their individual learning paths at home daily and sharing with you their weekly progress. We're asking you to create an expectation where they look for you to ask each day what they are learning and how it moves them closer to their overall learning targets. Then, take the extra step to celebrate any efforts they deliberately make towards progress. And we promise to do the same!!!

"Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations!" We are One Team, One School, One Family!!!! Today, let US ALL do what is necessary to empower ALL of OUR students to be transcendent mathematical leaders in an ever-changing global community.

Tonya "T. Brown" Stampley

Tonya.L.Brown@ 754-322-4000

Need Help with Math?

Students can access online practice, tutorials and self-assessments on MyHRW, Khan Academy, Math Nation, & i-Ready via the student portal:

Login: Student ID (06#)

Password: Birthday (PMM/DD/YYYY)










Important Dates to Remember: ? 09/04 i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments Begin ? 09/18 Data Chats Begins

Parent Involvement

Working with Teachers

Working together, parents and teachers give kids their best chance to learn. Below are seven tips for you that will give your children the best opportunity to succeed in school.

? Just Ask. Ask your children what they studied in class today -- what they liked and what they learned. Asking questions shows that school is important.

? Quiet Study. Choose a place for home study and make sure the room is quiet during that time. Creating a quiet place goes a long way toward helping your children learn.

? Regular Schedule. Set up a certain time of day that is dedicated to homework. Follow up with your children to be sure their homework is complete and turned in on time.

? Learn Together. If you want your children to read their assignments, give yourself an assignment, too. When it's time for them to do homework, take a break and spend a few minutes reading a book, magazine or newspaper.

? Learn Everywhere. Increase your children's interest in homework by connecting school to everyday life. For instance, your children can learn fractions and measurements while you prepare favorite foods together.

? Meet Their Teachers. Meet with your children's teachers to find out what they are learning and discuss their progress in school.

? Praise Helps. Praise your children for successfully

completing homework. Nothing encourages children more than praise from their parents.


Literacy Corner

Renee Walden-Ramdas, ELA Department Chair


Welcome to a new school year. Check out all of the digital resources our students are using at school, and can utilize at home. So...whenever you hear the words, "I don't have any homework" or "I'm bored" You can say, "Why don't you log on to......."


The English Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS)

Instructional Goals Since the implementation of the Florida Standards, our faculty continues to examine the standards to ensure your children understand the Instructional Shifts. Literacy is taught in all classes. Our entire faculty meets weekly to plan thorough lessons that requires a student to:


(student portal)

SSO (Single Sign On)

Praesent Edmodo



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1. Build knowledge through content-rich nonfiction. Research shows that students need to be grounded in information about the world around them in order to

develop strongNgeunenracl kcnuowrlesdugesamndaagvoncaabuqlauryitshat

is necessary for becoming a successful reader.

2. Read, Write, and Speak grounded in evidence from text. Rather than asking students questions they can answer solely from prior knowledge or experiences, students must be able to answer a range of questions using evidence and inferences drawn from the text itself.

3. Engage in regular practice with complex text. Text complexity is a main focus of the Florida Standards because the ability to comprehend complex text is the most significant factor differentiating college-ready from non-college-ready readers. The Standards build a staircase of increasing complexity in the texts that students are expected to read in order to prepare them for the demands of college and careers.

For more information on the ELA Florida Standards (LAFS), visit:

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Focus on Science

Parkway Science is on the run again working hard to prepare our students for their Florida State Assessment. We have several great labs to help all of our students make real life connections. We are ready and very excited about the 2018-19 school year!

Latonya Dixon, Science Department Chair

Social Studies

Parkway Social Studies is excited and ready to share in the explorations and discussions of realworld challenges. Not to mention preparing our students to be life-long learners and productive citizens while assisting our Literacy department in preparing the students to be successful on all of their Florida State Assessments.

Ellen Morris, Social Studies Department Chair

Parkway Performing Arts & STEM

Parkway Performing Arts is rocking ready for the 2018--2019 school year with over 25 shows on the calendar. Please remember to purchase your season tickets by October 2nd, 2018. The season tickets cost $10 per person, versus the cost of $5 per show, per person. That is a huge savings opportunity if considering attending multiple shows. All shows start at 6:30pm sharp. The first show will be held on October 3, 2018 and is a collage show where there will be performances/showcases by each of our 7 programs.

Parkway STEM is steadily plowing along this 2018--2019 school year. This program has already received a grant for $800 from 4H and UF/IFAS for a pollinator garden. Through this grant the program received gardening tools, supplies, butterfly plants, and curriculum. The goal of this grant is to provide out--door experiential learning for students in the Holistic Horticulture STEM program and provide Parkway with new upgraded gardens. The ultimate hope is that these gardens help the students demonstrate pride in our school, and attract monarch butterflies.

Joanette Brookes--George, Magnet Coordinator


Greetings Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2018 -- 19 School Year! We are excited about working with you and your students. For

the month of September, please note the following, 3rd and 6th grade Health Screenings are the

following dates: Tuesday, September 11th & 12th -- Body Mass Index, and Tuesday, September 25th ?


Letters were sent home in the first day packages regarding these screenings. If you have any questions or

concerns regarding your child's academic status, please do not hesitate to contact your child's grade level

counselor at 754--322--4000 during the hours of 7:00 am -- 2:00 pm Monday -- Friday of each week.

Marci Bennett--Barnes, Guidance Director

Important Reminders

September 3 September 6 September 10 September 11 September 17 September 19 September 25

No School Open House No School Health Screening Interim Reports Issued No School Health Screening


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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