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A Guide to Family Worship Time in the COVID-19 EraThe Priority of Worship Leading your family to worship God and Christ is one of the most valuable activities you can do during normal times – and even more so during times of crisis like we’re in currently. Worship is that time we set aside and give to focusing on God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. Just as we normally attend church on Sunday and participate in a “worship” service, the family should gather together and spend time in worshiping God for who He is, all that He has done, and all we believe He has yet to do. The Bible is very clear that we are to worship God on a regular consistent basis. The TimeTiming is important. The best option for time is to do it at the usual time you are worshipping with your church family. This keeps your time consistent and reminds you that when the group size and distancing orders are lifted, you’ll go back to being in your church at that time on Sunday morning, or Saturday evening – whatever the normal case might be. The SettingNow that most people are restricted to being at home, then you should find the best place in your house for this time. Generally, it will be in the living room so you can utilize your TV to watch the video of your pastor delivering the Sunday morning message. However, if you use a computer or tablet, then perhaps you’d prefer the dining room or even outside on the deck. Find a setting that will help you focus on worshipping through song, listening to the message, and sharing together in prayer.The ContentThere should be 4 primary parts to include in your family worship time: Song, Scripture, Prayer, and OfferingSong – Singing is a vital part of how we have learned to worship God. Today there are many great songs that help us worship. Youtube is your best choice to find 2-3 songs which will help you worship. Look for worship lyric videos and you’ll see lots of possibilities. Or you can type in the songs you want to sing. With a little planning the day before, you can find – download – and have ready those songs you want to sing. So, unless you’re great at doing music yourself, Youtube will be a good resource for you. If you don’t have the expertise or ability to use the resources –you might sing a song you know, rely upon a CD or other music, or you could read one of the Psalms during this time.Scripture – Reading God’s word and hearing it proclaimed is a must. Chances are that your church and pastor are putting life or pre-recorded video on Facebook, Youtube, or their website. Should you be able to get the video from your Pastor, listen and follow carefully – making notes to go back and re-read later.If they are not, or if you don’t have the technology or expertise to access their video, then the best option is to pick a favorite passage in Scripture and read it aloud. The reading of God’s work is powerful and the Holy Spirit will honor your obedience and faithfulness in making Scripture an important part of your time. Prayer – This is how we communicate with the Almighty. Jesus prayed, “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be your name.” He taught his disciples to pray, and Paul says to us – “Pray always”. Simply make a list – mentally or on paper – and take those things to God. It might include something you heard during the message, a previous need you remember, something currently pressing, etc. But, make it a priority to spend some time in prayer.Offering – Don’t forget your churches needs during this time of “Stay Home” enforcement. Tithing and giving are important both for us and to God. It’s not that He needs our money, but obedience in giving humbles our heart before God and says to Him – I worship You. If you normally write a check or have cash that you deposit in the offering plate at church, then make that offering to God right there in your own home. Prepare the offering, pray over the offering, and then make it a priority to send the offering at the next opportunity. That might be by mail, online giving, or by dropping it off at the church office as you go grocery shopping. Having a family or small group worship time is a valuable experience for any age. When we lived overseas, it was often the small group worship time on Sunday morning that God so often used to give me peace, perspective, and correctly placed priorities. I believe this can be a valuable time for anyone whose primary aim is to really worship God.Much of what the internet has as “family worship time” is actually geared to a daily family devotional time. However, those do have good suggestions which you can learn from.Additional Resources: ................

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