The Midweek Visitor


The Midweek Visitor

First United Methodist Church

Our mission is to lead persons to Christ and disciple believers

February 7, 2018

Serving the people of Manchester since 1813

(931) 728-4624

Senior Pastor, Rev. Randall T. Brown

(615) 521-3346

Did you know:

1.) That Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day are both next week and on the same day?

2.) The Staff Parish Relations Committee is seeking to fill the position of church secretary and Church financial secretary. If interested, please contact Jim Thornington.

3.) That statistically United Methodist rank high in the category of people who are least likely to invite others to church. Manchester First United Methodist Church let's not be the AVERAGE United Methodist. Who will you invite to church this week?

4.) On Feb. 25th we are going to have "Movie Night" in the Fellowship Hall. More details coming in next week's newsletter.

5.) More exciting things are being planned, check the remainder of the Mid-Week Visitor to find out the activities and opportunities that are being planned.

See you Sunday,

Brother Randy

A Note from Dana:


There is a great story that when Harry Truman was speaking at a Grange convention in Kansas City, Mrs. Truman and a friend were in the audience. Truman in his speech said, "I grew up on a farm and one thing I know--farming means manure, manure, manure, and more manure."

At this, Mrs. Truman's friend whispered to her, "Bess, why on earth don't you get Harry to say fertilizer?"

"Good Lord, Helen," replied Mrs. Truman, "You have no idea how many years it has taken me to get him to say manure!"

Life sometimes puts us in situations that require a little bit of tact, even in the church. If you ever find yourself in one of these situations be sure to engage your brain before your mouth opens! It could possibly save you (and someone else) from embarrassment!

Grace and Peace, Dana

Because all that we have belongs to God, our goal in using that which belongs to him is to glorify God.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,

do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Don't forget SONGLAND CHOIRS this coming Wednesday evening, February 8 at 6:15. The first through sixth graders are meeting with Pastor Dana and Miss Stephanie in the choir room and the Cherubs (pre-K choir) meet with miss Julie in room 206.

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses at 7:15 PM this Wednesday night.

February 7, 2018

February will find us

talking about

kindness on Wednesday nights. God was kind to us even when we didn't deserve it. Even when we are still sinners, Jesus died for us. Because of God's great love for us, we can be kind to everyone. Jesus personified kindness in the way He lived and interacted with the people He met. But, as we read the Gospels, we find that Jesus didn't just model kindness. He commanded it. By treating others the way we want to be treated, we live out the way Jesus taught us to live.

In week one our key question is What does kindness look like? While this may seem like a simple question, preteens need to start from a concrete idea before connecting that idea to their own life. When kids can identify the kindness of others, they have a better chance of replicating that in their own life. We want kids to figure out how they can show kindness to others based on the ways people have been kind to them.

We start the month talking about the foundation for our kindness. In Titus3:4-7, Paul talked about God's amazing kindness towards us. God poured out His kindness when He sent Jesus to rescue us from the consequences of our sin. We can have life forever because of God's kindness and love.

Bottom Line: Be kind to others because God is kind to you. We pray that as kids learn about God's kindness through Jesus, they will see how they can reflect God's kindness to the people in their life.

Midweek Visitor

Susan has been putting a calendar in the MidWeek Visitor of all the neat stuff we have coming up, please join us for our activities!

Mrs. Jackie jackiemconnelly@

I hope this finds you happy and well. THANK YOU so much for everyone who came out and supported the youth potato bar fundraiser. The kids and I appreciate you and your support, prayers and love more than you know. I have a few dates still open for youth dinner on Sunday nights if you are willing to help with this please let me know ASAP. We need your help. We have the following dates still open for youth dinner: April 8, April 15, April 29 and May 20.

On Sunday night February 25, 2018 we will be having a CHURCH WIDE movie night. We will be showing THE SHACK and will provide dinner, a movie and popcorn. Please make plans to attend this church wide event. We will serve dinner at 5 with the movie starting at 5:30.

Please remember us in your prayers next weekend as we travel to Nashville for the TN UMC Warmth in Winter retreat. We will leave on Friday and return on Sunday.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your teenager's journey.

In the grip of HIS grace, Randa

February 7, 2018

2/25 Movie: "The Shack" 5:30 p.m. ? Open to everyone


Kingdom Kidz

Production of "I Can Only

Imagine" 6:00 p.m. Call the

church office to make reservations for the

spaghetti dinner at 5 then enjoy the show at 6.

The cost for dinner is $6 for adults, $4 for youth

and $3 for children. The show is just the icing on

the cake!!

3/24 Easter Egg Hunt ? the rain date will be 3/31 if needed.

7/13-14 Vacation Bible School ? Polar Blast: Where Jesus' Love Is Cool, where kids chill with new friends and warm up to Jesus ? the coolest friend of all.

ANNOUNCEMENTS The Sanctuary Choir will meet for rehearsal on Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m. in the choir room.

The DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY is changing their meeting time on Sunday afternoons from 4:30 PM to 3:00 PM. We will still meet in Room 219. Members please take note of this time change!

Just about ANYTHING you need to know about the mission and ministry of Manchester First UMC can be found at our website, ! Download the "MidWeek Visitor," audio and video of sermons and children's sermons, link to other important web sites and even find help for those who need it. Check out our website today!

And don't forget about our church APP which is available for your smart phone on Google Play Store or Apple App Store! (Mobile MFUMC).

Midweek Visitor SPRC is advertising for two positions for our Church staff, the Church Office Secretary and the Financial Secretary.

Susan Yother has been serving in these positions and has notified us of her plans to resign from both positions. If you know of anyone interested or you are interested in either please contact the Church office or Jim Thorington, SPRC Chair.

The New Life Sunday School Class and Sallie O'Neal Anniversary Fellowship would like to share a project with you. Over the next 3 weeks we will be collecting items to shower Manchester Extended Health Care Facility. There will be a box at the Welcome Center for items. The last day to bring your items will be Sunday, February 18th. The following is a list of suggested items needed:

Adult diapers, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, men's disposable razors, baby wipes, wash cloths and towels.

Thank you for helping us with this project!

Wednesday Night Menus

Feb. 7: Homemade baked ziti, french bread, tossed salad/dressings & banana pudding. Feb. 14: Baked ham, sweet potato casserole, green beans, roll, tossed salad/dressings and red velvet cake.

February 7, 2018

It's time to start planning for the annual Community-wide Easter Cantata! This year's cantata is entitled: "Amazing Love, How Can It Be" written and arranged by Russell Mauldin. Rehearsals for the musical will be starting soon at Trinity Baptist Church, 1513 McArthur Drive here in Manchester. Tentative performance dates are Thursday, March 22 and Friday March 23. Both performances are at 7:00 p.m. See Dana for more details!

If you ever drive the church van or bus you need to stop by the office and sign a paper for a criminal records verification and fingerprint. Signed forms need to be in by February 9, 2018.

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Manchester TN 37355

Permit # 46

First United Methodist Church

105 Church Street Manchester, TN 37355

931-728-4624 manchesterfumc@


Midweek Visitor

I Will Support My Church With My Presence

Attendance: Sunday School

8:25 Service 10:55 Service

Feb. 4 91 64 92

I Will Support My Church With My Gifts

Feb. 4

Sunday School




Good Samaritan


Coffee Time


Youth Fund




Pastor's Discretionary


Required weekly


Budget Contribution


Year-to-date offering


Offering needed to date


(+/-) Difference


I Will Support My Church With My Service


Feb 4

8:25 Natalie Fibelkorn 10:55 Daniel Hawkins

Feb 11

Megan Fibelkorn

Madison Miller

Building Checkers

Week of Feb 4

Mike Giffin

Week of Feb 11

Vernon Sherrill

Coffee Time

Feb. 4 & 11

Pam Riddle

Feb. 18 & 25

John & Shandra Richardson

Altar Guild


Lois Thormaehlen



Mike Giffin


Feb 4 & 11 8:25 Tina & Butch Niederhauser

10:55 Patricia & Mike Anderson

Feb 18 & 25 8:25 Deborah Blanton & Teri Christian

10:55 Nicole, Addison & Chandler Carter

Kitchen Monitor


Mary Rounds


Sue Reid

Welcome Center

Feb 4

8:25 Ed Holland

10:45 Ann & Ben Spaulding


Feb 4

Karla Childs

Feb 11

Bobby & Topsy Layne/Anita Turner

Thank you for your service to Manchester FUMC


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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