The Midweek Visitor - Clover Sites

The Midweek Visitor

First United Methodist Church

Our mission is to lead persons to Christ and disciple believers

August 13, 2014

Serving the people of Manchester since 1813

(931) 728-4624

Senior Pastor, Rev. Randall T. Brown

(615) 521-3346

SO YOU WILL KNOW: Wednesday evenings in the fall will be a little

different. First of all, we will not have a meal here at the church. We are going to concentrate on short-term studies. The first six weeks, we will have two different studies. The first study is a Women's Bible Study by Karen Kingsbury entitled "The Family of Jesus." Rachel Brown will be leading this study and it will meet in Room 219 on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. The second study is a Men's Bible Study entitled "Quiet Strength" by Coach Tony Dungy. I will be leading this study and we will meet in the Parlor, also at 6:00 p.m. Both studies will begin on Wednesday evening, Sept 3rd, and workbooks will be available the week before that in the church office. Plan now to attend these studies and be sure to invite your unchurched friends to attend these studies with you. After these studies are over, we will have two more studies that will last for another six to eight weeks.

On August 31st, we will be having Movie Night at the church. We will be showing HEAVEN IS FOR REAL. The movie will start at 7:15 p.m. Weather permitting, we will be outside and popcorn and soft drinks will be available for all moviegoers. Bring your lawn chairs, bug spray, and blankets if you want to sit on the ground. Invite your friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers. You will not want to miss this event and I hope you will use it as a tool to bring friends and introduce them to your church family.

Speaking of your church family, we are growing! We welcome into the church family Mrs. Billie McEwen who joined by transfer of letter from the Tyner United Methodist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She joined on Sunday, August 10th, at the early service. We welcome you, Billie, into this part of God's family.

We have many opportunities coming up for growth and service that I want you to be aware of. In addition to the things that I have mentioned above, there is the ONEDAY EVENT. Our church will again be participating in this event this year. This year's event will be on Saturday, October 11th , at the Fair Grounds. You will be hearing more about this in the days to come and will have opportunities to sign up to help in the near future. Another opportunity for growth that is coming your way is our six-week stewardship program this year, entitled

"TRANSFORMED LIVING". We will have our kick off Sunday on September 28th and our commitment Sunday on Nov. 2nd. This a program that many churches across the country are using and was written by Dr. John Ed Mathison who was with us earlier in the year during our Spring Renewal Service.

I hope you share my excitement about this church and what God is doing in our midst, and I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend.

See you Sunday at the GROWING place,

Brother Randy

Children's Corner

It's back to school time at Manchester First, and that

calls for a big celebration! Join us this Sunday, August

17, at 6:15 p.m. at the Manchester Recreation Center

for our Back to School Bash! The Children's

Department, in conjunction with AWANA, has rented

the outdoor pool for some family fun! The only things

you have to bring are two school supplies. Miss Julie

and Mr. Mike will be collecting them when you arrive,

and these supplies will be given to needy children in

our community. And guess what! You can also

register for our AWANA classes which will begin

Saturday, September13. Hope to see you there!

I just can't keep it to myself any longer! Our long

awaited Children's Department "Parable Place" is

finished! We will be sponsoring an Open House on

Sunday afternoon, September 21 at 2:00 p.m. You

won't want to miss our special entertainment that we

have planned. We have

invited "The Crazy Tie

Guy," a Christian juggler


entertainer who

mixes circus fun and

faith. Invite all your

friends, because there has

never been anything like

this at First Methodist before!

Aren't you glad that you and your child are a part of

a church who does new and innovative things? I am

excited about what God is doing for our children!

Love, Ms. Cindy

August 13, 2014

Midweek Visitor

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

The Wednesday Morning Bible Study will meet Wednesday, August 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor, with Brother Randy leading the study of 2 Corinthians, Chapter 2.

Wesley Wanderers Day Trip

For their monthly meeting, the Wesley Wanderers are taking a day trip, Thursday, August 28th, to the

Grace Alpaca Farms of Jon & Patty McHann in Smithville, TN. They will be taking the church bus and

will leave at 9:00 a.m.


The AWANA Conference will be held Saturday, August 16, in Nashville. Teachers, assistants, pastors, and all who are interested in AWANA are invited to come for inspiration and ideas. THEME: Acts 1:8b - "and you will

After enjoying the Alpacas, they will lunch at The White Possum Grille in Smithville, and return to the church about 2:30-ish. Call Ken Kimble, 728-0837, if you would like to go with them. The deadline for reservations is Thursday, August 14.

be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." The cost is $40. Register online at: .

UMW District Retreat

The United Methodist Women's District Mini Retreat will be Saturday, August 16, at Lynchburg First/Brandon Chapel UMC. Our Retreat Leader will be Cassie Urban from Bethel UMC in Murfreesboro. Come join us as we explore what it means to be a part of the King's Royal

family. Break out your hats and pearls (if you wish), and dress like the daughter of the King ? and let's have a tea party. All ladies of the church are invited.

A gift in memory of Rosella Moltern, Dura Porter, and Helen Mangrum was made to the Children's Ministry by Earl & Mattie Lee Eaton.

Gifts in memory of Bill Bell were made to the Children's Ministry by Mike & Julie Giffin, and Claus & Lois Thormaehlen; to the Youth Fund by Jack & Faye Huffman, and Jeanne Sain; to Good Samaritan by Sheri, Mike, & Ruth Amburgey; and to the History Fund by Bud & Pam Riddle.


Council on Ministries to meet


The COM will meet Sunday, August 17, at 2:30 p.m. in

the Parlor.

Children's Pool Party!

The Children' Department and the AWANA children will have a Pool Party/Back to School Bash, Sunday,

August 17, from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. at the Manchester Recreation Center. The Youth are also invited to join them. Please bring two school items that will be given to help the needy children in our community with their school supply needs.

United Methodist Women to meet

The UMW Day Group will meet Tuesday, August 26, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor, for their annual program for Prayer and Self Denial, "Sound Foundations: Sound Missions," to be lead by Mattie Lee Eaton.

The objective is to reflect on the rich heritage of our mission institutions and through our gifts that enable the institutions to be physically sound and safe spaces for ministry by caring for present and future property needs.

Please be prepared for your Prayer and Self Denial Offering.

Who should come: pastors, children, youth leaders, UMW, UMM, mission and outreach chairs and lay leaders

What: This will help you to know about this Conference Wide emphasis to eradicate Malaria. You will learn about how that is happening in Africa and how you and ALL of your church can be a part of the work--and invite others outside your church to join you!

Refreshments will be served by our host church.

August 24, 2014 Manchester First, Fellowship Hall

2:30 - 4:30

August 13, 2014

Midweek Visitor

Sallie O'Neal Circle to meet

Let It Begin

The Sallie O'Neal circle will meet Monday, August 18, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Lois Thormaehlen. Karla Childs is doing the program on Religion in China, following her recent mission trip there.

We are looking forward to having a consistent rhythm of life with our teenagers from here on out this fall. It was an exciting fall kick-off filled with worship, student testimony, delicious food, and baby food of course (ask

Brett Henley how that one tasted). The most joyous thing

A Note From Dana ...

Perspective. It's something like what Coach John McKay of USC said to his team after they had been humiliated 51-0 by Notre Dame. McKay came into the locker room and saw a group of beaten, worn-out, and thoroughly depressed young football players who were not accustomed to losing. He stood up on a bench and said, "Men, let's keep this in perspective. There are 800 million Chinese who don't even know this game was played." That's what you call perspective!

A pastor friend and mentor of mine used to say, "If it's not eternal, don't worry about it!" I think that is pretty good advice! Let's be concerned about the things that really do matter!

Grace and Peace, Dana

for me was that we were light on parents in the parent meeting because a lot of our parents have become our adult leaders. God is moving the ministry to new places and new things.

The most exciting thing is that leaders are beginning to make meaningful faith connections with our teenagers, for when teens tell their faith story they won't name lessons but names of Godly men and women who have showed up in their life consistently in the period of their adolescence and after. Life gets messy and we're called to run and participate in the messes. Thank you for supporting our teenagers and leaders!

Blessings, Andrew

Convoy of Hope

Choirs Resuming Rehearsals:

The Sanctuary Choir has resumed rehearsals. The choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 in the Choir Room (B19).

Sunday, August 17, 5:00 PM - The Men's Chorus resumes rehearsals in the Choir Room.

Wednesday, September 3, 6:15 PM - Songland Choirs resume

Monday, September 8, 5:00 PM - The Sanctuary Handbell Choir resumes practice in the Choir Room.

College Students & Parents of College


Our church likes to keep in touch with our College

Students if they are out of town and if they are commuting.

Please send your child's college address or home address and

E-mail address at college to Patricia Anderson at

pateach@ or call at 738-9492. Try to do so by

August 24.

Thank you,

Patricia Anderson

One Day Event News!

The Southern Tennessee Convoy of Hope/ONE DAY EVENT is only weeks away! The event, sponsored by the Manchester Ministerial Association and area churches, is scheduled for SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014, from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM. We are still looking for volunteers so if you would like to help, please contact pastor Dana. Be in prayer for this important ministry event.

Please help provide Personal Care Bags (PCB) for the One Day Event this year. The following items are needed for each bag. If you would rather make a monetary donation, make the checks out to FUMC, and on the "For" line put Personal Care Bags. We will then use the church tax ID number to purchase items. The items do NOT need to be bagged (bags are being donated). The bags will be unisex this year. All items can be purchased at the Dollar Tree:

Shampoo (20 oz. bottle) Soap (2-3 bars) Lotion (12 - 16 oz. bottle) Toothpaste (6 oz. tube) Razors (10 pack) Additionally, we have a need for feminine hygiene items. Any donation (either of items or monetary in nature) will be greatly appreciated. For more information, see Maggie Smith or Rachel Brown.

Upcoming Church Wide Study & Sermon Series:



August 13, 2014

Midweek Visitor

I Will Support My Church With My Prayers God's World & Our Nation

Jay Newton; Terra Bingham; Allen Stone; Michael Starr; Cameron Wainright; Craig Johnson; Justin Hendrix, Landon Norwood, Nick Hill, & all in the military & their families.

Leah Hershman

James Ayer

Rosalie Stringfellow

Linda Langham

Jon McHann

Marjorie Hobson

Coolidge & Donna Holt Elizabeth Arney

Bill Hazen

Johnny & Matilda Locke Sharon Brown Bill & Sibbie Johnson

Margaret Woods

Virginia Murchison Daniel Bellamy

Nell Inglish

Sabrina Gilliam

Dave Owen

Natalie Caldwell Putman

Mr. O'Quinn, 5-28-14, health is declining (Juliann O'Quinn's father)

Kai, 1-year old, 6-19-14, update: Kai is having occupational therapy for the thigh muscles, and now he is crawling! (grandson of Ann & Wade Stevenson)

Stan McHann, 7-18-14, home, recovering Dorothy Bon, 6-23-14, pray that her breathing improves so she

will no longer need supplemental oxygen Phil Tarver, 8-3-14, now at home at McArthur Manor,

Room D-41 Don Rounds, 6-26-14, please keep Don in your prayers that he

I Will Support My Church With My Presence


August 10

Sunday School 101

8:25 Service


10:55 Service


W orship Total


I Will Support My Church With My Gifts

August 10

Sunday School




Good Samaritan


Coffee Time


Youth Fund


Children's Ministry


Pastor's Discretionary Fund


History Fund


Mustard Seed Ranch


One Day Event-Personal Care Bags 50.00

Needed weekly


Budget Contribution


Year-to-date offering


Offering needed to date


(+/-) Difference


I Will Support My Church With My Service Acolytes

will continue to improve Jon McHann, 7-15-14, home, recovering from foot surgery John Roberson, 7-28-14, home, recovering from back surgery Ada Wright, 8-10-14, at Horizon Health & Rehab, Room 600 D,

not doing well, has a bacterial infection Marjorie Hobson, 8-5-14, now at Manchester Health Care

Center, Room 406, to regain strength. Maggie Leptrone, age 16, 8-11-14, her pediatrician is working

with the various specialists; further tests are planned; pray for

Aug 17 Aug 24

8:25 Larson Meltzer 10:55 Daniel Hawkins

8:25 Natalie Fibelkorn 10:55 Brooke W illiams

Building Checkers

W eek of Aug 17 Dana Brooks W eek of Aug 24 Jack Smoyak


August Steve & Sheila Bair

a diagnosis and treatment (granddaughter of Ken & Marie Kimble)


August Marlin Hoover / Richard Dix

Coffee Time

Aug 17 Mike & Julie Giffin Aug 24 Mike & Julie Giffin

First United Methodist Church 105 Church Street

Manchester, TN 37355 931-728-4624



Altar Guild

August Mattie Lee Eaton & Deborah Amacher

?Mailing_Name? ?Address_1? ?Address_2? ?City?, ?State? ?Zip?


Aug 17

8:25 Max & Judy Hester

10:55 Jerry & Sue Reid

Aug 24

8:25 Kay Greenwood / Beverly Smith

10:55 Chris & Cathy Miller

Kitchen Monitor

August Pam Riddle

Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Manchester TN 37355

Permit # 46

Welcome Center

Aug 17 Aug 24

8:15 Jack & Kay Smoyak 10:45 Trish Anderson

8:15 Jack & Kay Smoyak 10:45 Trish Anderson

Baking / Visiting for 1st Time Visitors

Aug 17 Baking: Lois Thormaehlen Visiting: Lois Thormaehlen

Sound Tech

Aug 17

8:25 TBA

Aug 24

8:25 TBA

10:55 Ken Huddleston 10:55 Jared Hershman


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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