Homework #22: Edwards, ch

Homework : Chapter 6 ( Civil Rights)

1. How did Southern States defy the fifteenth Amendment and exclude African Americans from voting

2)What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplish in the efforts to see racial equality achieved in the United States?

3) What was the Fifteenth Amendment and how was it largely ignored in the southern states for decades following its ratification (what strategies did southern states use to deny African Americans the right to vote)?

4) How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 lead to millions of African Americans registering to vote in areas they had once been denied?

5) Describe the difference between de jure discrimination and de facto discrimination.

6) Why did the Equal Rights Amendment fail to be ratified?

7) What actions have been taken to limit sex discrimination? Make sure to discuss Title IX. Have they been successful?

8) What is the largest Hispanic activist organization in the U.S.?

9) Describe the circumstances of the Hernandez v. Texas (1954) Supreme Court Case? Ultimately what did the Supreme Court rule?

10) In what ways have Hispanic leaders used tactics of the African American civil rights movement? How have these tactics been successful?

11) What actions were accomplished by the government that gave Native Americans more rights in the United States?

12) How has the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) been successful in protecting the rights of Native Americans?

13) Describe the circumstances of the Korematsu v. United States (1944) Supreme Court Case. What did the Supreme Court rule?

14) Discuss 2 Supreme Court Cases and the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and their effects on gay and lesbian rights.

15) What rights did the disabled gain under the Americans with Disability Act? How were they later curtailed?

16) How did the Supreme Court case Tennessee v. Lane reestablished rights for the disabled?

17) List and discuss cases that support and refute Affirmative action.

Identify the following acronyms



3. LDF


5. NOW

6. ERA




10. NARF

11. ADA


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