US History RIO Unit 10 Study Guide: The U

Name: _______________________________________ Period: __

US II UNIT 10: 60s and 70s Power Movements, Nixon, and Carter STUDY GUIDE

TEST DATE: Thursday May 2

Part 1: Be able to explain all Essential Questions (the “big ideas”) for the test:

• How was the 1960s and 70s a time of social change for African Americans, Women, American Indians, Mexican-Americans, and Homosexuals?

• How did the Supreme Court play a more active role in the daily lives of Americans during the 60’s and 70s?

• What were the major foreign and domestic policies of Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter?

• How did Watergate shape and impact politics and American’s faith in the US government?

• What were the major economic and cultural trends of the 1970s?

Part 2: Answer the questions below, use notes, book, class readings, etc. Know all Key Terms

An Era of Social Change

Malcom X

Stokey Carmichael

Black Panthers

Black Power

Black Nationalism

Watts riots

De jure vs. de facto Segregation

White Flight

Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board

Chicano Movement

Cesar Chavez

United Farm Workers Union

The Feminine Mystique


National Organization for Women

Roe v. Wade

Title IX

Equal Rights Amendment

Phyllis Schlafly


Alcatraz Take-Over

Stonewall Riot

1. After serving in a leadership position with SNCC, why did Stokely Carmichael join the Black Panthers? Why did the messages of Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement begin to appeal to some as an alternative to the non-violent civil rights movement?

2. How was the Civil Rights Movement different in the urban North and West than it was in the rural South? What issues did big urban centers in the North and the West have? What role did “white flight” have to play in it?

3. How did the Supreme Court try to address issues of de facto segregation in education? What were reactions to this?

4. What was the Chicano movement? How was it similar to Black Nationalism?

5. How were Cesar Chavez’s protest methods similar to the Civil Rights activists in the south? Why is the creation of the United Farm Workers Union significant? Describe the goals of the grape boycott.

6. What begins the modern women’s liberation movement?

7. In the 1960s and 1970s, what legislation was passed and organizations created to promote the equality of women?

8. Describe the controversy surrounding Roe v. Wade. What does this Supreme Court case decide?

9. Why did the Equal Rights Amendment ultimately fail to be ratified?

10. Why and how did Native Americans have their own power movement? Describe what they did.

11. What event marked the beginning of the gay rights movement?

The Warren Court

Warren Court

Mapp v. Ohio 1961

Gideon v. Wainright 1963

Escodedo v. Illinois 1963

Miranda v. Arizona 1965

12. Explain the significance of the following Supreme Court decisions for the rights of the accused: Mapp v. Ohio, Gideon v. Wainright, Escodedo v. Illinois, and Miranda v. Arizona. What generalizations can be made about the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren?

Nixon: Foreign and Domestic Issues New Federalism

Rachal Carson

Silent Spring

Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Air Act

Clean Water Act



“Southern Strategy”

13. What were the domestic achievements of the Nixon administration? Were they Conservative or Liberal?

14. What were the foreign achievements of the Nixon administration? What impact did they have on the Soviet Union?

15. What factors contributed to Nixon’s landslide re-election victory in 1972?

Nixon and Watergate


Imperial Presidency

Executive Privilege

Sam Ervin

16. How did Nixon’s personality and the concept of the “Imperial Presidency” contribute to what would become the Watergate scandal?

17. How did that scandal begin and what was the initial impact? What was Nixon’s biggest mistake?

18. How did the investigation slowly play out over 1973 and into 1974? What was the “smoking gun” in the Watergate scandal?

19. What was Nixon going to be charged with, had the impeachment proceedings gone to the full House of Rep? Why did Nixon resign?

Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford


1. What was President Ford’s first executive action? How was it received by the public?

20. Describe Ford’s domestic policy:

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter


OPEC Oil Embargo

Energy crisis

Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident

University of California V. Bakke


Panama Canal Treaty

Camp David Accords

Iranian Hostage Crisis

21. What was the main appeal of Jimmy Carter in the election of 1976?

22. What were some of the major economic problems that began to emerge when Nixon was president and had to be faced by both Ford and Carter? What were the causes of it?

23. Why was Jimmy Carter ineffective in tackling the economic issues of the 70’s?

24. What was the Energy Crisis and how did Carter propose fixing it?

25. What were the significant decisions in the University of California V. Bakke case?

26. What were the SALT II talks? What was the result?

27. Why was the Panama Canal Treaty controversial?

28. What major step was taken in the Middle Eastern Peace Process during the Carter Administration and what role did he play?

29. Why is the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis considered by the CIA to be a significant example of “blowback”?

30. Why was President Carter considered to be ineffective in dealing with this crisis? What do historians think Carter lost because of the crisis?

31. Who was Ronald Reagan and what was his appeal? Who won the election of 1980 and why?


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