Be familiar with the following terms and concepts for your final exam on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7TH/THURSDAY, JUNE 8TH/FRIDAY, JUNE 9TH. The Unit Eight notebook is due the same day.

Your exam will include information from only Unit Eight (WWII and the Holocaust: Ch. 15.3, 15.4, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, and The Cold War: Chapter 17) in your textbook.

Parts of the following chapters from the entire second semester will be on the one-pager, which will start on Tuesday, June 6th:

13.1 Marching Towards War

entente ultimatum Triple Alliance

militarism mobilize Kaiser Wilhelm II

Alsace and Lorraine neutrality Triple Entente

Why did European nations form alliances?

Why might the Balkans be called ‘the powder keg of Europe’?

What role did geography play in the outbreak of WWI?

How did Austria’s government react to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand?

13.2 Europe Plunges into War

stalemate convoy Eastern Front Allies

zeppelin Dardanelles Central Powers trench warfare

U-Boat T.E. Lawrence Western Front

Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front?

Describe three ways in which technology affected the war.

How did nationalism within the Ottoman empire come into play during the war?

13.3 A Global Conflict

total war atrocity unrestricted submarine warfare

conscription Fourteen Points total war

contraband self-determination rationing

Lusitania armistice propaganda

How did the Allies win WWI?

What measures did wartime governments take to control national enemies and public opinion?

What impact did wartime failures have on Russia?

Describe how the entry of the United States into the war was a turning point.

11.4 A Flawed Peace

pandemic collective security Woodrow Wilson

reparations mandate Georges Clemenceau

radicals Fourteen Points self-determination

Treaty of Versailles League of Nations

What factors influenced the peace treaties that ended WWI, and how did people react to the treaties?

Describe conditions in Europe after WWI.

How did the peace treaties both follow and violate the principle of self-determination?

14. 1 Revolutions in Russia

proletariat Bolsheviks Lenin Rasputin

provisional government soviet Communist Party Joseph Stalin

How did Alexander III rule?

What changes did industrialization cause?

What crises did Russia face?

What was the provisional government?

Who led the Bolshevik Revolution?

How did Lenin bring back order?

14.2 Stalinist Russia

totalitarianism Great Purge command economy Five-Year Plans

collective farm

What is totalitarianism?

How did Stalin control the country?

How did Stalin change the economy?

How did Stalin change Soviet society?

15.1 and 15.2 Postwar Uncertainty and A Worldwide Depression

Maginot Line finance Einstein

Kellogg-Briand Pact Federal Reserve theory of relativity

disarmament Great Depression Freud

general strike Franklin D. Roosevelt existentialism

overproduction New Deal Nietzsche

surrealism jazz Charles Lindbergh

coalition government Weimar Republic jazz

How did new thinkers challenge old ideas?

How did writers and philosophers of the 1920s reflect society’s concerns?

How was painting of this time different from traditional painting?

How did society change?

What new technology arose?

What problems did Europe face after the war?

How did various countries meet this crisis?


*15.3 Fascism Rises in Europe

Benito Mussolini totalitarian state Adolf Hitler

Black Shirts Fascism Nazism

March on Rome Mein Kampf lebensraum

15.4 Aggressors Invade Nations

Chancellor Gestapo appeasement

Ruhr Valley Nuremberg Laws Francisco Franco

Third Reich Munich Conference isolationism

16.1 Hitler’s Lightning War

Pacifism Anschluss nonaggression pact

Neutrality Acts Sudetenland blitzkrieg

Charles de Gaulle Winston Churchill Battle of Britain

Erwin Rammel Atlantic Charter Nazi-Soviet Pact

16.2 Japan’s Pacific Campaign

Isoroku Yamamoto Pearl Harbor Battle of Midway

Douglas MacArthur Battle of Guadalcanal

16.3 The Holocaust

Aryans concentration camps Kristallnacht

Luftwaffe Holocaust ghettos

Vichy Lend-Lease Act Final Solution

General Erwin Rommel genocide

16.4 The Allied Victory

Rosie the Riveter aircraft carrier Battle of the Bulge

Stalingrad D-Day kamikaze

Dwight Eisenhower Yalta Conference

16.5 Europe and Japan in Ruins

V-E Day island-hopping demilitarization Hiroshima democratization Manhattan Project Nagasaki

Questions to Consider:

Summarize the steps that Axis powers took to achieve world power prior to WWII.

How did the people of Britain fend off a German invasion?

How did Germany and Japan rule the people they conquered? How did this contribute to their hold on power?

How did government control of economic production help defeat Germany and Japan?

Summarize how the Allies defeated Germany.

What strategy did the Allies use to defeat Japan?

What conflicts emerged between the former Allies after the end of WWII?

What lessons does the Holocaust have for people today?


17.1 Cold War: Superpowers Face Off

Nuremberg (Trials, NOT Laws) Marshall Plan

United Nations (UN) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Cold War Warsaw Pact

Truman Doctrine iron curtain

Containment brinkmanship

17.2 Communists Take Power in China

Mao Zedong Jiang Jieshi commune

Red Guards Cultural Revolution

17.3 Wars in Korea and Vietnam

Guerrillas Viet Cong 38th Parallel

Ho Chi Minh Tet Offensive Vietnamization

Dienbienphu Khmer Rouge Ngo Dinh Diem

Domino theory Pol Pot

17.4 The Cold War Divides the World

Third World nonaligned nations Fidel Castro

Anastasio Somoza Daniel Ortega Ayatollah Khomeini

17.5 The Cold War Thaws

Superpowers John F. Kennedy

Anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs) ideology

Richard Nixon Lyndon Johnson


Ronald Reagan Nikita Khrushchev

Détente Leonid Brezhnev

Fidel Castro containment

Mikhail Gorbachev Solidarity

Glasnost Vaclav Havel

Perestroika Nicolae Ceausescu

How did the Cold War develop in the Soviet Union, Europe, and the US?

What were the main features of the nuclear arms race?

How did political and economic life change during the Cold War years in the US?

What was the relationship between economic growth and trade in Western Europe and Japan?

How did the Korean War influence US relations with Communist China? How did those relations change as a result of hostility between China and the Soviet Union?

Why did the US enter the Vietnam War?

How did Gorbachev’s reforms lead to the breakup of the Soviet Union?

What events marked the end of the Cold War?


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