
US HISTORY Name___________________________________________

Unit: WAR AND PEACE / Topic: Vietnam War


The Vietnam War is one of the most controversial wars in U.S. history. This Web Quest will lead you through the history of the war and offer both American and Vietnamese viewpoints. It will also explore the experiences of the soldiers. The Web Quest will also direct you to explore the viewpoints of anti-war protestors and those who attended the music festival at Woodstock.

Let the tour begin…


➢ Click on “Enter the Tour”

➢ Read the background section. (Click “continue” to read the entire background)

1. Why did the United States enter the Vietnam War?

2. Cultural differences created problems between the United States and South Vietnam. What is one reason given?

3. The South Vietnam army was known as the ARVN. What does ARVN stand for?

4. What day was a ceasefire between the United States and Vietnam declared? What do you think this date means for South Vietnam?

➢ Click the ‘machines’ tab. View the entire slide show. The remaining questions of STEP ONE correspond with images/information in the slide show.

5. Choose THREE machines used in the Vietnam War that you found most interesting to read about. For each machine, briefly explain what “caught your eye” in terms of interest.

➢ Click the ‘Faces’ tab. View the entire slide show.

6. What was the name of the most famous special forces unit in the Vietnam War?

7. What was their mission?

8. Myth vs Fact (circle one). The majority of U.S. soldiers of the Vietnam War used illegal drugs.

9. Why did the United States want to engage in large-scale battles with the Vietcong?

➢ Click the ‘Under Fire’ tab. View the entire slide show. The remaining questions of STEP ONE correspond with images/information in the slide show.

10. Click on the link to Booby Traps (you may have to write click and open a new window.)

Summarize the following in a FOUR SENTENCE PARAGRAPH: What are booby traps? What were booby traps made out of? What percentage of U.S. soldiers were killed by them? Where were booby traps placed?

11. Click on the link to ‘Tunnel Rats’ (you may have to right click and open a new window.)

Describe the history of Vietnamese tunnels and why they played such an important role in the war. What exactly were the “Tunnel Rat” soldiers trained to do?

12. Describe the difficulties soldiers faced after returning from the war. Do you think these experiences are unique to Vietnam vets? EXPLAIN.


Go to

➢ Click on the My Lai Massacre tab.

➢ Read the account of the My Lai massacre.

1. Summarize what happened at My Lai and the results. (minimum four sentences)

2. Who would you hold accountable for the events at My Lai? EXPLAIN.

Students for a Democratic Society

One of the first anti-war student organizations was Students for a Democratic Society.

(SDS) wrote a manifesto in 1962 called the Port Huron Statement. This year marks the

50th anniversary!

➢ Visit Read the excerpt of the Port Huron statement.

3. What were two of the complaints the Students for a Democratic Society had about American society?

4. Do you find the Port Huron Statement still relevant today? EXPLAIN (Consider today’s Occupy Wall Street movement. A couple of quick Google searches may help you with this question).

Woodstock. At the height of the Vietnam War, many young people wanted to relax and spread peace, love and happiness. In August 1969, half a million people attended Woodstock music festival in Bethel, NY.

➢ Explore Woodstock at

1. What are THREE things THAT surprised you or you found interesting about Woodstock?

2. Wrap Up: As a nation, what do you believe are two lessons the people of the United States should have learned from the Vietnam War? Explain.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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