Extra Credit +3 points on your next exam

View the film Gideon’s Trumpet

Then answer the following questions: (No more than one page typed)

1. Compare the accuracy of the film with what you learned in HW #53

2. Do you agree with the decision?

3. Should I use this film in the future? Should I use a different film? How should I use it?

Assign # 53 Due____________

1st Go to: go to Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

go to Key Excerpts from the majority (answer all 5 questions) (Look for other insights into the case)

2nd Go to:

1. Select any case and listen to actual oral arguments from a Supreme Court Case. (Write down the case you selected)

2. Pick a current Justice to be: My favorite Supreme Court Justice! (Who did you pick and why)

3. Do the virtual tour of the Supreme Court

3rd In the Lasser Book: 1. Page 347 Summarize Federalist 78 in a paragraph either using the outline or text.

2. Do you agree or disagree with Hamilton’s view of a need for lifetime appointments

Assign # 54 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 403 to 411

1. Define: a. Judicial Review b. strict constructionist approach c. activist approach

2. Give at least two examples of how the court upheld the Supremacy of the Federal Government

3. How would you characterize the courts position toward the economy? (Don’t simplify)

Extra Credit toward your HW grade: In the Lasser Book Read pages 353 to 356

1. How does Marshall rationalize judicial review?

2. How would our democracy be different if we did not have judicial review?

Assign # 55 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 411 to 417

1. Create a chart for the structure of the Federal Courts (You can use the internet and cut and paste if you wish)

2. What is a litmus test? What questions are asked today? What questions will be asked in the future?

3. What is writ of certiorari (Granting Cert) How do get it? Why is this so important? KNOW THIS!!!!!

Assign # 56 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 417 to 422

1. What is Standing?

2. Give two examples of class action law suits one from the book and one not from the book.

3. What is a brief? Why is this more important than what takes place in the court?

4. What factors influence Supreme Court decisions

Assign # 57 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 422 to 432

1. What is stare decisis? How often is it applied?

2. Give an example of judicial activism:

3. How do the other branches check the power of the Supreme Court

In the Lasser book read pages 369 to 374 1.Did the Supreme Court over step its bounds in Bush v. Gore?

Assign #58 In The Lasser Book: Read pages 86 to 93 (This is John Stuart Mill! This is important! Make sure to read!

On page 86 answer questions #1 and #2

Assign # 58A Due____________

Wilson read pages: 497 to 509 to (Who is a person)

1. Explain how rights are in conflict with each other

2. Explain clear and present danger test

3. Use the internet cut and paste What is the incorporation Doctrine and Selective Incorporation (spend some time)

Assign # 59 Due____________

Wilson read pages: p. 509 to p 513 (Crime)

P. 513 1. Summarize the cases in one sentence 2. Give your opinion on each 3. Did you match what the court ruled?

2. How can the free exercise clause and the establishment clause come into conflict?

3. Use the internet and define the “Lemon Test” You can cut and paste. Do a great job!

Assign # 60 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 513 to 521

1. Explain the nuances of the 4th Amendment

2. What is the Miranda Rule Are there any exceptions

3. Summarize the Patriot Act provisions. Does this strike a good balance between liberty and security

Optional Read the Lasser book for insight into the question above. Read pages 94 to 99 (Does it provide any insights)

Assign # 61 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 523 to 533

1. Go to a. Summarize the Plessy and Brown cases

b. search for insights (you can cut and paste

2. Why was Brown v. Board of Education so difficult to implement.

The Lasser Book: Read the famous Justice Harlan dissent on page 116.

Answer this question 1. In 1896 why couldn’t the rest of the nation see what Justice Harlan so clearly sees? (Go deeper)

Assign # 62 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 534 to 543

1. Who did more to bring about Civil Rights MLK or LBJ give evidence for both

2. Page 537 Note key reforms in 1964 1965 and 1972

3. If the 1960s was the period of African American rights list the reasons that the 1970s was the decade of women’s rights

4. In your opinion does Roe v. Wade have solid legal footing (Research via the internet)

Assign # 63 Due____________

Wilson read pages: 544 to 551

1. Summarize the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 page 547 (Is more legislation needed)

2. What are major milestone as far as Gay Rights are concerned. (Use the internet you can cut and paste)

Test (Chapter 14 Supreme Court) (Chapter 18 Civil Liberties) (Chapter 19 Civil Rights)


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