Columbia School

7543800-24828500Year 1. Weekly Homework Tasks – week beginning: 23/3/20Columbia Primary SchoolWritingThis week, your child will be building towards writing a recount about what happened on World Book Day. They will describe what happened clearly by: using time connectives (including: first, then, next and finally);correctly using the past tense;following the ‘Every Time We Write’ rules (capitals, full stops, phonics, finger spaces, check your writing makes sense by reading it back).Monday: Learn class model text 697801521717000Learn the model text by heart remembering to use expression in our voice and actions. Discuss any tricky words such as posed, dress up, costumes, finally, first. You could play games such as charades to try and remember the words. Model text: On Thursday 5th March everyone dressed up because it was World Book Day. What an amazing day!First we had an assembly. I saw Olly dressed as Wally and Fares was ||Batman.Then we posed for photos in our costumes. I was Gerald from Giraffes Can’t Dance.Next a different teacher came and read their favourite book. I enjoyed it because I liked the characters in the story.Finally we picked a special book to take home. I took Supertato and The Evil Pea.023963900Tuesday: Practise past tense Spot the mistakes. Say the sentences correctly and if you can, write them properly.I goed to assembly. I seed Olly dressed as Wally.I pickt a book to take home. I taked Supertato and The Evil Pea.A different teacher comed and readed their favourite book.If your child isn’t sure, you could give them these words to pick from and see which one makes the most sense: saw, went, picked, took, came, read.Wednesday: Plan your recount Look at Twitter and think what happened on World Book Day.Silver: Sapphire: this frame below to plan what order you will write your recount in. What happened? E.g. I went to assembly and showed my costume.FirstThenNextFinallyThursday: write your recount Write two sentences explaining what happened first and then on World Book Day. Have a look at Twitter to help jog your memory. Don’t forget that we are trying to describe what happened clearly by: using time connectives (including: first, then, next and finally);correctly using the past tense;following the ‘Every Time We Write’ rules (capitals, full stops, phonics, finger spaces, check your writing back).Here is an example: First we went to assembly. I saw everyone in school who was dressed up.Then we posed for photos in our costumes. I was a wolf from The Three Little Pigs.Ask your child to say their sentence and then ask them to write it independently using their phonics to help spellings. Friday: write your recount Write two sentences explaining what happened next and finally on World Book Day. Have a look at Twitter to help jog your memory. Don’t forget that we are trying to describe what happened clearly by: using time connectives (including: first, then, next and finally);correctly using the past tense;following the ‘Every Time We Write’ rules (capitals, full stops, phonics, finger spaces, check your writing back).Here is an example: Next Yussuf came and read us a funny story. I enjoyed it because there were jokes in it.Finally we went to the hall to take a special book. I picked Supertato and The Evil Pea.Ask your child to say their sentence and then for them to write it independently using their phonics to help spellings. ReadingRead to an adult every day for 20 minutes. This week, you can work through the book ‘Playday’ (see link on school’s website).Children should also spend 10 minutes a day going through their phonics sounds and reading words with those sounds.Monday: Learn the words265644425404800Learn the words for the book together. Discuss with your child what the words mean. You can use drama and pictures to help them understand. Story Green Words (page 4): spot the special friends,Fred talk blend. Practise these words. 195802915740900Speedy Green Words (page 5): spot the special friends,Fred in their headblend. 5762445953700Practise these words. Red Words (page 6). These are words that have tricky sounds so we need to learn them.Read the words in order and then challenge each other (revisit the ones your child found tricky). Tuesday: Read the story Read the following story induction to your child.Ben, Kim, Beth, Pip, Sam and Jess are in Class 1. Every day begins with their reading lessons. They sit on the carpet and practise reading all the letters really quickly. Then they write the letters in their big handwriting books at their tables. “Well done, everyone,” says Miss Jay. “You have worked very hard. Now I will tell you what you will do today.”“Ben and Kim, you may play in the sand tray. You can use buckets and spades to make a big sandcastle, with turrets and put a bright yellow flag on top.”“Beth and Pip, you may play in the clay. First, you can wet the clay to make it soft and sticky.” Miss Jay tells them. “Then you can make little birds with it, by rolling the clay in balls for the body and head and pinching it between your fingers to make a tiny beak.”“Sam and Jess, you may play with the dressing up box. There are lots of stripy scarves, feather hats and funny sunglasses for you to try on.”They all go off to play. “But Miss Jay,” says Jess. “What will you do today?”Ask your child: what do you think Miss Jay will do? I think Miss Jay will….Now they can read the story from page 7 and find out if they are right. Wednesday: Re-read the story Read the story to your child showing them that you are gliding through the words and not stopping between each one. Also show them how you are reading the story with expression like a story teller. Then your child can try to use their voices to tell the story. Stop them and ask them to use different voices for the characters.Thursday: Answer questions Ask your child to read through the story. Then, work on understanding the story. Ask them the questions on page 13: If the question has FF (Fastest Finger) before it, the children need to know which page to look at. They will find the word(s) on the page that prove the answer using their finger. If the question has HaT (Have a Think) before it, your child will have some thinking time and then discuss the answers with you. Friday: Activity Ask your child to think of what they would pick to do if they were in Miss Jay’s class and why I would pick… because…. They can draw a picture of them doing their chosen activity. They could write a caption to accompany the picture using I would pick… because….PhonicsAll the sounds that we have taught the children are in a document named Year 1 Phonics. Please use this to:Speak like Fred throughout the daySpeed check their sounds. Child points and says the sound.Look for sounds in books.Make up alien words.Use Fred Talk to read the words under the sounds.There are free video tutorials can be found at Select ‘Find out more’ at the top, then ‘Parents’ from the drop-down list.Free e-books for home reading: Choose the colour book that your child has been reading at school (e.g. pink, orange, yellow and blue)MathsBy the end of the year, Year 1 children will be expected to know all number bonds to 20 including related subtraction facts and missing numbers. Please open Know Its 3 for the questions which children are currently working out with their fingers strategies. Monday: Number bonds table tennis Eg. Adult: Let’s do all the number bonds to 20. Adult: 10. Child: 10. Adult: 5. Child: 15. Tuesday: Number Bonds Card Games:Write the number bond pairs on separate pieces of paper (numbers that total 20: 15 and 5, 12 and 8 etc.) Turn the numbers over so the children can’t see them. Then take it in turns to turn them over and try to remember where the pairs are to make number bonds to 20. If you match a pair take it. The winner is the one with the most pairs.Wednesday: Number Bonds Online Games You can play a variety of number bond games online on tablets. Here are some links: Maths Playground the Button: Thursday: Addition and Subtraction with objectsSet up situations where children can practice addition and subtraction. This would help remind them of physically adding and taking away. Give them a number sentence (e.g. 4 + 7) and they use objects to practice addition and subtraction with (e.g. using teddies or pencils).Friday: Place ValueThe children have been looking at the digits in a number and working out whether it shows tens or ones. This is something you could practice with your children on a regular basis with the following activities: Ask children to explain different numbers such as 13 has one ten and three ones. Ask children to draw numbers with groups of tens and loose ones.Give objects and ask them to group them into tens and identify the loose ones. Story timeRead to your child for at least 20 mins a dayListen to some stories on PEGo out running/ cycling/ scooting with your child every day for at least half an hour but avoid other peoplePretend to put on different costumes and move as that character (e.g. march, skip etc.)Joe Wicks is holding live P.E. sessions for 30 mins at 9am from Monday on his YouTube channel: (Geography, History and RE)Look at a map of the world and identify the seven continents. You could learn this song together to remember their names: your child to explore pictures of the typical/traditional clothes people wear in the following countries and discuss reasons why:Kenya (Africa) Japan (Asia)Mexico (North America)Australia (Australia) Argentina (South America)AntarcticaSpain (Europe) Art/ DTPick a picture of clothing that you have researched together as part of humanities. Take time to look carefully and draw the outfit. Make sure to capture all the details. The children could then use different coloured paper to make a collage of the outfit.Weekly timetable - Week beginning: 23/3/20MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday9.00 – 9.30ReadingReadingReadingReadingReading9.30 – 10.30Writing taskWriting taskWriting taskWriting taskWriting task10.30 – 11.00Break11.00 – 12.00MathsMathsMathsMathsMaths12.00 – 1.00Lunch1.00 – 2.00Story timeStory timeStory timeStory timeStory timeExerciseExerciseExerciseExerciseExercise2.00 – 2.30Break2.30 – 3.30Art/ DTHumanitiesArt/ DTHumanitiesArt/ DTChildren should also spend 10 minutes a day going through their phonics sounds and reading words with those sounds. ................

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