Year 8 - Turton School

Year 8

Module 1 : La Familia


Los Deberes

Spanish Turton School

Nombre: ___________________________________ Profe: _____________________________________



Mi Familia Knowledge Organiser

1 Hay cuatro personas en mi familia

There are five people in my family

2 Vivo con mi madre y mi padre

I live with my mum and my dad

3 Tengo un hermano mayor

I have one older brother

4 y una hermana menor.

and a younger sister.

5 Mis padres se llaman Mar?a y Paco

My parents are called Mar?a and Paco.

6 Tambi?n, tengo un primo que se llama I also have a boy cousin who is called



7 Tiene cinco a?os y me molesta mucho. He has 5 years and he annoys me a lot.

8 Es tonto. Dir?a que

9 me llevo bien con mis padres 10 porque son simp?ticos y nunca son

estrictos. 11 No veo mucho a mi abuelo o a mi t?a

He is silly. I would say that

I get on well with my parents because they are kind and never they are strict. I don't see a lot my grandad or my aunt.

12 ya que viven lejos de mi casa.

because they live far from my house.

13 Soy baja y delgada

I am short and slim

14 y tengo los ojos azules y el pelo rubio. and I have blue eyes and blonde hair.

15 Sin embargo, tengo que llevar gafas. 16 Tambi?n tengo pecas en la nariz. 17 Soy t?mida y trabajadora 18 pero mi madre dice que puedo ser 19 habladora y perezosa. 20 Me gustar?a ser m?s inteligente.

However, I have to wear glasses. Also I have freckles on my nose. I am shy and hardworking but my mum says that I can be chatty and lazy. I would like to be more intelligent.

Week 1

1. Your homework for this week will be to learn the words in bold for a test on ___________________ 2. You will be expected to be able to say and write the sentences below for a test on ______________

1 Hay cuatro personas en mi familia 2 Vivo con mi madre y mi padre 3 Tengo un hermano mayor 4 y una hermana menor. 5 Mis padres se llaman Mar?a y Paco

There are five people in my family I live with my mum and my dad I have one older brother and a younger sister. My parents are called Mar?a and Paco.

You must evidence your learning. This will be completed in your exercise book. You will need to use the method below to self-quiz.


La familia

A Write in the Spanish family words in the correct boxes. Use a dictionary.

Look, cover, write and check.

English father mother sister brother grandma grandad parents grandparents

B Complete the grid with the

Spanish words.


la familia el abuelo la madre el hermano el padre los padres

la hermana la abuela

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 family 2 father 3 sister 4 pet / animal 5 grandfather

6 family 7 mother


Test 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






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