S GI?O DC V? ?O TO ?N THI S 18

( thi gm c? 08 trang)

K THI CHN HC SINH GII CP TNH LP 9 NM 2018 M?N: TING ANH Thi gian l?m b?i: 120 ph?t (kh?ng k thi gian ph?t ) Ng?y thi: .......................................

H v? t?n th? sinh: ..........................................................S b?o danh: ......................................... Gi?m th 1: .....................................................................Gi?m th 2: ..........................................

SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 points) (You will hear twice for each part)

Part 1. Listen to the recording twice. Choose the correct answer for each of the following blanks.

1. What is the main topic of this conversation?

A. computer sales negotiations B. a preliminary interview C. an Internet seminar meeting

2. From the discussion, what did Mr. Taylor probably do for his previous company?

A. He managed the sales department.

B. He gave seminars on the Internet.

C. He worked as a custodian.

3. Mr. Taylor thinks that Java is:

A. a Web page authoring program.B. a kind of beverage.

C. a computer game software.

4. What does the man mean when he says, "We'll be in touch" at the end of the conversation?

A. He will call Mr. Taylor in the next few days.

B. He talk over their discussion with others.

C. He will not contact him for further consideration.

5. Choose the best word(s) to describe Mr. Taylor:

A. on the ball

B. high achiever

C. uninformed

Part 2. Listen to the recording twice. Complete the form below. Write no more than three words

or numbers for each answer.




Pass applied for:

1 month


Nathalie (6) Jameson

Trung t?m Luyn thi AMAX ? H? ?ng Hotline: 0902196677



45 (7) Forest Avenue Newlands, Adelaide


(8) 8490

Date of birth:

13th May 1982

Tel number:

(9) 6249 7152

University card shown: Yes

Zones required:

(10) 1 ? 5

Adelaide Day Trips on the Bus

? The MacDonald Nature Park

Outward Journey Leaves


Length of Journey

2 hours

Return Journey Leaves

(11) 4.30pm

Things to do/see

Walk nature trails + MacDonald River


A camera

Pearl Bay

Outward Journey Leaves


Length of Journey

(12) 1 hour

Return Journey Leaves


Things to do/see

Walk along (13) The cliffs + see view

Lie on the beach + swim

Bring Swimming gear + a towel

The Huron Gold Mine

Outward Journey Leaves


Length of Journey

Half an hour

Return Journey Leaves

(14) 1.30pm

Things to do/see

Go round the museum and tunnels

Find some gold!!


(15) A sweater


Part 1: Questions from 16 to 36. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each)

Choose the best answer to each question.

16. You have never been to Nha Trang ________?

A. have you

B. haven't

C. you have

D. you haven't

Trung t?m Luyn thi AMAX ? H? ?ng Hotline: 0902196677


17. When ________ a dictionary, you need to be able to understand the symbols and the

abbreviations it contains.

A. having used

B. use

C. to use

D. using

18.How can I know ________ book is yours?- They are so alike.

A. what

B. which

C. this

D. the

19. You'd better take his proposal _______ before _______ your final decision.

A. by surprise/ making B. by surprise/ doing C. into account/ making D. into account/ doing

take sth into account / consideration lu t?m n iu g?

20. She will visit us as soon as she arrives ________ Paris.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

21. The secretary to ________ I talked didn't know where the meeting was.

A. which

B. who

C. that

D. whom

22. I find the time of English meals very strange. I'm not used ________ dinner at 5 pm.

A. to have

B. to having

C. having

D. have

23. If I ________ you, I'd take some rest before the game tomorrow.

A. am

B. could be

C. were

D. would be

24. I have to be present at eight o' clock and so ________.

A. are you

B. have you

C. do you

D. you do

25. The smaller the room is, the ________ furniture it needs.

A. fewer

B. small

C. more

D. less

26. ________ paul brings the money for lunch, we'll go right down to the cafeteria.

A. Since

B. As soon as

C. Now that

D. Until

27. It is recommended that he _______ this course

A. took

B. takes

C. take

D. taking

28. Various societies define _______ in many rather complex ways.

A. that is successful B. what success is C. that success is D. what is success

29. Fort Niagara was built by the French in 1762 on land ______ the Seneca Indians.

A. they buy from

B. bought from

C. buying from

D. was bought from

Past participle (ph?n t 2) c? th d?ng nh mt h?nh thc r?t gn ca mnh quan h ngha b

ng. Dch: ... tr?n phn t c mua bi nhng ngi n Seneca -> vic mua l? b ng

30. Our village had _______ money available for education that the schools had to close.

A. so little

B. such little

C. so much

D. such much

Trung t?m Luyn thi AMAX ? H? ?ng Hotline: 0902196677


So + adj + (a/an) + N(s) + that ... = qu? ... n mc. =

L?ng ca ch?ng ta c? sn qu? ?t tin cho gi?o dc n mc c?c trng hc phi ?ng ca

31. The stolen jewels were ________ a lot of money.

A. valued

B. cost

C. priced

D. worth

32. I don't see any________ in arriving early at the theatre.

A. cause

B. point

C. reason

D. aim

33. The children loved ________ the old castle.

A. discovering

B. exploring

C. hunting

D. detecting

34. These figures show a ________ in the number of unemployed people in England and Wales.

A. loss

B. lessening

C. reduction

D. lowering

35. After he had broken his leg, Henry could only go up and down stairs ________.

A. hardly

B. in difficulties

C. with difficulty D. hard

Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each)

Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.

36. It's dishonest of you to say that. You know it isn't true! HONEST

37. We must test the purity of the water. PURE

38. Three firms are in competition for the same contract. COMPETE

39. She is extremely knowledgeable about the history of art. KNOW

40. I got some very surprising news this morning. SURPRISE

41. I'm applying for membership of this club. MEMBER

42. What I hate most about Tom is his unreliability. RELIABLE

43. The boy was not courageous to admit his mistake. COURAGE

44. This is Alexandra, my personal assistant. ASSIST

45. The police asked me to give a description of the suitcase I had lost. DESCRIBE

Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50.(1 point - 0.2/ each)

Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them.

46. Rocks can be broken apart by water that seeps into the cracks and freeze in low temperatures.


47. The teacher told the students don't to discuss the take-home exam with each other. not

48. Knowledges about cultures provides insights into the learned behaviors of groups. Knowledge

49. Aluminum has a hard imperious coasting which protects the metal from corrode. corroding

50. After learned to print, elementary school children learn cursive writing. learning

Trung t?m Luyn thi AMAX ? H? ?ng Hotline: 0902196677


Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55.(1 point - 0.2/ each)

Fill in each of the sentences with correct prepositions.

46. In the end, he succeeded in solving the problem.

47. He apologized to her teacher for her coming late.

48. Did he break the window by accident or on purpose?

49. After payment, you'll receive the product within 10 business days.

50. He's Italian? For some reason I was under the impression that he was Spanish.


Part 1. Questions 56 ? 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each)

Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.


British space scientists are planning to join the American in the race to find evidence of life on

(56) _______ planets. Alan Penny and his team at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory have designed a

telescope that is 40 times more powerful than Hubble. Known as `Darwin', his telescope could tell if

planets 50 (57) _______ years away have any kind of life on them. Two days (58) _______, NASA

scientists had shown a proof that one of Jupiter's moons could support life, Penny announced that his

telescope may be included in a European Space Agency mission. The Darwin project, with a (59)

_______ of 500 million, is on a short list of two proposals. If approved it will probably be (60) _______

around 2015, its destination somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. The blueprint is actually for five

telescopes positioned 50 meters apart in space, slowly circling a (61) _______ processing station. The

combined data from these telescopes would build up a full picture of a planet, picking out faint images

that have never been seen before. Darwin would not be able to take detailed photographs of the

planets it (62) _______, but Penny believes a second- generation telescope could be sent up to do this.

He claims it is worthwhile mapping the universe around our (63) _______ galaxy, even though these

planets lie (64) _______ our reach for the moment. The European Space Agency will make its decision (65)

______ Darwin within three years.

56. A. another

B. other

C. others

D. the other

57. A. light

B. lighten

C. lightening

D. lighting

58. A. following

B. after

C. next

D. later

59. A. price

B. schedule

C. charge

D. budget

60. A. driven

B. fetched

C. launched

D. taken

61. A. central

B. centre

C. middle

D. heart

Trung t?m Luyn thi AMAX ? H? ?ng Hotline: 0902196677



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