Grammar structures Meanings/ examples


Grammar structures - Be about to do sth

Meanings/ examples - s l?m g? ?, sp sa l?m g? ?.

- Be able to do sth = To be capable of + V_ing

- C? th l?m g? ? eg: I'm able to speak English = I am capable of speaking English.

- Be abounding in sth

- C? nhiu, di d?o c?i g? ?.

- Be absent from ( class, school, ...)

- Vng, ngh ...

- Be absorbed in sth/ V-ing

- Mit m?i, say m? ...

- Be accessible to do sth.

- C? th cp nht l?m g?.

- Be acceptable to sb

- C? th chp nhn c i vi ai..

- Be accompanied by sb - Be accountable for an action

- C?ng i vi ai ? - Chu tr?ch nhim v mt h?nh ng

- Be accurate in sth

- Ch?nh x?c v c?i g?

- Be accuse sb of doing sth - Be accustomed to sth/ V-ing

- Buc ti ai ? l?m g? - Quen vi iu g?/ l?m g?

- Be acquainted with sth/ doing sth

- Quen vi iu g?/ l?m g?

- Be addicted to sth - To adjust to sth

- Nghin c?i g? - Th?ch nghi vi c?i g?

- Be afraid of sth

- S c?i g?/ ai

- Agree with sb about sth

- ng ? vi ai v

- Be aimed at sb/ sth

- Nhm v?o ai/ c?i g?

- Although + a clause

- Mc d? ...

- Apologize to sb for sth/ doing sth

- Xin li ai v ...

- Apologize for doing sth

Eg. I want to apologize for being rude to


- apply for a job

- Xin vic

- Apart from sb/ sth... - Argue with sb about sth

- B?n cnh... - Tranh (b?n) c?i vi ai...

- Arange for sb to do sth

- Sp xp ai l?m vic g?

1. At no time + Modal V + S + V... Eg. He never suspected that his money

was stolen 2.At no time did + s + s uspect (that) S2 + had + V(pII) ... = S1 + never + suspected that + S2 + had + V(P2) + ....

- Cha l?c n?o... At no time did he suspect that his money was stolen. Eg. He never suspected that the money had been stolen. - At no time did he suspect (that) the money had been stolen

- advise sb to do sth / not to do sth

- Khuy?n ai l?m g?/ kh?ng l?m g?

eg: Our teacher advises us to study hard.

- As soon As + S + had + V(pp) , S + V - Ngay khi (qu? kh? ??n).


- As long as + S + V.., S+ will + V... - So long as +

Eg. As long as you work hard, you will pass your exam.


- Beg sb for sth - beg sb to do sth

- Xin / n?i ai c?i g? - Xin n?i ai l?m g?

- Believe in sb/ sth

- Tin v?o ai/ c?i g?

- be between jobs = jobless

- Tht nghip

- Blame for sb/ sth

- li cho...

- be bored with sth

- Ch?n l?m c?i g?

Eg.We are bored with doing the same

things everyday

- Borrow sth from sb

- Mn c?i g? ca ai

- be busy doing sth

- Bn rn l?m g?

eg: We are busy preparing for our


- But for doing sth/ sth , S + can't + do ... Eg. The only thing we can do is learning.

( Nu kh?ng..., th...)

But for learning, we can't do any


- Catch up with sb in sth - Compare sth with sth - Compete with sb for sth - Congratulate sb on sth - Charge sb money for sth


- Theo kp ai trong vic g? - So s?nh c?i g? vi c?i g? - Tranh gi?nh vi ai v ... - Ch?c mng ai iu g? .. - ?i ai bao nhi?u tin cho c?i g?


- In spite of + V-ing/ N... - Despite of + V-ing / N...

- Dream about / of + N/ V-ing - S + V + Due to + N ? phrase.

- B?t ch?p... Eg.In spite of his age, the old man runs 5 kilometers a day - m? v?... Eg. The office was closed due to the doctor's illness.



- S1 + expect + that + S2+ will + V ... = S1 + expect + somebody + to ? v ... - Escape from + a place

- To fail to do sth

- To find it + adj + to do sth - Be fed up with + V-ing/ N - Be familiar + to Sth/sb - Be famous for + Sth. - Be filled with ... - Fancy + V-ing .....

Eg.- I expect that he will get there by lunch time.

- I expect him to get there by lunch time. - tr?n tho?t kh?i...


- Kh?ng l?m c c?i g? / Tht bi trong vic l?m c?i g?

eg: We failed to do this exercise.

Eg : We find it difficult to learn English.

- ch?n v?i vi?c g?... Eg. He is fed up with doing exercises - quen thu?c v?i... - n?i ti?ng v?... - l?m ??y... Eg. What a susprise to see you here !

- Fancy seeing you here.

- be good at ( V_ing ) sth - Get out of + N/v-ing


- Gii ( l?m ) c?i g? eg: I'm good at ( playing ) tennis - ra kh?i/ tho?t kh?i...

- To have no idea of sth = don't know about sth

- Had (`d ) better do sth not do sth

1.To have sth + PII 2. To have sb do sth

- How + (a/ an) + adj + N + be ! - What + (a/ an ) + adj + N !


- Kh?ng bit v c?i g?

eg: I have no idea of this word = I don't

know this word.

- N?n l?m g? / Kh?ng n?n l?m g?

eg: 1. You'd better learn hard.

2. You'd better not go out. 1. C? c?i g? c l?m eg: I'm going to have my house repainted. 2. Nh/ Thu? ai l?m g? eg: I'm going to have Mr. Jonh repair my car.

= I'm going to have my car repaired. Eg.- What a lovely picture !

- How a lovely picture is !


- Hardly do sth = can't do sth. - Hardly - Seldom + Modal V + S + V.. - Never - Rarely

- Hu nh kh?ng l?m - Him khi Eg. The performance had hardly begun when the light went off. = Hardly had the performance begun when the light went off.


- be interested in + N / V_ing - It's the first time sb have ( has ) + PII

- Th?ch c?i g? / l?m c?i g? Eg: We are interested in reading books on history. - ?y l? ln u ti?n ai l?m c?i g? eg: It's the first time we have visited this place.

- It is + Adj + ( for sb ) + to do sth

eg: It is difficult for old people to learn


- It's time + S + did sth

- ? n l?c ai phi l?m g?

eg: It's time we went home.

- It's not necessary for sb to do sth

- Ai kh?ng cn thit phi l?m g?

= Sb don't need to do sth

eg: It is not necessary for you to do this

doesn't have to do sth


- To invite sb to do sth

- Mi ai l?m g?

eg: They invited me to go to the cinema.

It's over 6 months since + S ? V ( simple - ?? h?n 6 th?ng k? t? khi...


Eg.It's over 6 months since John had his

hair cut.

- It's (high) time + S + past subjunctive Eg. It's high time you got back to work.

- It + be + ...+ who + does + sth for S.O Eg. It was Alexander Graham Bell who

S.O + owes sth + to + S.O

invented the telegraph.

People owe the invention of the

telegraph to Alexander Graham Bell

- It is ( very ) kind of sb to do sth eg: It is very kind of you to help me.


- Ai tht tt bng / t t khi l?m g?



- To look forward to + V_ing

- Mong ch, mong i l?m g?

- Be look forward to + V-ing.

Eg.I look forward to seeing you soon.

eg: We are looking forward to going on

I am looking forward to seeing you



- S+ last + did sth + time ago.

- Ln cui c?ng l?m g? l? ....

- The last time + S + did sth was + time eg. I last met her 10 years ago.


+ The last time I met her was 10 years ago.


- To make sb do sth - Be + made + to ? V

- To make sure of sth/ that + S + V

-Do you mind if I + V ( hi?n t?i ??n) ?

-Would you mind if I + V (q?a kh? ??n)


-Do/ would you mind + V ? ing ?

- S + May ...


Look as if

It's possible that


+ S + will + V

There is a good chance

In all probability

It's quite likely that

- Bt ai l?m g? eg: The teacher made us do a lot of homework. - b? b?t l?m g?.... Eg. I was made to work hard . - Bo m iu g? eg: 1. I have to make sure of that information. 2. You have to make sure that you'll pass the exam. Eg. Do you mind if I take a photo of you ? Would you mind if I took a photo of you ? Do/ Would you mind opening the door ?

Eg. I think It may rain It look as if it will rain. - There is a good chance that I will get the job I've applied for.


1.To need to do sth 2.To need doing

- Not only ........ but also - Both ...... and....

- No sooner + had + S + V(pp) + than + S + V( qu? kh? ??n) - Nothing but + s + would + V ....


l?m g? eg: You need to work harder.

2. Cn c l?m eg: This car needs repairing. - Kh?ng nh?ng .... m? c?n - v?a ... v?a... Eg . She is not only short but also fat.

She is both short and fat

Eg. No sooner had they left home than it started to rain.

Eg.- He insisted on a full apology. Nothing but a full apology would satisfy him


- Not until ... did + S + V ....

- No point on + V-ing ... - Never have/ has + S + V(P2) + .... - No matter + how + adj/ adv + S + V... - No matter + what/ where + S + V ... - S + be + superlative adj + N No other + N + Be + as + adj + as + S

Eg. I only recognised him when he came into the light. - Not until he came into the light did I recognise him. Eg. It is quite pointless to complain. - There is no point on complaining. Eg. Never have I written such a good essay. Eg. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.

Eg.Iron is the most useful metal.

No other metal is as useful as iron.


- To offer sb sth

- Mi / ngh ai c?i g?

eg: He offered me a job in his company.


Eg. There was no precedent for the King's

Only by


Never before

- Never before had the King resigned.

Only when + ( ??o th? c?a ??ng t? / V) + I didn't realize who he was until later.

Only later

+ S Only later did I realize who he was.

Only after

- Only by studying harder, can you pass

At no time

the exam.

Only with

- If only + S + V ( past simple) : - Once + S + have + PP, S + will + V ..

- Gi? nh Eg. If only I could live in Paris for a year! Eg. He will do what he has said. Once he has said something, he will do it.

- Prefer + N + to + N + V-ing + to + V-ing + Sb + to - v

- To prevent sb from V_ing

- To provide sb with sth

- Provided that .... - Provided + S + V


- th?ch ... h?n ... eg: We prefer spending money to earning money. - Cn tr/ ngn cn ai l?m g? eg: The rain prevented us from going for a walk. - Cung cp cho ai c?i g? eg: Can you provide us with some books in history? Eg. You can use my car, but have to keep it carefully.


. - Pride oneself on sth.. - Take pride in sth - Put an end to sth/ doing sth - It + be pointless to do sth S + be + no worth + V- ing - There is no point in doing sth. - S + be try + but not succeed.. - There `s no need ( for sb) + to + V ...

- To rely on smb eg: You can rely on him. 1.To remember doing 2. To remember to do

- S + be + regarded + as + N/ V-ing ....

- Remind Sb + of + V-ing/ N.

- Provided that you keep my car carefully you can use it.

Eg. Mrs. Lan is proud of her cooking. - Mrs.Lan prides herself on her cooking.

- Chm dt c?i g?/ l?m g?. Eg. It's quite pointless to complain. - There is no point in complaining. - That problem is not worth discussing - Children needn't study too much There's no need for children to study too much.


- Tin cy, da dm v?o ai

1.Nh ? l?m g? eg: I remember watching this film. ( T?i nh l? ? xem b phim n?y )

2. Nh l?m g? ( cha l?m vic n?y ) eg: Remember to do your homework.

( H?y nh l?m b?i tp v nh? ) Eg.- Galileo is considered to be the father of modern astronomy.

- Galileo is regarded as (being) the father of modern astronomy.

- nh?c ai nh?...

- be succeed in V_ing - so + adj/adv + that - such + (a/ an) + adj + n + that


- Th?nh c?ng trong vic l?m c?i g? eg: We were succeed in passing the exam. - Qu? n mc/ ni m? Eg.+ The exercise is so difficult that noone can do it.

+ He spoke so quickly that I couldn't understand him.

+ It is such a difficult exercise that noone can do it.


- To spend + time / money + on sth/ doing sth

1.To suggest (that)+ S + should + do sth 2.To suggest doing sth

1.To stop to do sth 2.To stop doing sth


- So long as + S + V

- D?nh thi gian / tin bc v?o c?i g?/ l?m g?. eg: We spend a lot of time on TV/

watching TV. - Gi ? ai l?m g? eg: I suggested you should buy this house. eg: I suggest going for a walk. 1. Dng li l?m g?

eg: We stopped to buy some petrol. 2. Th?i kh?ng l?m g? na

eg: We stopped going out late Eg. So long as you keep my car carefully, you can use it.

- It takes ( sb ) + time + to do sth

1.Try to do 2.Try doing sth

- Take care of + V-ing / N - Be tired of / from + V-ing/N


- Mt (ca ai ) bao nhi?u thi gian l?m g? eg: It took me an hour to do this exercise 1. C l?m g? eg: We tried to learn hard. 2. Th l?m g? eg: We tried cooking this food - quan t?m ??n/ ch?m s?c.... Eg. My mother always takes care of us - m?t/ ch?n ... Eg.He is tired of working

- unless = if not

1.Used to + V 2.Be used to + V-ing 3.Get used to + V-ing.


- tr? phi Eg . If you don't study hard , you will not get good marks. Unless you study hard , you will not get good marks. 1. th?ng ... 2. quen v?i... 3. quen v?i... Eg. I used to get up late last year.

I am used to getting up late. I get used to getting up late .




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