St John the Baptist PS

Home Learning Timetable

St Columbkille’s Primary

Teacher: Miss Kennedy Room: 7 W/b: Monday 18.05.20

Before 9am: Wake up, wash, make breakfast (yourself!) and eat it. Complete some morning exercise - go noodle, cosmic yoga or body coach for kids (PE with Joe: ) are just some ideas online, you could also skip, play hopscotch or walk 10 laps around your house and count your own steps!


9-9.15 |9.15 – 9.45


| |11-11.45


| |1.20-2.10



Newsround – Watch & write about

(media literacy) |ICT

Complete work from Miss Lynagh. |RE – Reflect on Sunday’s Gospel and complete an online worksheet. Link for website below.


Mental Math 5

SUMDOG competition

TJ 1b Whole Numbers Ch 12 Pg 48.

Online games/ BBC super movers/ DR DeMayo on Youtube. |12 noon Mass at St Columbkilles Parish. Link on Google Classroom. |L |Writing – Write a biography about Nicola Sturgeon or Boris Johnson. Remember you must find out key facts about their life. Follow the planner to help you. | |TUESDAY

Handwriting Task Card – ‘Brand New Shoes’ |LITERACY

Spelling Strategies – revision.

Oxford Owl website – Search for ‘Big Game Adventure’.

Before Reading make a prediction of what you think it will be about from the front cover and blurb. Read Pg’s 2-20



Mental Math 5

TJ 1b Whole Numbers Ch 12 Pg 49.

Online games/ BBC super movers/ DR DeMayo on Youtube. |12 noon Mass at St Columbkilles Parish. Link on Google Classroom. |U |Expressive Arts

Create a music playlist of your top 10 favourite songs. Write down the artist and title of song so you can share your playlist with the class. Pick one song and tell me why you like it. Type your playlist on the template. |Life Skills

What is your favourite sandwich? Can you make it with an adult? Post a pic of your creation. | |WEDNESDAY

Mental maths –

Starter of the day website


Handwriting U24/ Spelling

Oxford Owl website – Search for ‘Big Game Adventure’.

Read Pg’s 21-40. Metalinguistics task – are there any words that you do not understand?


Mental Math 5

TJ 1b Whole Numbers Ch 12 Pg 50.

Online games/ BBC super movers/ DR DeMayo on Youtube. |12 noon Mass at St Columbkilles Parish. Link on Google Classroom. |N |SPANISH Clothes - Watch the video then read the pdf cards. Can you label your clothes in Spanish? |TOPIC

Create a fact file on your chosen topic. Template attached. | |THURSDAY

Handwriting Task Card – ‘I only Like People…’ |LITERACY

Grammar U20 / Spelling.

Oxford Owl website – Search for ‘Big Game Adventure’.

Read Pg’s 41-55. Create a visualiser of one of the missions. |A |NUMERACY

Mental Math 5

TJ 1b Whole Numbers Ch 12 Pg 51.

Online games/ BBC super movers/ DR DeMayo on Youtube. |PE

Joe Wicks or Daily Walk |12 noon Mass. |C |RE

Ascension Thursday – Read the PowerPoint and draw a picture of Jesus ascending into heaven. |Science

Miss Lynagh activities.

Glasgow Science Centre website videos. | |FRIDAY

Mental Maths – Times tables challenge |NUMERACY

Mental Maths Assessment.

Online games.


Spelling Dictation.

Complete any unfinished literacy tasks. |K |LITERACY

Dictionary Sheet. |HWB – Compile a checklist of behaviors you would expect to see when sitting eating with your friends. |12 noon Mass at St Columbkilles Parish. Link on Google Classroom. |H |RE

What are the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary? Create a story board for each mystery.

|Life Skills Learn how to do housework. What area do you clean first/last and why? Do this with an adult. | |Newsround website:

Maths starter of the day website:

Maths Times Table Challenge:

HandwritingTask Card: Open the booklet on Google Classroom and re-write the paragraph.



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