
1. Two prominent architectural developments from Rome.

2. Mathematicians in the Gupta Empire created the concept of ____ and _____.

3. A set of syllabic symbols derived from the writing system of Minoan Crete and used by the Mycenaeans. Primarily used for palace records.

4. The Sui rulers built the _____ to facilitate communication and trade between North and South China.

5. The Song invented this technology and used it to propel a cluster of flaming arrows into oncoming cavalry.

6. A technique used by farmers in which small trees/brush and dead vegetation is burned to fertilize the land.

7. This technology was a type in which each individual character is cast on a separate piece of metal. It replaced woodblock printing.

8. This technology is also called “floating gardens” and they were narrow artificial islands anchored by trees.

9. The Chinese contributed the concept of ____ to Middle Eastern mathematics.

10. ______ allowed the planting of 2 crops a year in the Southwestern Desert cultures.

11. Ship of small to moderate size used in the Indian Ocean, traditionally with a triangular sail and a sewn timber hull. What is this ship called?

12. _____ were used to grind grain in Latin Europe and this technology was expensive to build but returned great profits to the owner.

Art, Culture & Architecture

1. The Hellenistic Age/Synthesis was…

2. A system of knotted colored cords that aided the administration & recorded population counts in Andean civilizations.

3. True or false? Decorations in Tula (the Toltec capital) were peaceful and religious.

4. Rituals, dramatic ceremonies, & exciting events held to advertise the benefits of association with the empire (ex. Greece & Gupta Empire).

5. A Greek city-state that consists of an urban center and the rural territory that it controlled.

6. Paintings done on a moist plaster surface.

7. Great traditions were often shared among _____ and small traditions were shared by ____.

8. The main export of the Ming Dynasty, which had blue patterns on a white surface.

9. In what city were there enormous pyramids dedicated to the Sun and Moon and people worshipped many gods? It was also one of the most important cities of its area.

10. The best-known accomplishments of the early Ming were advances in _____ making.

11. In what country was there a series of carved churches from solid volcanic rock? These churches had old Ethiopian tradition and commemorated a sacred Christian site in Jerusalem.

12. Giant heads sculpted from basalt are a widely recognized legacy of ____ culture.


1. Inca prosperity and military strength relied on vast herds of ____ and ____, which provided food and clothing as well as transportation of goods.

2. Conflicts between Greek city-states and the Persian Empire, ranging from the Ionian Revolt, to Darius’ failed expedition at Marathon, to the defeat of Xerxe’s invasion of Greece by the Spartan-led Hellenic League. What is this war called?

3. Describe the differences between Athens and Sparta.

4. Mayan military forces fought to secure ____ instead of territory.

5. The terror tactic that the Assyrian state used when they forcibly uproot large numbers of people from their homes in other to resettle them is called?

6. What is hoplite warfare and who developed it?

7. A military device used by mounted warriors who could supplement bows and arrows with a large lance & charge at the enemy.

8. The Inca developed a vast imperial state called _____.

9. The term refers to the struggle to control ecclesiastical appointments in Holy Roman Empire; the term also refers to the broader conflict of popes vs. emperors and kings.

10. A series of military campaigns (Christian) against Muslims in the Eastern Mediterranean.

11. The imposition of a _____ system on conquered people helped relive the pressure of Tenochtitlan’s growing population.

12. The typhoon that struck (in Japan) that sunk many ships of the Mongols was the _____, the wind of the gods.

Social Classes

1. In the Mayan society, women played a central role in the ____ economy.

2. True or false? In Teotihuacán, members of the elite controlled state bureaucracy, tax collection & commerce.

3. In the Vedic Age, society was ____ (the father dominated the family), and members of the ____ class boasted about martial skill and courage.

4. What is the patron/client relationship?

5. Which Chinese dynasty abolished slavery, abolished primogeniture, brought about free peasantry and standardized life?

6. A scholar class that began in the Han dynasty.

7. Name a difference between urban and rural women in Islamic civilizations.

8. Families based on _____ aristocracy emerged in the Byzantine Empire.

9. The leader of the Mongols was called the _____.

10. Military leader in Japan.

11. The name of the Andean lineage group or kin-based community.

12. A growth in ____ accompanied the rising prosperity of the elites in tropical Africa and Asia.


1. This Mauryan ruler converted to Buddhism after a brutal conquest with hundreds of deaths.

2. What were Constantine’s main accomplishments?

3. After the exile of _____, the Toltec state began to decline & northern invaders overcame Tula.

4. Ruler of the Persian Empire, was a Zoroastrian and divided the empire into 20 provinces, each ruled by a satrap.

5. Founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. He employed Persians and Medes in his administration and respected institutions and beliefs of subjects peoples. What was his name?

6. This Egyptian ruler shut down all religious temples except that of Aten. What is his name?

7. During which empire did China avoid over centralization by allowing local nobles, gentry, officials, and religious establishments to exercise significant power.

8. The Mayan society was _____ (traced descent in the male line).

9. After the Mongol downfall, Russians adopted the title _____.

10. A North American _____ is a territory that had a population of as much as 10,000 people and was ruled by a chief, a hereditary leader with both religious and secular responsibilities.

11. Political authority became more relaxed after the power of the shoguns weakened and then new shogunate ____ rose to power.

12. _____ was the Mongol ruler who best understood the advantaged of the Chinese traditions of imperial rule. He also was the founder of the Yuan Dynasty.


1. What is the belief in the ability of certain individuals to make direct contact with ancestors and the invisible spirit world?

2. What is the office of the pope called?

3. Religion that calls on all people to recognize one creator god - Allah - who rewards or punishes believers after death according to how they led their lives.

4. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? (name them)

5. This religion offered an alternative to Confucian emphasis on hierarchy and duty. It is believed that the world is always changing and is devoid of absolute morality or meaning.

6. Interpreting natural phenomena such as cracks on oracle bones in ancient China or the flight of birds through sectors of the sky is an example of…

7. The political ideology developed by the Zhou in which the chief deity was granted power to the rule of China and taken away if abused. This is…?

8. Celtic priests that belonged to a highly respected and well organized fraternity with religious, judicial, and educational functions.

9. Religion that regarded hierarchy, ancestors, loyalty, appropriate conduct, honor and role in society.

10. True or false? Religious rituals dominated public life for the Aztecs and they worshipped many gods.

11. This religion is monotheistic and centered on Ahuramazda. It emphasized truth-telling, purity and people that did good things will be rewarded in the afterlife; people who did bad deeds will be punished. What is this religion called?

12. A collection of more than a thousand poetic hymns to various deities.


1. “Roman Peace”, the safety and stability guaranteed by Roman might. This greatly enhanced commerce.

2. What did Greece export?

3. A grant of land in return for a sworn oath to provide specified military service.

4. Korea’s cash crop was _____.

5. Why was it called “silent trading” in the African trade routes?

6. The capital of Early Han - a bustling place filled with officials, soldiers, merchants, and craftsmen.

7. Cattle domestication originated in _____ and was later transferred to ____ by the Trans-Saharan trade route.

8. The domestication of this animal is related to the Saharan trade (didn’t need much water and could carry a greater amount of goods).

9. Serfs worked on _____ which are primary centers of agricultural production, also known as farming estates.

10. The main goal of the Ming Dynasty was to gain more ____ rather than expanding.

11. Instead of people using coins to pay, in Early Medieval Europe, people gave way to the ____ system.

12. _____ was sent to Song by Champa as a tribute gift and became important in the advancement and specialization of Song agriculture.

Chapter 16

1. The High Middle Ages were associated with:

A) Carolingian France

B) Steam powered industrial Revolution

C) Gothic architecture, Crusades, rise of the Western university

D) frequent Viking incursions and raids along European coastlines and rivers

2. Although Western European Society was not as tolerant of merchants as were Muslim and Indian Societies,

A) Weak governments allowed merchants to assert considerable power in semi- independent trading cities

B) the Catholic church encouraged profits

C) Christian merchants amassed more wealth than Muslim & Hindu

3. Scholars in Medieval universities in Western Europe…

A) were eager to study the classical Greek art and literature

B) trained students mainly in theology, medicine, law

C) arose in rural settings the larger, more famous monasteries

4. The long-term importance of the Renaissance Western Europe:

A) Influence global trends in visual art, literature, and architecture

B) emphasis in secularism

C) close alliance with the Catholic church and Catholic monarchs

5. The Hundred Years War was between…?

6. In Early Modern Europe, most rulers tried to:

A) limit the power of nobles that had been exercised before this time

B) replace the Christian clergy

C) restrict the power and influence of the military

7. The spread of the humanist movement benefited from:

A) local kings who supported it

B) support from the church

C) common people wanting to learn more about the world

D) the development of the printing press

8. What is a guild?

9. The decline of the Mongol Empire disrupted the caravan trade into Europe. In response, European merchants began exploring…

10. In response to the increase in population in Europe, farmers began using this new system.

11. Europe’s population more than doubled between 1100 and 1350 due to:

A) cooler temperatures killing off germs

B) a decrease in warfare

C) a revival in the economy

12. Western Europeans of the 11th - 14th centuries tended to refer to themselves as ____.



1. arches & aqueducts

2. zero; place value notation

3. Linear B

4. Grand Canal

5. gunpowder

6. swidden agriculture

7. moveable type

8. chinampas

9. fractions

10. irrigation

11. dhow

12. mills

Art, Culture & Architecture

1. the spread of Greek culture, due to Alexander the Great

2. khipus

3. False - decorations had warlike and violent characters

4. theater state

5. polis

6. frescoes

7. elites; locals

8. Ming (ware) china

9. Teotihuacan

10. porcelain

11. Ethiopia

12. Olmec


1. llamas and alpacas

2. Persian Wars

3. Athens - democracy, arts & sciences, philosophy, navy ; Sparta - oligarchy, military

4. captives

5. mass deportation

6. heavily armored infantrymen who fought in close formation; developed by the Greeks

7. stirrup

8. “Land of the Four Corners”

9. investiture controversy

10. Crusades

11. tribute

12. kamikaze

Social Classes

1. household (maintained essential garden plots, weaving & management of family)

2. true

3. patriarchal ; warrior

4. A Roman social relationship I which a client sought a patron’s help and protection

5. Qin

6. gentry

7. Answers may vary ; ex: women in rural places worked the fields and tended animals and in urban places they lived in seclusion and didn’t leave their homes without covering themselves.

8. military

9. khan

10. shogun

11. ayllu

12. slavery


1. Ashoka

2. reunited Roman empire (324 CE) and spread Christianity

3. Topiltzin

4. Darius I

5. Cyrus

6. Akhenaten

7. Tang

8. patrilineal (later bilaterally)

9. tsar

10. chiefdom

11. Ashikaga

12. Khubilai Khan


1. shamanism

2. papacy

3. Islam

4. 1) there is only one god and Muhammad is his messenger

2) prayer 5 times a day

3) fasting during the lunar month of Ramadan

4) paying alms

5) making the pilgrimage to Mecca

5. Daoism

6. divination

7. Mandate of Heaven

8. Druids

9. Confucianism

10. true

11. Zoroastrianism

12. Rig Veda


1. “Roman Peace”, the safety and stability guaranteed by Roman might. This greatly enhanced commerce.

2. grapes, olive oil, grains

3. fief

4. cotton

5. there was no common language to speak

6. Chang’an

7. Western Asia ; Africa

8. camel

9. manors

10. tributary states

11. bartering

12. champa rice

Chapter 16

1. C) Gothic architecture, Crusades, rise of the Western university

2. A) weak governments allowed merchants to assert considerable power in semi-independent trading cities

3. B) trained students mainly in the theology, medicine, and law

4. A) influence global trends in visual art, literature, and architecture

5. the king of France and his vassals (many being kings of England)

6. A) limit the power of nobles that had been exercised before this time

7. D) the development of the printing press

8. an association of craft specialists such as silversmiths or of merchants who worked in a particular trade

9. new overland routes and sea routes

10. the three-field system

11. C) a revival in the economy

12. Latins

*** below is the Potpourri that we weren’t able to get to, good luck on finals everyone!

1. Sing the Dynasty song

2. Who is descended from “that guy who fell of the Mayflower and needed to be pulled back on”?


3. Who in the class uses twin telepathy?

-Angela & Brian

4. Who thought that Parish was the language of Paris, France?


5. Who took pictures illegally at the museum exhibit they went to?

-Angela, Dain & Brian

6. Who did Lina and Tanvi fight over on facebook?

-Zac Efron


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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