Five Pillars of Islam Worksheet

The City School

Darakhshan Campus

Junior ‘B’ Section

Islamiat Reinforcement Worksheet

Junior – VI

Second Term

Name: _______________________________ Section ___________ Date ___________


• Pillars of Islam

• Prayer

• Azan-Call to prayer

• Muslim Heroes

Q.1) Select which of the Five Pillars is best associated with each of the ten following sentences:

a. This occurs five times a day and always requires that you kneel towards Makkah. _________________

b. Muslims will take this trip every year to the holy city of Makkah. ________________

c. “There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”_______________

d. To be offered daily, fives times a day at given hourly intervals such as sunrise, noon, afternoon, in the evening and after sunset.___________________

e. This occurs every year during the holy month of Ramadan. _________________

f. This is also referred to as the “hajj”, and refers to Muhammad’s journey to Makkah. _________________

g. This pillar describes the process of giving money to those less fortunate. ___________

h. This Pillar refers to the act of not eating from sunrise to sunset for an entire month. _____________

i. This comes in the form of both private giving and public contribution through a tax. _________________

Q.2) State whether true or false. Correct the false statement:

a. After the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi, there was no need of an announcement to call people. _______


b. Some people suggested that trumpets should be blown and some said bells should be rung. _________


c. Hazrat Bilal (RA) was the first muezzin of Islam.________


d. One phrase is different in Fajr azan. _________


e. The call to prayers is essential before every obligatory prayers. ________


f. The basic message of Islam is carried 6 times a day. _________


g. A muezzin is the person who heads the prayers. ________


h. We are not supposed to answer the azan. _______


i. When the azan is called out, we should listen to it carefully. _______


Q.3) Give detailed answer:

a. What is the second pillar of Islam? What does it mean?


b. What is the other name for prayer?


c. What is the result of praying five times a day?


d. Prayer represents a sign of expressing our Faith in Allah and obedience to Him. Explain.


e. What will be the first question on the day of judgment?


f. State some sayings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) regarding prayers.


g. When should a child start praying? At what age it is made compulsory?


h. When can the prayer be offered on bed?


i. What saying of Holy Prophet (PBUH) represents a proper Muslim?


Q.4) Write short answers:

a. What was the other name of Hazrat Khadija (RA)?


b. Who was the first convert of Islam?


c. When did Hazrat Khadija die (RA)?


d. What were the ages of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Khadija (RA) when they got married?


e. How many kids were born of Hazrat Khadija (RA)?


f. Who was the son of Abu Talib?


g. Who was declared brother of Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the time of Mawakhat?


h. What is Mawakhat?


i. In which battle Hazrat Ali (RA) did not take part?


j. How was Hazrat Ali (RA) treated by the first two Khalifas?


k. Name the four Khalifas of Islam in order:


l. When did Hazrat Ali (RA) die?


m. What is the full name of Ali Hajveri?


n. Why was he known as Hajveri?


o. Name the places he visited:


p. Who was Ali Hajveri?


q. Name the most popular book written by Ali Hajveri:


r. Where did he die?


s. Who was Tariq bin Ziyad?


t. Who was Musa bin Nusair?


u. Where was Tariq bin Ziyad appointed and how did he rule?


v. With how many Muslims was Tariq bin Ziyad traveling?


w. Where did the troops gather?


x. Who banished Tariq bin Ziyad? Where did he go afterwards?


y. Who is known as the ‘Last messenger of Allah?’


z. Name the 4 books mentioned in the Holy Quran in the order of revelation.


Q. 5) Give detailed answers to the following question:

a. Identify the major events in the life of Hazrat Ali (R.A) during and after the Holy Prohet (PBUH)’s life.




b. ‘Hazrat Khadija (R.A) proved to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)’s greatest support and helper’. With reference to the aforementioned statement, describe the relationship between Hazrat Khadija (R.A) and the Holy Prophet (PBUH).





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